I always hope I can get people to lessen their worries. With 5 months to go, why spend it griping when the game is looking so good at this point, albiet some unfamiliar things strike a bit of fear in us.
Yeah, it would be bad if one side gets the upper hand and then also gets an abundant supply of Rockets or something else equally powerful. What a horrifying situation. I just don't believe the end product will exhibit those kinds of results. I do believe if something does go awry like 8 ALockers, 8 Bubble Shields or an infinite supply of game-over grenades ruins the game, it'll first get tuned up in the gametype settings and then perhaps tweaked with a TU (I despise those two letters).
I'm confident we'll be okay. People who have serious reservations should just wait and rent the game to see if there is a foundation for their worry.
The problem is, if this happens, it will continue to happen until the TU is rolled out. It could be anywhere from a week to months, depending on the ease of fixing it. Or they could have released a public beta and fixed the problem before it goes gold.
I always hope I can get people to lessen their worries. With 5 months to go, why spend it griping when the game is looking so good at this point, albiet some unfamiliar things strike a bit of fear in us.
Yeah, it would be bad if one side gets the upper hand and then also gets an abundant supply of Rockets or something else equally powerful. What a horrifying situation. I just don't believe the end product will exhibit those kinds of results. I do believe if something does go awry like 8 ALockers, 8 Bubble Shields or an infinite supply of game-over grenades ruins the game, it'll first get tuned up in the gametype settings and then perhaps tweaked with a TU (I despise those two letters).
I'm confident we'll be okay. People who have serious reservations should just wait and rent the game to see if there is a foundation for their worry.
The problem is, if this happens, it will continue to happen until the TU is rolled out. It could be anywhere from a week to months, depending on the ease of fixing it. Or they could have released a public beta and fixed the problem before it goes gold.
Yeah, I realize that Reach IS the beta, but that still doesn't make me feel any better. I mean, 343 is fucking with the franchise that was the very reason for me buying a 360 in the first place. Until this title, I felt like I had some kind of say, knew what the product was, and had some kind of feel. Now? I glom onto third-party reports, reports from folks that get to play the game for 10 minutes at a time, and wait for baited breath for them to explain things in more detail. Sure, the campaign will probably deliver, and blah, blah, blah, but fuck, personally? This is the part I care about. For me, personally, if this game's multiplayer sucks, I'm probably checking out of most gaming altogether. For something this big, and with this many resources, it shouldn't need a Title Update. There's a high bar here with Bungie, and the fear is that 343 is going to end up sailing under it.
I always hope I can get people to lessen their worries. With 5 months to go, why spend it griping when the game is looking so good at this point, albiet some unfamiliar things strike a bit of fear in us.
Yeah, it would be bad if one side gets the upper hand and then also gets an abundant supply of Rockets or something else equally powerful. What a horrifying situation. I just don't believe the end product will exhibit those kinds of results. I do believe if something does go awry like 8 ALockers, 8 Bubble Shields or an infinite supply of game-over grenades ruins the game, it'll first get tuned up in the gametype settings and then perhaps tweaked with a TU (I despise those two letters).
I'm confident we'll be okay. People who have serious reservations should just wait and rent the game to see if there is a foundation for their worry.
The problem is, if this happens, it will continue to happen until the TU is rolled out. It could be anywhere from a week to months, depending on the ease of fixing it. Or they could have released a public beta and fixed the problem before it goes gold.
Yeah, I realize that Reach IS the beta, but that still doesn't make me feel any better. I mean, 343 is fucking with the franchise that was the very reason for me buying a 360 in the first place. Until this title, I felt like I had some kind of say, knew what the product was, and had some kind of feel. Now? I glom onto third-party reports, reports from folks that get to play the game for 10 minutes at a time, and wait for baited breath for them to explain things in more detail. Sure, the campaign will probably deliver, and blah, blah, blah, but fuck, personally? This is the part I care about. For me, personally, if this game's multiplayer sucks, I'm probably checking out of most gaming altogether. For something this big, and with this many resources, it shouldn't need a Title Update. There's a high bar here with Bungie, and the fear is that 343 is going to end up sailing under it.
That's just been the trend for most games lately. I really can't think of any big title that's come out that actually worked as expected day one. Companies are getting lazy and relying on folks like Deep to look at the bright side and be accepting of the imbalance and bugs and everything else for the first week/month while they make patches. I'm still going to be getting the game with the knowledge that there will likely be a few things that piss me off for a while. And until they get the TUs and patches I'll just stick to the modes that work the way I expect them to.
Don't worry buddy, I'll save a spot on the Grifball team for ya. We'll be the MLG Bronies.
I always hope I can get people to lessen their worries. With 5 months to go, why spend it griping when the game is looking so good at this point, albiet some unfamiliar things strike a bit of fear in us.
Yeah, it would be bad if one side gets the upper hand and then also gets an abundant supply of Rockets or something else equally powerful. What a horrifying situation. I just don't believe the end product will exhibit those kinds of results. I do believe if something does go awry like 8 ALockers, 8 Bubble Shields or an infinite supply of game-over grenades ruins the game, it'll first get tuned up in the gametype settings and then perhaps tweaked with a TU (I despise those two letters).
I'm confident we'll be okay. People who have serious reservations should just wait and rent the game to see if there is a foundation for their worry.
The problem is, if this happens, it will continue to happen until the TU is rolled out. It could be anywhere from a week to months, depending on the ease of fixing it. Or they could have released a public beta and fixed the problem before it goes gold.
Yeah, I realize that Reach IS the beta, but that still doesn't make me feel any better. I mean, 343 is fucking with the franchise that was the very reason for me buying a 360 in the first place. Until this title, I felt like I had some kind of say, knew what the product was, and had some kind of feel. Now? I glom onto third-party reports, reports from folks that get to play the game for 10 minutes at a time, and wait for baited breath for them to explain things in more detail. Sure, the campaign will probably deliver, and blah, blah, blah, but fuck, personally? This is the part I care about. For me, personally, if this game's multiplayer sucks, I'm probably checking out of most gaming altogether. For something this big, and with this many resources, it shouldn't need a Title Update. There's a high bar here with Bungie, and the fear is that 343 is going to end up sailing under it.
That's just been the trend for most games lately. I really can't think of any big title that's come out that actually worked as expected day one. Companies are getting lazy and relying on folks like Deep to look at the bright side and be accepting of the imbalance and bugs and everything else for the first week/month while they make patches. I'm still going to be getting the game with the knowledge that there will likely be a few things that piss me off for a while. And until they get the TUs and patches I'll just stick to the modes that work the way I expect them to.
Don't worry buddy, I'll save a spot on the Grifball team for ya. We'll be the MLG Bronies.
Halo 3 and Reach didn't have many bugs. MW3 had a pretty clean release, too. It happens, but the problem is that it doesn't happen a lot more often/constantly.
Bronies, I can deal with. Grifball is unacceptable.
Halo 3 and Reach didn't have many bugs. MW3 had a pretty clean release, too. It happens, but the problem is that it doesn't happen a lot more often/constantly.
Bronies, I can deal with. Grifball is unacceptable.
The REACH TU never fixed one bug but did introduce one bug.
It's sole purpose was to facilitate new features that came along with the CEA release.
Halo 3 and Reach didn't have many bugs. MW3 had a pretty clean release, too. It happens, but the problem is that it doesn't happen a lot more often/constantly.
Bronies, I can deal with. Grifball is unacceptable.
The REACH TU never fixed one bug but did introduce one bug.
It's sole purpose was to facilitate new features that came along with the CEA release.
Eh. Even though that was far after release, Reach was already Dead Man Walking and the Halo 4 beta by that point.
Halo 3 and Reach didn't have many bugs. MW3 had a pretty clean release, too. It happens, but the problem is that it doesn't happen a lot more often/constantly.
Bronies, I can deal with. Grifball is unacceptable.
The REACH TU never fixed one bug but did introduce one bug.
It's sole purpose was to facilitate new features that came along with the CEA release.
Eh. Even though that was far after release, Reach was already Dead Man Walking and the Halo 4 beta by that point.
Another FYI incoming. Just for the fun of it.
Frankie has said a couple of time now that REACH population has been stable to increasing in the last few months. I can't back that up since they don't publish the UU/24hr info anymore. Interesting to note is it's position on the XBLive charts at 5 and 6 for months.
I've been thinking of collecting REACH online populations for one week just to see how it compares with 5 months ago.
Halo 3 and Reach didn't have many bugs. MW3 had a pretty clean release, too. It happens, but the problem is that it doesn't happen a lot more often/constantly.
Bronies, I can deal with. Grifball is unacceptable.
The REACH TU never fixed one bug but did introduce one bug.
It's sole purpose was to facilitate new features that came along with the CEA release.
Eh. Even though that was far after release, Reach was already Dead Man Walking and the Halo 4 beta by that point.
Another FYI incoming. Just for the fun of it.
Frankie has said a couple of time now that REACH population has been stable to increasing in the last few months. I can't back that up since they don't publish the UU/24hr info anymore. Interesting to note is it's position on the XBLive charts at 5 and 6 for months.
I've been thinking of collecting REACH online populations for one week just to see how it compares with 5 months ago.
So, they're stabilizing somewhere between "uninspiring" and "disappointing"? I mean, you can't be hanging an article of clothing on the fact that the playing population is "stabilizing" within 6 months before the sequel comes out.
For the record, I look forward to playing with you when Halo 4 comes out. Aside from site mixers, the first release of a Halo game is really one of the few times people mingle.
For the record, I look forward to playing with you when Halo 4 comes out. Aside from site mixers, the first release of a Halo game is really one of the few times people mingle.
I mean I hope that perk/ability would only give the person like 1-2 more rockets or at the most 4 more snipe bullets.
Neighbor's clip on Adrift (? the dark map with all the pipes) showed him picking up a fresh energy sword and having 120% charge in the sword's "clip". I'm assuming he had the ammo perk, so that's 1/5th more ammo? Probably 1 rocket or 2-4 more snipe bullets. Still a big advantage though.
i don't like the whole idea of being able to pick your drop. that's great if you're the guy picking, but not so great if it's not you.
do we know if everyone else is aware of what the drop will be?
Think of it like a killstreak. I never understood the logic of that: You're doing good. Let's give you something else do do even better. Barebones, to me, was always a more acceptable playlist.
i don't like the whole idea of being able to pick your drop. that's great if you're the guy picking, but not so great if it's not you.
do we know if everyone else is aware of what the drop will be?
Think of it like a killstreak. I never understood the logic of that: You're doing good. Let's give you something else do do even better. Barebones, to me, was always a more acceptable playlist.
that's why i refuse to even try "hot shots". if someone is already destroying everyone else, why give him a bigger advantage?
if i know what the drop is, i'll know what to do if my team isn't picking it up. if everyone is blind to what the drop is but the person picking it, that's a huge disadvantage.
I would rank jetpack as the worst armor ability Bungie created. It absolutely ruined any tactical advantage your team gained fighting for higher ground. I've never really been frustrated with armor lock though. Sure some enemies have escaped death by going into AL only to be rescued by a fully shielded teammate, but I lost many more potential kills thanks to full bloom. Never had a problem with sprint though. I thought I read (or watched) somewhere that you have the ability to unlock unlimited sprint? If true, that could ruin some gameplay aspects. :/
We're clearly spitballing a lot here, but maybe the unlimited sprint will act like Call Of Duty's sprint, where you can use it a lot more often with relatively little cooldown?
Sprint doesn't bother me. Now I may have some issue with unlimited Sprint, but we'll have to wait and see how that plays out.
I also remember an interview where one of the 343 guys said that the map design process was actually easier once it was determined everyone would have Sprint.
What a bunch of haters. Halo4 is never going to have a chance with you guys. One of the hardest things about liking Reach was tring to avoid all the negative bs people had to say and it never stopped. When Halo4 comes out I know there will be some issues and I will have to adapt to the new gameplay, but I love Halo, its cool as shit and I will put the time in to learn it and love it.
What a bunch of haters. Halo4 is never going to have a chance with you guys. One of the hardest things about liking Reach was tring to avoid all the negative bs people had to say and it never stopped. When Halo4 comes out I know there will be some issues and I will have to adapt to the new gameplay, but I love Halo, its cool as shit and I will put the time in to learn it and love it.
I know I'll love it too and I know it'll have some warts.
Surprising or not, some of the worst REACH haters never even bought the game or played it much. Why some them adamantly go into forums to drag it down, I'll never know. If I don't like a game, I don't endlessly spend time talking about it. I see these people everywhere. Even on HBO there are some who never bought REACH, ODST or Halo 3 and have no plans to get Halo 4 and they do nothing but create negative chafe for me to wade through. The irony is that many of the things they complain about are getting ignored by the developer. You'd think that would send a message to them. Sheesh.
I enjoy Reach, but I don't love Reach like I did Halo 3. I'm hoping I'll love Halo 4 instead of just enjoy. I'm seeing a lot to like from Halo 4, especially after we finally got some real info during E3.
Enjoy essentially means I'll play the game, but if I don't have friends around I won't play more than a few games. I will play the game with friends, but the game kind of wears on me after a time.
I enjoy Reach, but I don't love Reach like I did Halo 3. I'm hoping I'll love Halo 4 instead of just enjoy. I'm seeing a lot to like from Halo 4, especially after we finally got some real info during E3.
Enjoy essentially means I'll play the game, but if I don't have friends around I won't play more than a few games. I will play the game with friends, but the game kind of wears on me after a time.
Love means I can play all day.
Quoted for truth. Reach does a lot of things right, but there's so much it does wrong, in my opinion, and that's because of a fundamental shift in philosophy. There are only a few months left. I think there should be a healthy cause for concern.
I enjoy Reach, but I don't love Reach like I did Halo 3. I'm hoping I'll love Halo 4 instead of just enjoy. I'm seeing a lot to like from Halo 4, especially after we finally got some real info during E3.
QFT. I agree 100% with this, especially after seeing all of the videos!
The problem is, if this happens, it will continue to happen until the TU is rolled out. It could be anywhere from a week to months, depending on the ease of fixing it. Or they could have released a public beta and fixed the problem before it goes gold.
Yeah, I realize that Reach IS the beta, but that still doesn't make me feel any better. I mean, 343 is fucking with the franchise that was the very reason for me buying a 360 in the first place. Until this title, I felt like I had some kind of say, knew what the product was, and had some kind of feel. Now? I glom onto third-party reports, reports from folks that get to play the game for 10 minutes at a time, and wait for baited breath for them to explain things in more detail. Sure, the campaign will probably deliver, and blah, blah, blah, but fuck, personally? This is the part I care about. For me, personally, if this game's multiplayer sucks, I'm probably checking out of most gaming altogether. For something this big, and with this many resources, it shouldn't need a Title Update. There's a high bar here with Bungie, and the fear is that 343 is going to end up sailing under it.
That's just been the trend for most games lately. I really can't think of any big title that's come out that actually worked as expected day one. Companies are getting lazy and relying on folks like Deep to look at the bright side and be accepting of the imbalance and bugs and everything else for the first week/month while they make patches. I'm still going to be getting the game with the knowledge that there will likely be a few things that piss me off for a while. And until they get the TUs and patches I'll just stick to the modes that work the way I expect them to.
Don't worry buddy, I'll save a spot on the Grifball team for ya. We'll be the MLG Bronies.
Halo 3 and Reach didn't have many bugs. MW3 had a pretty clean release, too. It happens, but the problem is that it doesn't happen a lot more often/constantly.
Bronies, I can deal with. Grifball is unacceptable.
The REACH TU never fixed one bug but did introduce one bug.
It's sole purpose was to facilitate new features that came along with the CEA release.
Eh. Even though that was far after release, Reach was already Dead Man Walking and the Halo 4 beta by that point.
Frankie has said a couple of time now that REACH population has been stable to increasing in the last few months. I can't back that up since they don't publish the UU/24hr info anymore. Interesting to note is it's position on the XBLive charts at 5 and 6 for months.
I've been thinking of collecting REACH online populations for one week just to see how it compares with 5 months ago.
So, they're stabilizing somewhere between "uninspiring" and "disappointing"? I mean, you can't be hanging an article of clothing on the fact that the playing population is "stabilizing" within 6 months before the sequel comes out.
For the record, I look forward to playing with you when Halo 4 comes out. Aside from site mixers, the first release of a Halo game is really one of the few times people mingle.
Neighbor's clip on Adrift (? the dark map with all the pipes) showed him picking up a fresh energy sword and having 120% charge in the sword's "clip". I'm assuming he had the ammo perk, so that's 1/5th more ammo? Probably 1 rocket or 2-4 more snipe bullets. Still a big advantage though.
i don't like the whole idea of being able to pick your drop. that's great if you're the guy picking, but not so great if it's not you.
do we know if everyone else is aware of what the drop will be?
Think of it like a killstreak. I never understood the logic of that: You're doing good. Let's give you something else do do even better. Barebones, to me, was always a more acceptable playlist.
that's why i refuse to even try "hot shots". if someone is already destroying everyone else, why give him a bigger advantage?
if i know what the drop is, i'll know what to do if my team isn't picking it up. if everyone is blind to what the drop is but the person picking it, that's a huge disadvantage.
I would rank jetpack as the worst armor ability Bungie created. It absolutely ruined any tactical advantage your team gained fighting for higher ground. I've never really been frustrated with armor lock though. Sure some enemies have escaped death by going into AL only to be rescued by a fully shielded teammate, but I lost many more potential kills thanks to full bloom. Never had a problem with sprint though. I thought I read (or watched) somewhere that you have the ability to unlock unlimited sprint? If true, that could ruin some gameplay aspects. :/
I do not know the details on enhancements yet.
would that be the extra ammo or dual starting weapons they were talking about?
Frankie 6.6.12
We're clearly spitballing a lot here, but maybe the unlimited sprint will act like Call Of Duty's sprint, where you can use it a lot more often with relatively little cooldown?
This new Walshy vid may help too. Be aware he has made little mistakes here and there, same as anybody would.
Sprint doesn't bother me. Now I may have some issue with unlimited Sprint, but we'll have to wait and see how that plays out.
I also remember an interview where one of the 343 guys said that the map design process was actually easier once it was determined everyone would have Sprint.
What a bunch of haters. Halo4 is never going to have a chance with you guys. One of the hardest things about liking Reach was tring to avoid all the negative bs people had to say and it never stopped. When Halo4 comes out I know there will be some issues and I will have to adapt to the new gameplay, but I love Halo, its cool as shit and I will put the time in to learn it and love it.
Surprising or not, some of the worst REACH haters never even bought the game or played it much. Why some them adamantly go into forums to drag it down, I'll never know. If I don't like a game, I don't endlessly spend time talking about it. I see these people everywhere. Even on HBO there are some who never bought REACH, ODST or Halo 3 and have no plans to get Halo 4 and they do nothing but create negative chafe for me to wade through. The irony is that many of the things they complain about are getting ignored by the developer. You'd think that would send a message to them. Sheesh.
I enjoy Reach, but I don't love Reach like I did Halo 3. I'm hoping I'll love Halo 4 instead of just enjoy. I'm seeing a lot to like from Halo 4, especially after we finally got some real info during E3.
Enjoy essentially means I'll play the game, but if I don't have friends around I won't play more than a few games. I will play the game with friends, but the game kind of wears on me after a time.
Love means I can play all day.
Quoted for truth. Reach does a lot of things right, but there's so much it does wrong, in my opinion, and that's because of a fundamental shift in philosophy. There are only a few months left. I think there should be a healthy cause for concern.
QFT. I agree 100% with this, especially after seeing all of the videos!
Just having a BR and DMR in the same game is awsome sauce.
Wait until they get a load of my game-over gun! BOOM, wins game. Yay DEEP!
Wait, didn't you come in dead last in points in the most recent mixer? I'm not sure there's a gun imaginable that can cover you up.
(He says, in a non-hostile, non-threatening manner.)