Thats why I like twitter, no takes you seriously and if they do for some odd reason, you get lost in the feed in 5 minutes and no one remembers what was said. Congrats Knight your production sounds cool, even though I have no idea what you're talking about.
@ Kit I hate cologne; but I wear deoderant because my wife says so
@ Deep it is sad; do you go to a support group for your short comings?
Common Core is a bunch of bull shit. My daughter came home with an assignment for school, she has to do a report on the guy who invented the Teddy Bear (barely any information about where he was born other then Russia, who his parents were, siblings if any..) make a poaster board, dress up as the inventor or the invention, and give an oral presentation all of which is graded. Oh by the way she is only 8 years old in the second grade.... They are still fucking learning every day words and how to write a complete sentence. I sent an email to everyone on the school board, 1 blamed it on Common Core, another said take it up with the school, another really didn't say anything... Her teacher already agrees this assigment is BS, and the school is just doing what the School Board tells it, so why would I waste my time with them? I knew it would be a waste of my time to email the school board but at least I can say I said something.
Common Core is a bunch of bull shit. My daughter came home with an assignment for school, she has to do a report on the guy who invented the Teddy Bear (barely any information about where he was born other then Russia, who his parents were, siblings if any..) make a poaster board, dress up as the inventor or the invention, and give an oral presentation all of which is graded. Oh by the way she is only 8 years old in the second grade.... They are still fucking learning every day words and how to write a complete sentence. I sent an email to everyone on the school board, 1 blamed it on Common Core, another said take it up with the school, another really didn't say anything... Her teacher already agrees this assigment is BS, and the school is just doing what the School Board tells it, so why would I waste my time with them? I knew it would be a waste of my time to email the school board but at least I can say I said something.
I don't think this is as much of a test of the student's abilities as it is a test of the parents' willingness to do a child's assignment. You're not off to a great start, amigo.
So I had a doctors appointment today set up 2 months ago. Back story. Lab work from physical indicated that I have hypothyroidism. The interesting thing is that the doctor did not tell me this -- he left me a voice mail that he wanted to talk to me about my labs but had to leave (didn't say how long) but his nurse would call to discuss my labs with me. Of course she didn't call. Next day I get a call from my pharmacy that prescription that my doctor had faxed over was ready for pick up. I had no idea what it was. Turned out to be levothyrezene. I got online, looked up my labs, noticed TSH was way high (and T4 at bottom of normal range), looked that up on the internet to find out that that indicated hypothyroidism which means my thyroid gland is not working and my pituitary gland is producing high amounts of TSH to try to kick start my thyroid. The medicine is to replace the thyroid output which should also lower the TSH output and increase my metabolism which should also make me feel better.
Remember, now that I found all this out by doing my own research, not by talking to the doctor or staff. A couple of days after picking up the prescription, I got a call from the doctor's office because he wanted to see me in two months, so we "set up" an appointment for today at 10 AM. I figured that he would ask me how I felt, I would politely demand much more detail on my condition, and he would give me lab orders to see if the medicine was working (I don't feel any better). Been thinking and worried about this for two months (and more because I had not felt ok for quite awhile).
Well I show up this morning and find out they have no record of an appointment for me today. WTF?? Front desk directed me back to the staff and of course they looked me up using the same system and said no appointment. After I described with great restraint how pissed off I was the desk person went back to talk to the doctor and after about 10 minutes of me waiting and fuming, came back and said they were sorry but the doctor was too busy to see me today. My restraint at this point was beginning to melt away -- I told the desk person that I would just go down to the walk in clinic to get new lab work then go find a new doctor. That got her attention and she found me an appointment for tomorrow morning. I also talked to the office manager about this lack of communication from the medical staff and the apparent inefficiency of the appointment staff. Probably did no good but made me feel a little better. I did get an email that a new clinical note had been added to my online patient record, but this particular site has not worked for me and of course I cannot see this new effing note.
Under active thyroid. Common as flies around here. I've been on Synthroid for twenty years now. The changes in how you feel are very subtle. There was a short period where I was over medicated and that had obvious symptoms.
Hang in there Achy. Seems every medical system is a pain in the ass.
Thanks. It's not so much the condition itself, but the fact that I had to go out on the interwebz myself and sift thru mounds of crapola to get the information I needed. Today will be an interesting doctor's appointment indeed. I have been in moderate pain and have had very little energy for the last 3 years and no one seems to want to pursue what is causing this and what can be done to alleviate it. I do indeed intend to be a bad patient today.
Thanks. It's not so much the condition itself, but the fact that I had to go out on the interwebz myself and sift thru mounds of crapola to get the information I needed. Today will be an interesting doctor's appointment indeed. I have been in moderate pain and have had very little energy for the last 3 years and no one seems to want to pursue what is causing this and what can be done to alleviate it. I do indeed intend to be a bad patient today.
FYI, a guy I worked with had a hate on for his Doctor. After a heated visit, the Doctor formally fired my co-worker as a patient. I saw the letter.
Well, I'm not in jail. The doctor was very apologetic today. He told me that what I am taking now for the thyroid is the lowest or "starting" dose and he wanted to see if it had any effect or had any side effects (none) before dialing up the dose. More blood work today but he thinks he will have to increase the dose.
He also is scheduling an MRI for my back to see if there are any disc problems causing my back issues, especially since I have pain radiating down my right leg which drives me nuts when I am driving. He also found multiple trigger points in a quick exam of my back and has prescribed a nerve medication to help relax those. The nice thing about this med is that I will take it at bedtime and its only side effect is to make one sleepy. Better that than taking pain meds to help me sleep!
I will also be starting up physical therapy for both hips to regain flexibility if possible. Right now I can barely put my socks on or tie the show laces on my right foot (I know there is a joke in there somewhere -- fire away).
Hopefully the medication and therapy will increase flexibility and decrease pain and the MRI will give us a better idea of the underlying cause if any for my back issues. I go back to see him in a month (appointment verified) so we'll see.
Being in pain 24/7 is getting real old, as well as being an old grump. Hopefully things will improve.
No jokes from me mate, I suffer 24/7 back pain too. Unfortunately nothing can be done, the back surgeon I saw said with a 60% chance of the operation putting me in a wheel chair he was not going to take the risk, I was not going to disagree. Tried epidural, made no real difference and hurt like buggery, so dose myself with high levels of Ibuprofen when I need to be active, and do me best to ignore it the rest of the time. Sounds to me like you at least have a prolapsed disk pressing in the spine, that causes that phantom pain.
Sorry to hear that story Achy. You know I understand!
*waves to lurkers*
so please tell me one of you is a computer person? My mom's computer suddenly popped up with a home group, and a person in home group named Frank. She lives alone, has no family or friends who come to her house. She's been told someone had to have broken into her house and set up the home group on her laptop. She's already paranoid as fuck. She fights with the condo board. She then tells me they're spying on her, throwing water on her walkway, etc. Serious paranoia. Someone telling her they've now got a key to her house and have accessed her computer is making her even worse. Please. Someone. Please tell me there's a way a home group could show up without anyone being in her house. I beg you.
Sorry to hear that story Achy. You know I understand!
*waves to lurkers*
so please tell me one of you is a computer person? My mom's computer suddenly popped up with a home group, and a person in home group named Frank. She lives alone, has no family or friends who come to her house. She's been told someone had to have broken into her house and set up the home group on her laptop. She's already paranoid as fuck. She fights with the condo board. She then tells me they're spying on her, throwing water on her walkway, etc. Serious paranoia. Someone telling her they've now got a key to her house and have accessed her computer is making her even worse. Please. Someone. Please tell me there's a way a home group could show up without anyone being in her house. I beg you.
Theoretically, Homegroups are set up on site on the local network. Is a router involved? Who owns it? If it belongs to the ISP, take it back and get a dedicated modem without a built in router. Just last month it was reported some ISP distributed cheap modem/router combos that had a known password set at the factory. They were being hacked.
I told her that but she doesn't believe me. Some kid who works for Cisco (her friend's grand kid) said "oh no there's no way unless someone was in your house on your computer."
someone could remotely connect to your Mom's computer and accomplish the same thing, never entering her home or even know where she lives. In practise she would have had at one point allowed this person access to her computer (or have virtually zero security features installed) but once that happens that person can take control of her computer at any time unless she did something to prevent it.
Some help desks (including some ISPs) can and will, with your initial permission, log into your computer remotely and have complete control over it at which point they can do whatever they want...much easier than walking technically challenged persons to fix the most basic of computer issues.
Never easy dealing with old people and computers and never easy dealing with old people and computers, Best of luck.
Quickest solution is to leave the homegroup which she can do from her laptop. I have never liked the modem/router combos. I use just the modem from my ISP and connect my own router to it with my own network name, password, and encryption set up.
Quickest solution is to leave the homegroup which she can do from her laptop. I have never liked the modem/router combos. I use just the modem from my ISP and connect my own router to it with my own network name, password, and encryption set up.
Well she stopped by her favorite computer repair shop and the dude said "OMG! You've been hacked! I'll need to work on it for HOURS. Bring itin with $200 ASAP."
She left the home group but is still convinced "they" broke in. She also swears when her computer had a Trojan and crashed it came directly from the condo board president in an email, so obviously this 70 year old man who still uses a flip phone is also a hacker. She reset her router but now it's got zero settings. Her laptop won't pull up the settings page through wifi, and doesn't have an Ethernet port. So now she has zero security on her router, is trying to get an old guy friend to changer her locks, thinks she needs a new router and to have her computer worked on...and is trying to booby trap her condo to catch the condo board people when "they" let themselves in again.
My goodness Kit that is a state of affairs, good luck in sorting that mess out.
In other news...Mrs Knight and myself have been reliving the world of Buffy, not watched since it first aired here. Funny I seem to remember the first few seasons better than the last, and season six we must have missed altogether. One thing I did forget was just how dark it was, man Joss Whedon is an evil fecker, really puts the characters through the mill. Never letting them be happy for more than a few moments before tearing it away. Watching them back to back for hours at a time is quite an ordeal, but the writing and observation of human behavior is second to none as Joss explores, love, friendship, betrayal, addiction, death...It stands up as well today as back in the day, maybe better as we are older and see and understand more what he was actually writing about...It sure as hell isn't vampires :)
Thanks guys. The past few days, she's left me alone when it comes to this crap. Tomorrow is my birthday, and I think she's afraid hubby will tell her off if she has me upset with her nonsense.
Looks like I'm taking a trip across the state in July, all by my lonesome! Family drama like you would not believe, culminating in a small family reunion of sorts (LONG story). Hubby can't get off work - can't even leave town- as it's all going down around the 4th. So I'm going alone, staying in my favorite hotel. I'm trying to view it as a mini vacation, but family is already demanding a schedule of my arrival time, check in at hotel, etc. IT'S APRIL.
Happy birthday ZK!! In other news, it appears I am in back purgatory. MRI Sunday showed arthritis throughout my spine, disc degeneration and two bulging discs mid back, but nothing pressing on my spine. At present, injection and/or surgery is not indicated. Started physical therapy for lower back and hips (can hardly get to my right shoe to tie laces) and was given a presciption for a nerve medication -- gabapentine -- to settle the nerves in my lower back to try and release the trigger points that I have. What is interesting about this medicine is that it is an epilepsy drug but has been effective for some people with back trigger point issues. Downside is the side effect list is a mile long. So far I don't have hives and my skin isn't turning yellow so that's a good thing. But I tell people if they see me foaming at the mouth to RUN!!
Thats why I like twitter, no takes you seriously and if they do for some odd reason, you get lost in the feed in 5 minutes and no one remembers what was said. Congrats Knight your production sounds cool, even though I have no idea what you're talking about.
@ Kit I hate cologne; but I wear deoderant because my wife says so
@ Deep it is sad; do you go to a support group for your short comings?
@ Galeleo; it was a gay bar
Did it go out of business? What is it now?
A hot dog vendor.
Today, the last speck of ice melted off my roof. Celebrations are on hold until the remaining 2ft of snow on the lawn melts.
Common Core is a bunch of bull shit. My daughter came home with an assignment for school, she has to do a report on the guy who invented the Teddy Bear (barely any information about where he was born other then Russia, who his parents were, siblings if any..) make a poaster board, dress up as the inventor or the invention, and give an oral presentation all of which is graded. Oh by the way she is only 8 years old in the second grade.... They are still fucking learning every day words and how to write a complete sentence. I sent an email to everyone on the school board, 1 blamed it on Common Core, another said take it up with the school, another really didn't say anything... Her teacher already agrees this assigment is BS, and the school is just doing what the School Board tells it, so why would I waste my time with them? I knew it would be a waste of my time to email the school board but at least I can say I said something.
I don't think this is as much of a test of the student's abilities as it is a test of the parents' willingness to do a child's assignment. You're not off to a great start, amigo.
You need to say, if I see one more mother fucking diarama assignment....
So I had a doctors appointment today set up 2 months ago. Back story. Lab work from physical indicated that I have hypothyroidism. The interesting thing is that the doctor did not tell me this -- he left me a voice mail that he wanted to talk to me about my labs but had to leave (didn't say how long) but his nurse would call to discuss my labs with me. Of course she didn't call. Next day I get a call from my pharmacy that prescription that my doctor had faxed over was ready for pick up. I had no idea what it was. Turned out to be levothyrezene. I got online, looked up my labs, noticed TSH was way high (and T4 at bottom of normal range), looked that up on the internet to find out that that indicated hypothyroidism which means my thyroid gland is not working and my pituitary gland is producing high amounts of TSH to try to kick start my thyroid. The medicine is to replace the thyroid output which should also lower the TSH output and increase my metabolism which should also make me feel better.
Remember, now that I found all this out by doing my own research, not by talking to the doctor or staff. A couple of days after picking up the prescription, I got a call from the doctor's office because he wanted to see me in two months, so we "set up" an appointment for today at 10 AM. I figured that he would ask me how I felt, I would politely demand much more detail on my condition, and he would give me lab orders to see if the medicine was working (I don't feel any better). Been thinking and worried about this for two months (and more because I had not felt ok for quite awhile).
Well I show up this morning and find out they have no record of an appointment for me today. WTF?? Front desk directed me back to the staff and of course they looked me up using the same system and said no appointment. After I described with great restraint how pissed off I was the desk person went back to talk to the doctor and after about 10 minutes of me waiting and fuming, came back and said they were sorry but the doctor was too busy to see me today. My restraint at this point was beginning to melt away -- I told the desk person that I would just go down to the walk in clinic to get new lab work then go find a new doctor. That got her attention and she found me an appointment for tomorrow morning. I also talked to the office manager about this lack of communication from the medical staff and the apparent inefficiency of the appointment staff. Probably did no good but made me feel a little better. I did get an email that a new clinical note had been added to my online patient record, but this particular site has not worked for me and of course I cannot see this new effing note.
Tomorrow I plan on being a bad patient.
Under active thyroid. Common as flies around here. I've been on Synthroid for twenty years now. The changes in how you feel are very subtle. There was a short period where I was over medicated and that had obvious symptoms.
Hang in there Achy. Seems every medical system is a pain in the ass.
Thanks. It's not so much the condition itself, but the fact that I had to go out on the interwebz myself and sift thru mounds of crapola to get the information I needed. Today will be an interesting doctor's appointment indeed. I have been in moderate pain and have had very little energy for the last 3 years and no one seems to want to pursue what is causing this and what can be done to alleviate it. I do indeed intend to be a bad patient today.
We sure had a good laugh over it.![laugh laugh](
Well, I'm not in jail. The doctor was very apologetic today. He told me that what I am taking now for the thyroid is the lowest or "starting" dose and he wanted to see if it had any effect or had any side effects (none) before dialing up the dose. More blood work today but he thinks he will have to increase the dose.
He also is scheduling an MRI for my back to see if there are any disc problems causing my back issues, especially since I have pain radiating down my right leg which drives me nuts when I am driving. He also found multiple trigger points in a quick exam of my back and has prescribed a nerve medication to help relax those. The nice thing about this med is that I will take it at bedtime and its only side effect is to make one sleepy. Better that than taking pain meds to help me sleep!
I will also be starting up physical therapy for both hips to regain flexibility if possible. Right now I can barely put my socks on or tie the show laces on my right foot (I know there is a joke in there somewhere -- fire away).
Hopefully the medication and therapy will increase flexibility and decrease pain and the MRI will give us a better idea of the underlying cause if any for my back issues. I go back to see him in a month (appointment verified) so we'll see.
Being in pain 24/7 is getting real old, as well as being an old grump. Hopefully things will improve.
I hope you feel better achy, being in pain is no fun.
No jokes from me mate, I suffer 24/7 back pain too. Unfortunately nothing can be done, the back surgeon I saw said with a 60% chance of the operation putting me in a wheel chair he was not going to take the risk, I was not going to disagree. Tried epidural, made no real difference and hurt like buggery, so dose myself with high levels of Ibuprofen when I need to be active, and do me best to ignore it the rest of the time. Sounds to me like you at least have a prolapsed disk pressing in the spine, that causes that phantom pain.
Sorry to hear that story Achy. You know I understand!
*waves to lurkers*
so please tell me one of you is a computer person? My mom's computer suddenly popped up with a home group, and a person in home group named Frank. She lives alone, has no family or friends who come to her house. She's been told someone had to have broken into her house and set up the home group on her laptop. She's already paranoid as fuck. She fights with the condo board. She then tells me they're spying on her, throwing water on her walkway, etc. Serious paranoia. Someone telling her they've now got a key to her house and have accessed her computer is making her even worse. Please. Someone. Please tell me there's a way a home group could show up without anyone being in her house. I beg you.
I told her that but she doesn't believe me. Some kid who works for Cisco (her friend's grand kid) said "oh no there's no way unless someone was in your house on your computer."
she has a linksys router/modem combo
someone could remotely connect to your Mom's computer and accomplish the same thing, never entering her home or even know where she lives. In practise she would have had at one point allowed this person access to her computer (or have virtually zero security features installed) but once that happens that person can take control of her computer at any time unless she did something to prevent it.
Some help desks (including some ISPs) can and will, with your initial permission, log into your computer remotely and have complete control over it at which point they can do whatever they want...much easier than walking technically challenged persons to fix the most basic of computer issues.
Never easy dealing with old people and computers and never easy dealing with old people and computers, Best of luck.
Wow, I just unplugging my computer! Bad computer. What are we talking about?
Quickest solution is to leave the homegroup which she can do from her laptop. I have never liked the modem/router combos. I use just the modem from my ISP and connect my own router to it with my own network name, password, and encryption set up.
This ^^^
Well she stopped by her favorite computer repair shop and the dude said "OMG! You've been hacked! I'll need to work on it for HOURS. Bring itin with $200 ASAP."
She left the home group but is still convinced "they" broke in. She also swears when her computer had a Trojan and crashed it came directly from the condo board president in an email, so obviously this 70 year old man who still uses a flip phone is also a hacker. She reset her router but now it's got zero settings. Her laptop won't pull up the settings page through wifi, and doesn't have an Ethernet port. So now she has zero security on her router, is trying to get an old guy friend to changer her locks, thinks she needs a new router and to have her computer worked on...and is trying to booby trap her condo to catch the condo board people when "they" let themselves in again.
Woah! Good luck with all of that ZK.
Sorry the paranoia is increasing there ZK. That type of behavior in a middle-aged plus person is not a good sign.
My goodness Kit that is a state of affairs, good luck in sorting that mess out.
In other news...Mrs Knight and myself have been reliving the world of Buffy, not watched since it first aired here. Funny I seem to remember the first few seasons better than the last, and season six we must have missed altogether. One thing I did forget was just how dark it was, man Joss Whedon is an evil fecker, really puts the characters through the mill. Never letting them be happy for more than a few moments before tearing it away. Watching them back to back for hours at a time is quite an ordeal, but the writing and observation of human behavior is second to none as Joss explores, love, friendship, betrayal, addiction, death...It stands up as well today as back in the day, maybe better as we are older and see and understand more what he was actually writing about...It sure as hell isn't vampires :)
Yes, I finished it up a littlle while back and I loved it.
Thanks guys. The past few days, she's left me alone when it comes to this crap. Tomorrow is my birthday, and I think she's afraid hubby will tell her off if she has me upset with her nonsense.
Looks like I'm taking a trip across the state in July, all by my lonesome! Family drama like you would not believe, culminating in a small family reunion of sorts (LONG story). Hubby can't get off work - can't even leave town- as it's all going down around the 4th. So I'm going alone, staying in my favorite hotel. I'm trying to view it as a mini vacation, but family is already demanding a schedule of my arrival time, check in at hotel, etc. IT'S APRIL.
Happy Birthday! :)
Happy birthday, Kit. I'm sorry that your trip won't be under the best of circumstances, but I hope that you have a good time anyway.
Happy birthday ZK!! In other news, it appears I am in back purgatory. MRI Sunday showed arthritis throughout my spine, disc degeneration and two bulging discs mid back, but nothing pressing on my spine. At present, injection and/or surgery is not indicated. Started physical therapy for lower back and hips (can hardly get to my right shoe to tie laces) and was given a presciption for a nerve medication -- gabapentine -- to settle the nerves in my lower back to try and release the trigger points that I have. What is interesting about this medicine is that it is an epilepsy drug but has been effective for some people with back trigger point issues. Downside is the side effect list is a mile long. So far I don't have hives and my skin isn't turning yellow so that's a good thing. But I tell people if they see me foaming at the mouth to RUN!!