Tuesday Nights 10pm Est - TOYOTA MR-S - C425 Class
Tuesday Nights 10pm Est - TOYOTA MR-S - C425 Class
[url=http://myForzaGarage.com/viewCarDetails.php?carID=465&unqID=282&hideHelp... El Kochino's custom [2002] TOYOTA MR-S [C 425] [/url]
Tune on my Storefront
Drivetrain: AWD
Aspiration: Centrifugal Supercharger
Valves: Sport
Centrifugal Supercharger: Race
Intercooler: Street
Brakes: Race
Springs and Dampers: Race
Front Anti-Roll Bar: Race
Rear Anti-Roll Bar: Race
Chassis Reinforcement & Rollcage: Race
Weight Reduction: Race
Transmission: Race
Driveline: Street
Differential: Race
Front Bumper: Forza
Rear Bumper: Forza
Build/Tune Rules:
* All participants cars must be built to the specifications laid out by the series coordinator.
* Tuning is allowed on any adjustable parts that may be on the car. No replacing/adding of parts.
NOTE : This will be an Open Tune, meaning you either can use my tune from the storefront or you can use your own tune but you must have the required parts.
Livery requirements:
Cars must have a Racing Number on the sides, hood and rear bumper of the car and with their GamerTag on the door panels.
*Not a must but makes for good video, a racing livery
* It is the room hosts decision of what handicaps to be use.
Amateur/ Pro-Amateur/ Pro / Veteran
Starting Grid:
The order of the Starting Grid is GROUP and then based on LOBBY POINTS from Practice (lowest goes in front)
Seed Time:
Seed time is the average lap time around the track
Select the car and track for the up and coming event, then run 5 laps and post your average lap time, note do not post your fastest lap time.
Please enter your seed time by clicking here
Date and Time:
10:00pm – handicap ranking
10:30pm – Race
20min race, Laps will be determined by Seed Times
August 7th - we will run all the tracks as practice
August 14th - Road Atlanta Full
August 21st - Silverstone GP
August 28th - Mazda Raceway Laguna Seca
Racing Etiquette:
* Race Cleanly, give room
* No Cutting corners
* No Blocking, racing line is not blocking
* Call your intent
* No conversation while race is on, as communication between other drivers cannot be heard.
* During a Caution all chatter should be to a minimum, this will help get the cars in line for the restart
* You can call a caution if someone causes you to lose position during the race through physical interaction
* If you cause your own departure from the track, or accident or whatever, you cannot call a Caution.
* Once you call a caution, everyone will slow down to 30mph. Do not come to a complete STOP
* Racers go back inline. Restarts are single file.
* Room Host will call out a countdown, 3*2*1 GO, once all racers are grouped up (within a car length of each other) and up to caution speed (30mph).
* No passing on restarts until the end of following corner after the re-start of the caution or when the series coordinator calls “YOU CAN PASS”
* No cautions on the last 3 laps.
Enter your SEED TIMES [url=https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AseRZ-VFqMEkdFhnUUFhbXlSMTd... HERE [/url]
here is my entry
now show me yours
Hey Kochino is that a Black Penis on the side of your car or am I too fallic about it?
Nice Job!!
if you rear end me you're goint to get a full load in your face .... lol !!!
I nearly fell off my chair laughing ppl where wondering what happend!!
Paint come with it???

...If so any chance for 3-5's? with Black Wheels??

Car with the Spec Tune and Paint - sent
I'll send you one with 555 as the number but the rims are stock so you cannot change the colour
Thanks a Million..Haven't picked it up yet but I am sure it is OUTSTANDING!..Sincere Appreciation!!..

I was right...The Car Looks OUTSTANDING!...Sincere Appreciation for time and effort with the personalization.

Hoping my paddle shifter part shows up today from Fanatec to be ready for next weeks race. Maybe that one I will be able to participate..Talk..Hear..And Finish!!!

Should this have the race transmission to get it to C425? The build you have above with the stock tranny came to C415. Unless I missed something there
you are right, missed that, updated OP
I hear his nickname around the garage is RoughRider...ShaWing!
Can you two please keep your homophobic love affair off the 2O4F forums please and thank you.
Sure where do you live
Man, you guys are starting to creep me out....
Don't let their overtly homosexual overtones sway you from racing these cars Dbrown. I was able to get this car to run multiple top 500 times, which must be some kind of record for an AWD car in this game. It's really good at the mid size grip tracks, like any of the Infineon tracks.
I'll probably be putting a tune up in my SF for anyone that would like to give it a go. I've made a couple minor revisions to the original tune that I gave to Kochino, so it might be a touch better than V1.0 (no guarantees there though). Of course I'm also willing to gift the tune if anyone would like to see the method behind my madness.
Sure thing, I'll send it over when I can get on later tonight. Most major settings are the same, but I know that I upped the tire pressures and I think I made a couple other minor adjustments (possibly gearing?). Keep in mind that the ARB's are set up 50/50 in my tune, so you can make quick adjustments to over/understeer without having to do any crazy calculations. Just bump one up or down by 1.0 and you should notice the difference right away.
Also, being AWD, it really lends itself to wide entry and late apexing. The nice part with this car is that after your braking zone you can almost always be on the throttle fully, wihtout having to hesitate or feathering it. I think it's pretty darn easy car to drive, point and click.
Can someone hook me up with a livery with 13B as the number. Please and thank you. Also emezmer I sent you a FR can you shoot me that tune please.
if you don't mind the same paint scheme as mine, I can just add your # and gift you the car which will include the paint and tune
emezmer sent me the tune already but I would love to get that paint. thanks mate.
send me FR to gift the paint
ill try again, I tried last night but it said your friends list was full.
I cleaned up my FR list, lets try once more
With my new headset (Trittons) I am looking forward to the next series.

IT say's tuedays, But the dates are mondays. which one?
Can you gift me the tune? thanks
August 6th - we will run all the tracks as practice
Hehe Wheels.... Concensus is that El Kochino got his dates incorrect. Dates are all Mondays. Race nights are Tuesdays.
Unless I missed the memo changing to Mondays. We'll see tonight