Armored Core V - Garage, (Parts Discussion)

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#1 Sat, 03/10/2012 - 17:29
PoltegIce's picture
Last seen: 9 years 3 months ago
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Armored Core V - Garage, (Parts Discussion)

Wiki with most of the parts and specs when clicked on. Its obviously a work in progress with stuff missing, but it looks cool so far.

Sat, 03/10/2012 - 17:30
PoltegIce's picture
Last seen: 9 years 3 months ago
Joined: 10/25/2006 - 23:00

Apparently there are junk parts that have counterparts that are far superior. If a part name starts with a D\ it is junk and should be gotten rid of when its counterpart is available or sooner.


There are tthree other types of parts.
Fixed - fixed parts that are better then junk?
Performance - need to be a member of a team to purchase, upgradable?
Special - You are special aren't you?


Attack vs defense

Assuming optimal range for your gun and remembering these are rough numbers off the top of my head:

2000 KE attack vs 1000 KE defense = 2000 AP damage (0% Reduction)
1000 KE attack vs 1000 KE defense = 800 AP damage (20% Reduction)
500 KE attack vs 1000 KE defense = 250 AP damage (50% Reduction)
250 KE attack vs 1000 KE defense = 50 AP damage (80% Reduction)
Sat, 03/10/2012 - 17:33
PoltegIce's picture
Last seen: 9 years 3 months ago
Joined: 10/25/2006 - 23:00


here are the missile types I've encountered thus far:



*Please note that your FCS will give a chime for each missile that locks on. If you want to launch a full volley, wait till you hear your max number of chimes before firing. However, if you wait until you see the text "LOCK" popup in your FCS reticle for the missile unit, your missiles will have improved tracking.


*Also note that both FCS and Missile Parts have a "Max Lock" stat. If you're looking to launch volleys, line these numbers up as best you can.


- A short ranged missile launcher that's reminiscent of the "small missile" type from older Armored Core games. You start off being able to equip a set of these. This class of missile also seems to have the highest amount of available locks (6 is the highest I've seen so far).


- Hit like a truck and cause some solid stun.


- High impact KE missiles with Mid-range attack power. Cause a blast radius upon detonation.


Love them in this version of AC! They climb to their peak height at a much higher velocity than in previous games, and they cause a blast radius of damage when they detonate. The fact that they sound like miniature SCUDs helps too.


Similar to small missiles, except they move at a greater speed. They also seem to have improved range and a more distinct launch sound. I'm assuming the "Stealth" name denotes ability to evade interception systems.


- Similar to the AS missiles in the AC4 era. Their largely unaided tracking can net you some full volleys while on the move.


There was also a multi-warhead missile in the demo that split into three, but I haven't unlocked it in-game yet. I hope this helps. Peace!

Sat, 03/10/2012 - 17:35
PoltegIce's picture
Last seen: 9 years 3 months ago
Joined: 10/25/2006 - 23:00


Blue: Movement Jammer (Average Interference Radius - 35m)
Green: FCS Jammer (Average Interference Radius - 70m)
Yellow: Generator Jammer (Average Interference Radius - 25m)
Red: Recon Unit Jammer (Average Interference Radius - 100m)


While the generator jammers may have poor range, you can lay down up to five of them (UFC-10 FCS) around your AC or any other key area. The good ones run roughly a 60m diameter of effect range, with multiple charges down and spread out you'll cover quite a bit of space. They knock out 80% of the opponents EN Output if you use UGJ-22/H. They do not stack, though.


Also keep in mind that more dangerous than the generator jammer guns are the generator jammer fields. Those are produced by turrets that can be placed for custom defense of maps. They are significantly more dangerous and they knock out 75% of your generators output easily. They have a very large radius. I should know, I used two of them for defending our territory during the demo. Hahaha. Chode and I won every 2v5 no contest.

These are jammers that are apparently very effective if you catch someone in them.


I have read it discussed that by using the movement jammer as well as o combination of gattling gun or autocannon and something else you can permenatly stunlock a AC allowing you to rip it to shreds.


Sounds a little bit like a bad thing for an online game. Hopefully it isn't effective in MP play. Someone also mentioned that if you see someone throwing out blue bubbles infront of them and using a gatling gun, run away. The blue bubble must be the movement/stability jammer. The radius is only 35m so keep your distance and you should be okay. Maybe this is one of the reasons when you see online play the people tend to keep their distance.

Sat, 03/10/2012 - 17:38
PoltegIce's picture
Last seen: 9 years 3 months ago
Joined: 10/25/2006 - 23:00

When using EN amplifiers, sub computers, or ammo magazines with an arm part that has 2 shoulder weapon slots, the bonus of the shoulder unit gets doubled. It does not, however double the weight of drain of the shoulder unit like you might think. So its possible to about double energy weapon damage, add 40%/70% ammo to all of your weapons, or have fast lock speed with just about anything. Fun times.


Also I think sub computers give your team mates lock speed improvments if they are close enough to you. I think the second to last stat for them is the range that team mates have to be within to get better lock speeds, and the last stat is how much of the lock speed bonus they get.


Now the counter-point



You can break the face of players who use dual EN weapons with or without dual EN AMP pretty easy with a single generator jammer. It immediately shits their output down to 0. You can't even do a proper jump without energy. Let alone charge up a fullsize Karasawa.
Sat, 03/10/2012 - 17:40
PoltegIce's picture
Last seen: 9 years 3 months ago
Joined: 10/25/2006 - 23:00

Wow someone gets a little excited! But despite being a weiner sounds like they may know what they are talking about. I especially find the part about their LW (Light weight recon) Having no real weapons. That its outfitted with jamers to mess up the opposing team and parts that boost the abilities of their team mates.

Who in their right mind uses high output generators. Are you people all dumb? Balanced and High Cap have been the only viable generators in the game since beta. I swear you must never come across jammer ACs and jammer turrets or something.


What do you expect to do vs an AC team that has someone running UGJ-22/H? That jammer causes you to lose 80% of your EN Output, which means you're gauranteed to go negative and start losing energy even if you stop boosting. UGN-70/Ho VITAL goes from 17,530 EN Output to 3506 EN Output when in the range of that jammer. Most ACs that get in that scenario have something like 10000-12000 drain on their frame, so you're going to start losing 7000-9000 EN per second. The pitiful jamming resistance on the HO generators means you're not going to be stopping those jammers at all. At best you might reduce it to like 70% EN Output loss using UGN-71 ROBUST generator.


Worse is that the HO generators have absolutely no cap, so it's almost gauranteed that you'll enter full genbust. You QB for 15000 EN into a jammer bubble, so now you're 60000 cap is down to about 45000 and then your AC suddenly has negative energy regen in the 7500 range. You have 6 seconds before your energy completely busts and you're forced to try and walk out of the generator jammer bubble (good fucking luck). You don't even have six seconds to respond either, since you have to QB before your energy runs out. More importantly, you may not even be able to leave the bubble because you may not have enough capacity left to do a full QB. ACV does not let you do half QBs. You have to have the full required energy to QB, and the same for jumping and wall jumping. Once you permabust, you die. There's nothing stopping the AC who dropped the first bubble on you from just following you and dropping more bubbles on your head while you're forced to walk away from the bubble. A combination of no reserve capacity and no jammer resistance makes the HO generators easy pickings for generator jammer bearing teams.


Jammers in this game are all serious shit. FCS jammers will fuck you up. Generator jammers will fuck you up. Movement jammers will fuck you up. Even Recon jammers can fuck you up (situational lololol). Don't underestimate jammers. My LW is entirely built around them with no actual weapons besides the ability to kick. It doesn't even use shoulder weapons, I have a dual shoulder subcomputer there to buff my teammates lock speeds instead. You would be amazed at how easy it is to kill handicapped people. Jammers make handicapped people.


Anyway, generally speaking the High Output (HO) generators are all used by backpedalers and snipers. This is because they allow you to keep distance pretty constantly and they're very good at providing energy when they're not near a generator jammer. The Balanced (BA) generators are used mostly for OWs, but they're still very good standard use generators due to having very high stats all around at the cost of a very heavy weight. BA generators are the go to generators for sane people who want a lot of output. The High Capacity (HC) generators are used for CQC and general close quarters combat more because they give you an enormous buffer cap with enormous jammer resistance and decent output for almost no weight at all.


Look at the HERZ GNE500 generator. That one is a favorite among the crazy jousters and CQC players for good reason. 14k output, 175k capacity, 1400 resistance, 400 weight. Compare that to the UGN-70/Ho VITAL generator. 17.5k output, 60k capacity, 500 resistance, 830 weight. Everything on it is distinctly worse for just 3.5k standard output, which is almost negligible when you play this game even remotely right (cover/wall jump). Take note that when the HERZ gets jammed it only loses 50% output or so (due to resists) compared to VITAL losing 75% or so, meaning it has more output while jammed than VITAL has and 3x the capacity. Much, much safer and half the weight.


If all you're doing is QBing everywhere, you deserve to run into a generator jammer and die


Sat, 03/10/2012 - 17:42
PoltegIce's picture
Last seen: 9 years 3 months ago
Joined: 10/25/2006 - 23:00

All that in the above post needs to be tested of course. I have heard it contested that the HO generators are not as vulnerable as this makes it sound. Just their argument wasn\t very good. But yes we need to test.

Sat, 03/10/2012 - 20:32
MTPathy's picture
Last seen: 11 years 1 month ago
Joined: 11/22/2008 - 23:00

intresting read, lots of different things to dig into in this game.

Sun, 03/25/2012 - 05:17
PoltegIce's picture
Last seen: 9 years 3 months ago
Joined: 10/25/2006 - 23:00

PaiganBoi wrote:




So neet design. I am assuming mid and heavy weight parts with heavy weapons. Hows the beast working for ya?

Sun, 03/25/2012 - 06:37
PaiganBoi's picture
Last seen: 11 years 3 months ago
Joined: 10/25/2010 - 23:00

Actually its all med AC parts. I have to make changes though.  It's mainly KE resistant and very weak to CE and TE weapons. 

The weapons are a KE rifle and a CE combat rifle. Not shown in the pic are recently added a TE pulse machine gun and a Moonlight laser  blade. 

Sun, 04/22/2012 - 10:22
PoltegIce's picture
Last seen: 9 years 3 months ago
Joined: 10/25/2006 - 23:00


Oh made my jammer mech with targeting gun, and his verticle missile launching counterpart (thanx Gman and PaiganB for the testing). Not as usueful as anticipated..... Theory was that if the target was marked, then range and obstacles wouldn't be any problem for verticle missiles, which in theory makes sense. Well in actuality it ain't so..... The range is still limited to the individuals AC. Big bummer. You can though target the adversary through an obstacle, but unless you have a high mobility AC that can keep the obstacles between yas its almost pointless. Is this a sound strategy in a team battle? Very doubtful. Perhaps it has its benefits in 1on1 battles, but in battling a whole team, specialising in annihilating one target, (as powerful as the attack may be), is time consuming and dependant on a lot of coordinated team work. Most likely a hindrance to team performance.

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