The goodnight thread, and now...VR! Anyone else into it?

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Wed, 04/08/2015 - 09:37
SoulTerror's picture
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That's how my friends and I always where when I played Forza.

We play Destiny that way, I send out invites to my friends first, and from there we reach out to their friends/LFG. Lots of laughs are had all around.

Wed, 04/08/2015 - 10:12
DEEP_NNN's picture
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Hey, my ISP just freely upgraded my connection to 100Mbps/10Mbps from 40/6.

Nothing like competition in the industry.

No complaints here.

Wed, 04/08/2015 - 11:21
FreeRadikal's picture
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Yeah, I think that's going to be my mode of operations from here on out. I do like a website like 2o2p to organize some lose stuff. But I think games and microsoft are seeing how much people like playing with friends so I think there will be more of a push to get people to play more friends because that's what determines what games I play the most. That's why I liked Halo up until the MCC, I'm hoping H5 just has an easy to use; seemless party and lobby system. For some reason the newer games seem to be not building that very well of late. I think Destiny did a good job, I just wish the party size was larger. BF Hardline made squad join easy, but then if you have multiple squads its difficult to get on the same server. Anyways....

Wed, 04/08/2015 - 12:58
KnightofRedemption's picture
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Yeah the racing crowed are as far from clannish as you can get without sitting in a room all by yourself, when I first came here I entered the Forza forums with some trepidation, it was all too easy to see it as kinda cliquey. But I soon found that the opposite was true and no matter how much of a newb you were as long as you got stuck in, those supposed cliques just opened up. I found the same thing as I widened out into PC racing, and what seemed a closed world was so very accessesable to the point I am as deeply ingrained as it is possible to be without being on a development team.

In other news my music computer workstation went tits up the other day, went into a loop of half loading XP then crashing back to start up and doing it again. Disaster, I am locked in to XP as an OS as most of the relevant hardware and software will not function under W7 and there are a decades worth of work and ideas on that machine. The software I use has shifted platforms to Apple.

Fortunately two things came to my rescue, one, being a bit of a hoarder I had an old ide drive sitting around, it was the system drive went down something that became obvious while trying to reinstall Windows. Two I remembered I had invested in Acronis a disc imaging program that can run after post, I had made an image back when I first got the system up and running so simple enough to port that over to the new system drive. Fortunately all work is on two secondary drives. So up and running again, but it was a shot over the bows, the computer is aging, a new computer means new everything and it cannot be a PC because the software I have used from the point I switched to computer audio recording now as I say runs only on an Apple.

So the upshot is I will sometime soon have to move platforms and am looking at somewhere in the region of three and a half grand thanks to the premium price of all things Apple related, but at least my projects will port across, the version of the software I am running is just inside that porting window. 

I suppose in real terms upgrading is cheaper than it cost to build the system I have, but having to throw out stuff that works fine just because there are no new drivers or wont work with Apple...That is gonna suck when it comes to it.

Thu, 04/09/2015 - 07:54
FreeRadikal's picture
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Thanks for letting me complain and vent on this forum; it's helped me reconcile some feelings. I think its important to have a safe place to vent.

@Knight Sorry about your computer, I treat objects like my friends and I treat my friends like objects. Deep reminds me of a space heater, anyone?

Thu, 04/09/2015 - 07:56
SarcasmoJones's picture
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Yeah, I never ran into a clique thing in 2o4f and it was almost always a good time. I don't understand why other clans would be's just a game and you should be able to enjoy your game with friends.

Thu, 04/09/2015 - 12:21
FreeRadikal's picture
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Well, I just have to say I'm sticking with my clan. I have voiced my concerns and for the most part its been a good discussion. I know its not intentional what has happended and for the record there are a lot of great people I game with. I just needed to be heard and understood, I don't ever mean to blame anyone or put anyone down. I just want people to know for the record that I deeply respect decent people's life experience and care that eveyone can just live their lives how best they can.

I talk mostly from within as I veiw the world from within and feel that is where I can best solve most issues. I'm kind of a buddhist so that's who I am. I am a very loyal caring individual who puts his life on blast. So thanks for taking me at that. I think ya'll are great.

So on that note, when will I be able to buy a flying car?

Thu, 04/09/2015 - 14:32
DEEP_NNN's picture
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Inside Outers 2-1=1. Am cry.

Thu, 04/09/2015 - 15:17
FreeRadikal's picture
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I can be in more than one clan Deep. We are a clan of two.

Thu, 04/09/2015 - 17:08 (Reply to #5260)
DEEP_NNN's picture
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FreeRadikal wrote:

I can be in more than one clan Deep. We are a clan of two.

Oh,  okay. Sniff

You're a true Inside Outer. laugh

Thu, 04/09/2015 - 18:38
KnightofRedemption's picture
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Glad to hear you talked it out Free, and come here and vent whenever you please, we all do :) The nice thing about The Goodight Thread crew is we all come from different backgrounds, different game loves and no one has an axe to grind. Just chewing the fat, taking the piss...Well Jones may have an axe, shiny and sharp, he seems the type...Mind you I have one, a Viking combat axe and that is shiny, and sharp...So I take it back, some of us may have axes...and we may grind them...but in a careing way.

Fri, 04/10/2015 - 07:50
FreeRadikal's picture
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How hard is to swing an axe well?

Fri, 04/10/2015 - 08:09 (Reply to #5263)
SarcasmoJones's picture
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FreeRadikal wrote:

How hard is to swing an axe well?

Not hard at all: you just have to be assertive and have a desire to draw blood....or think it's funny when people are hopping around on their stumps crying like little bitches that they need to "go to the hospital."

"My axe is my buddy

and when I wind him back

Me and my axe will give your bald head a buttcrack."

Fri, 04/10/2015 - 08:11
SarcasmoJones's picture
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Fri, 04/10/2015 - 08:36
Parcells2's picture
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Has anyone ever tried that Axe deodorant and if you have did it attract all the women like the commercials suggest?

Or might a real Axe attract more women? 

If you happen to be gay (and theres nothing wrong with that) and use the Axe deodorant would you be attracting other gays or just more women? How does that work?

Good morning all. 

Fri, 04/10/2015 - 11:24 (Reply to #5266)
OldnAchy's picture
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Parcells2 wrote:

Has anyone ever tried that Axe deodorant and if you have did it attract all the women like the commercials suggest?

Or might a real Axe attract more women? 

If you happen to be gay (and theres nothing wrong with that) and use the Axe deodorant would you be attracting other gays or just more women? How does that work?

Good morning all. 

The only thing Axe attracted to me were flying termites.  I'd go for the real Ax.smiley

Fri, 04/10/2015 - 09:25
FreeRadikal's picture
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It's the eyes parcell you attract them with your smokey eyes.

Fri, 04/10/2015 - 14:51
DEEP_NNN's picture
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Wife rolls her foot and breaks a small bone, in the middle of my gaming. Sheesh.

Fri, 04/10/2015 - 15:08
FreeRadikal's picture
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Why? Did she land on your crotch? Zing!

Fri, 04/10/2015 - 15:33
DEEP_NNN's picture
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So sad.

Fri, 04/10/2015 - 17:37
Parcells2's picture
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Albert Einstein, Galileo Galilei and Free enter a bar...does free share this experience in the goodnight thread or keep it all to himself?

Fri, 04/10/2015 - 18:44
zombiekitten's picture
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I love you guys. I love this thread. I can vent, ramble, talk absolute rubbish, etc, and y'all either ignore me or pat me on the head and say "there there." I'm good with either. It's just nice to have a place to lose my shit sometimes, and know all hell won't break loose because of it.

I like the thingamajig activity thingy idea Deep. The halo nights were great! I could join for weeks at a time or not join for a while and nobody got mad. I put my 360 in the closet when I bought the One or else I'd still be playing Halo 4. Hopefully 5 is playable with a good lobby system.

As for Axe, it's horrible and I don't know any girls or women or gay dudes who like it. It's more of a chemical warfare type thing.

On a similar note, a man at the grocery store tonight had on way way way too much cologne. I have no idea what he looked like because I never actually saw anyone. Just randomly walked into huge choking clouds of cologne. I think he was testing its ability to asphyxiate at certain distances.

Sat, 04/11/2015 - 13:17
KnightofRedemption's picture
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Commiserations to the wife Deep, foot injuries are a pain, after all you can't get from a to b without them. 

In other news my film is back to life, received the shooting script last night, and that caused a flurry of emails, the director had not thought through costume at all, and wanted fully armored Knights. Given at one point he wants his principle to take a cut to the leg, I had to point out you cant cut through armour, also our hero is thirty years into his quest and wandering alone, hes is not going to do this encased in armour...But it seems I am the boss and all this is within my remit to change. So already I have moved the period of history back 500 years, got rid of the plate armour so I can choreograph historically valid sword play...Plate armour fighting is not really about complex swordplay, it is more about delivering blunt force trauma and wrestling your opponent to the ground. So for so many reasons, cost, costume and fight style, going high medieval was asking for trouble. So even given this is a story from legend, I want historical accuracy as much as I can, and the fighting to have some basis in authentic swordplay. Last thing I want is my peers shaking their heads sadly. As for the fact I as the main protagonist (yeah I got a part to) have to have a fight that is supposed to last three days and nights, the thought of doing that in full armour at my advanced years was untenable. But thankfully I have more power over this shoot than I fully realized, anything to do with costume, period or the fighting is all mine. Never had that kind of control, small elements yes, but that total responsibility for two whole departments...Awesome and scary in equal measure. Oh added to that my experience in sound has also been noted and that is another aspect that I am involved in...Gonna be one busy Knight :)

Sat, 04/11/2015 - 16:56 (Reply to #5274)
shamrogue's picture
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KnightofRedemption wrote:

Commiserations to the wife Deep, foot injuries are a pain, after all you can't get from a to b without them. 

In other news my film is back to life, received the shooting script last night, and that caused a flurry of emails, the director had not thought through costume at all, and wanted fully armored Knights. Given at one point he wants his principle to take a cut to the leg, I had to point out you cant cut through armour, also our hero is thirty years into his quest and wandering alone, hes is not going to do this encased in armour...But it seems I am the boss and all this is within my remit to change. So already I have moved the period of history back 500 years, got rid of the plate armour so I can choreograph historically valid sword play...Plate armour fighting is not really about complex swordplay, it is more about delivering blunt force trauma and wrestling your opponent to the ground. So for so many reasons, cost, costume and fight style, going high medieval was asking for trouble. So even given this is a story from legend, I want historical accuracy as much as I can, and the fighting to have some basis in authentic swordplay. Last thing I want is my peers shaking their heads sadly. As for the fact I as the main protagonist (yeah I got a part to) have to have a fight that is supposed to last three days and nights, the thought of doing that in full armour at my advanced years was untenable. But thankfully I have more power over this shoot than I fully realized, anything to do with costume, period or the fighting is all mine. Never had that kind of control, small elements yes, but that total responsibility for two whole departments...Awesome and scary in equal measure. Oh added to that my experience in sound has also been noted and that is another aspect that I am involved in...Gonna be one busy Knight :)

Hi guys`n`gals, I`ve never posted in the goodnight thread before. Mainly because I had nothing to add, but I have been following this thread from the get go. You guys are the best (and seems only) on this site for a while now. New people come and see nothing much happening and feck off again.

Anyway, to my point :

Knight, is that film you are working on anything to do with the legend of Setanta? The reason I ask is this

KnightofRedemption wrote:

a fight that is supposed to last three days and nights,

where he fights Ferdia by day and they tend to each other by night (they are foster brothers....sickos).

Just wondering cause I love all that mythology kinda stuff. Especially Irish myth & legend.

Wonders back to 8-bit land

Sat, 04/11/2015 - 18:51
KnightofRedemption's picture
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First I love it when someone comes on posting for the first time saying they follow the thread, makes me wonder how many silent vewers it has :)

In answer to your question Shamroque. No. This is based on the early stories of the Arthurian legends before the French retold them which is the version most people think of.

I find it strange there is little interest in doing a decent job of work on Irish legends within the Irish film community. I might well suggest the idea to the production company I am working with. I know enough people that are experts in Irish mythology...Though convincing them that not doing it as gaeilge would make the most commercial sense could be hard work LOL

Sun, 04/12/2015 - 11:56 (Reply to #5276)
SarcasmoJones's picture
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KnightofRedemption wrote:

First I love it when someone comes on posting for the first time saying they follow the thread, makes me wonder how many silent vewers it has :)

In case you were wondering (I'm not sure if you guys are able to see the stats) but this thread has 142,430 views. It's safe to say that we have some silent viewers. Happy belated to 2old2play: here's to another ten years!

Sun, 04/12/2015 - 17:49 (Reply to #5277)
KnightofRedemption's picture
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SarcasmoJones wrote:

KnightofRedemption wrote:

First I love it when someone comes on posting for the first time saying they follow the thread, makes me wonder how many silent vewers it has :)

In case you were wondering (I'm not sure if you guys are able to see the stats) but this thread has 142,430 views. It's safe to say that we have some silent viewers. Happy belated to 2old2play: here's to another ten years!

Wow that is quite a number...Can we charge admission cheeky Well hi peeps whoever you are.

In other news I am fed up to the back teeth with twats on Farcebook...I just had someone take something I posted so far out of context I could not believe it. No matter how hard I tried to pull things back to reality this guy would not change his idea of what he thought I said and who he thought I was...Hate it when that happens, I am one of those sad folk that just wants to be liked or left alone and I get a little out of sorts when someone takes against me for what they think I say, or think I am...Need to channel some Jones, who has a healthy disregard for twats. I deleted the post and thread but cannot quite shake off the feeling all is not right with the world. How daft is that? I love a good debate, and am not the kind of person who need to be right all the time, although of course I am he he. But when someone just builds a wall of bullshit, well nothing can be done I guess.

Ah well it is bedtime and I need to be up :)

Sat, 04/11/2015 - 22:12
DEEP_NNN's picture
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This site has been up and running for 10 years, I think. April 1, 2005.

Congrats to the admins and thanks.

Sun, 04/12/2015 - 07:49 (Reply to #5279)
KnightofRedemption's picture
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DEEP_NNN wrote:

This site has been up and running for 10 years, I think. April 1, 2005.

Congrats to the admins and thanks.

Does that make it the longest running April fools ever? Congrats indeed and thanks for the good times :)

Sun, 04/12/2015 - 11:21
OldnAchy's picture
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Feels like home.  In other news, my Youtube channel just hit 100 subscribers and has just under 23,000 views.  I started this back in the Halo Reach days to record game play and my Mythic campaign exploits.  Never expected this.

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