Race2play Event Postings
Tue, 08/21/2012 - 03:28
Race2play Event Postings
Race 07
Wed Aug 22
Leon Cupra @ brands Hatch 20 min race
pretty sure i can make this anyone interested in joining me?
I;m thinking about joining that race. I see I have to download RACE ON.
Just signed up, how do I find the password for surver?
Go to your dashboard and it will show up there for that event.
I'm running the minis tonight at 9.00 pm est. I'm under greg connelly (gone broke racing)
I might sign up if the wifey gives me the ok..... what lap times are u guys running? couple corners are killing my times i ran against the ai and needles to say i was no where near there times lol
Well nearly time to have my first outing...lets see how it goes
Disaster, booted for not having my real name on the profile...made a quick new profile under my real name but had no time to reset all the settings, so ended up on the startline with a dead wheel and pedals so that was that...oh well sorted out a new profile for R2P and will try again another day.
Hey Paul. I saw that you were signed in as your real name.
Yeah...but my in race profile came up as Knight of Redemption...So booted I was...might have given me the heads up during the hour and a half I was on track practicing online not three minutes before the race...never mind I was going to get walked all over anyway.
Yeah, that's one of the little quirks over there. But it gives me a chance to use some of the mods I've got kicking around that a lot of the other GBR guys don't have or care to drive.
Sounds fun.
When you say your real name how do you change that?
You have to create a 2nd driver profile. You can save time by copying over the controller.ini (I think) folder to the new profile to reduce setup time.
Well Rf2 is in Beta, so whatever they are giving away is not actually available yet, rF1 Has a lot of life left in it at least I would say a year maybe more if the specs given out for hosting RF2 remain...it is going to be an expensive and data hungry job. Given all your buddies are out there in rF1 land who would love to have you involved and tuning...(what's that? self serving?...Busted) Go on mate, it's for free, and we need you LOL
rF2 is a weird fish, it drives beautifully and it is one of the few sims I can just race with the AI and enjoy just the feel of the driving, graphically it is...well, behind the curve, and they seem to be putting their hand over their eyes and saying na na na na na when that is mentioned, but it has a long way to go and the graphics is the last thing they are working on so there is still hope it will improve with further builds.
You actually have to go top tier (Pro+) for the free software, unless they've changed it recently. And even then, I think it will depend on how many months you sign up for up front will detirmine which options are ultimately available.
The forming/managing a race team is why I went w/ Pro, although I'm looking at upgrading to Pro+ since we're already full up w/ 10 cars (7 members w/ paid memberships) to bump the garage cap to 20 members.
Ah if only I had known...Still, it has become the mark of Knights attempts to race, what can go wrong will..gif)
YAY!!! Trust me mate once you get the hang of it there is a lot of fun to be had, it rewards practice. I also recommend once you have it to get the Lite version too, it's free and means you can have a Lite install for every mod this a, keeps things nice and tidy, and b, gets around the fact some mods conflict with each other. Sunday is a good day for fairly relaxed series over at GBR, Touring Car, Enduro and Porsche all running at the moment, all good mods.
I did notice that Race2Play has rF1 on thier storefont for $20 as well. I need to remember that for when other ask.
I'm getting close to pulling the trigger on a 6 month Pro+, which will cover me (and the GBR team) through seasons 26 & 27. We shall see though.
Well I pulled the trigger on a 2 month pro + package as well as rf1
DirtT Tuned Racing has all so been formed at race2play!
just waiting on the rf1 game code, they say it could take up to a day to recieve
today has been an expensive day.... x2 senior packs for pcars and a membership at race2play and some $$$ put in hiding for memory express grand opening sale!
I just want to thank Air Canda (worst managed company) for the 1.5 yr backpay cheque we recieved today
@ kurupt. One thing I can say about racing againts the guys over at race2play is they are mostly eliens. Last nights race ended with a dnf. When I saw the finish flag on my screen I thought I was finished. NOT!! I guess that flag was telling me that the leader just passed the finish line and i had 1 more lap left. That also happened to me with rf1 over at race2play. I did managed to not come in last place.LOL. The minis were fun to throw around the track and I had some great battles with a couple of the other slow guys in the room. I'm still learning the tracks over at race 07. On a brighter note.when I finished the race I went over to forza and won the tue. night race with the 2o4f gang.
I signed up for the 1 hr mini race next friday......I checked the scouting report and it said the avg lap time was 1.46.5 and the track record was 1.43.6xx
Iam working on a tune for that race ill send over when iam happy with it.....i did 4 laps semi stock settings and ran a 1.46.2xx a little tinkering and some track practice and i should knock a bit more time off of my current avg.
Paradox and his friends run nightly and are good to run with, there hella fast but good to get info from watching! there room is usually under wheel racers....just message them on steam for the password
@ kurupt. I'm also signed up for the mini race. How do you send tunes in race 07?
i have no idea lol
I can take a screenshoot and post it i guess?
Iam a computer noob but if iam correct i think i can go into my race 07 folder find the file, save it than post it here? than u would zip it to your setup folder? and i really have no idea how to do that lol
edit: thats a negative not sure how? iam sure someone here will jump in and help us
I know when Im in the setup screen it allows me to go look for tune files online. I press online and it pops up all the tunes that people upload .The only thing there is its for anybody to use.
Easiest way, copy your entire user folder then remane the folder and the PLR file within to your real name. Bam, done.
I do it that way because the PLR contains a bunch of customizations I don't want to re-do.
As far as controllers, I now use a central location for those and edit config.ini to point there (just like having a central track folder). I have 3 or 4 profiles (G27_NAGT, G27_HGT, etc) and I can usually grab a useful profile if I'm in a hurry with a new mod.
I'm signed up the the 21st, the 11th depends on the track...if it is one I am at least familiar with I may jump in.