Interested in the Last Wish raid?

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Wed, 11/21/2018 - 13:51
BCyclops's picture
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Got my 2nd Last Wish raid completion last night. I was surprised that it only took about 2 hours to do the whole thing. It was a good group. For the most part we were able to breeze through each of the encounters with very few wipes, except for the Vault. Killing the knights in the Vault can be tough, and I need to figure out how to do that better.

UPDATE: Empowering Rift with Lunafaction Boots should help here to deal more damage and reload your weapons automatically. Maybe even add 1 or 2 Paragon mods to get your Rift faster.

Thu, 11/22/2018 - 08:41 (Reply to #32)
hemihuman's picture
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Less than two hours is a very good time. Got my second clear yesterday. Took almost five hours! Almost three of those were at Shuro Chi.

Mon, 11/26/2018 - 08:11
BCyclops's picture
Last seen: 6 years 3 weeks ago
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Yeah, I think that Shuro Chi and the Vault are the 2 toughest encounters. The rest is not too bad if you know how to do it.

I found that Thunderlord seems to work well for most of the raid, except for Riven where I switched to void cluster bomb rockets. However, I'm not sure about the Vault. You might want something that deals damage faster there. Tractor Cannon?  Wardcliff Coil?

As far as the armor perks are concerned, I found that having 3 Special Ammo Finders didn't seem any better than 2. So, what I like to do is run 2 Special Ammo Finders and 2 Heavy Ammo Finders a lot of the time. For Riven you want Rocket Reserves for more rockets. In the Crucible, I like scavenger perks - mainly Shotgun Scavenger for more shotgun rounds from each special ammo brick that you pick up.

Thu, 12/06/2018 - 08:45
BCyclops's picture
Last seen: 6 years 3 weeks ago
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Got into a LW Raid last night and we were able to complete the first 4 encounters including the Vault. I tried something a little different this time in the Vault. I went with Tractor Cannon for my power weapon. Believe it or not, the EP shotgun wasn't cutting it so I switched to Zenith of Your Kind which is a Void shotgun. The Void Zenith seemed to work better for killing the knights. I was able to apply the debuff with Tractor Cannon and finish them off with Zenith pretty handily. I also used Empowering Rift with Lunafaction Boots to help with that.

If I had a Void EP shotgun, that would be the best thing. However, I don't have that unfortunately. It worked pretty well with the Zenith last night instead.

I also tried Chaos Reach (the new Arc subclass super) against the knights, but that didn't seem to work very well. The knights sometimes teleport out of the way. I think I should just stick with Well of Radiance for the Vault since it can act as an extra Empowering Rift to help take down the knights. I use the Well for most of the raid anyway, but switch to Stormtrance for add-clearing at the end during the Heart Walk.

Thu, 12/06/2018 - 12:34
DarthTabasco's picture
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Clops, nobody has a Void EP shotty as it was locked to Solar when Forsaken launched. Those of us that has a Void EP shotty, it was automatically switched to Solar. 

I do actually have a Zenith and it is a good one too, so I could see it working well with TC.

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