Counter Strike: Global Offensive $15 - Aug 21

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#1 Sun, 08/12/2012 - 01:14
Schultz's picture
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Counter Strike: Global Offensive $15 - Aug 21



XBLA.   August 21.   1200MS points.


Counter-Strike: Global Offensive is an objective based multiplayer first person shooter.  Featuring:

16 maps (8 classic, 8 new)

New characters, weapons, & game modes.

ELO skill-based matchmaking, party system, leaderboards

Bots for online/offline matches


Already bought my points.




Sun, 08/12/2012 - 06:43
Lou_Keymia's picture
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Its going to be hard for me to convince myself to buy this game, I am furious at Valve for their lack of concern for fans of Left 4 Dead 2. This brings me back to high school, though...
Sun, 08/12/2012 - 08:24
sleepInsom's picture
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Hell yeah! Spent so many years playing CS since the 1.5 days onward, from pubbing to playing in leagues. Only question is, do I get this for the Xbox or PC? I'll probably end up double-dipping.

Sun, 08/12/2012 - 23:33
Tue, 08/14/2012 - 08:21
Lala Calamari's picture
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As someone who played CS from beta 3 on Half Life 1 through Source on Half Life 2, I'm very excited for this.  Hopefully a 10 year old game is still fun.  For $15,  I will give it another go.

Fri, 08/17/2012 - 17:13
Lala Calamari's picture
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Sat, 08/18/2012 - 11:31
LocGaw's picture
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You guys getting this for the 360?


Used to love CS.

Sat, 08/18/2012 - 12:40
Lala Calamari's picture
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I am.  I played the ever-loving-shit out of Counter-Strike on the PC.  I started with the Half-Life 1 mod at beta 3 and went well into CS:Source.  I totally skipped XBox ! live for Counter-Strike (and Day of Defeat). 


That said, this is a 10 year old game.  I'm not sure how well it will hold up to todays standards.  I'm mainly buying it for nostalgic purposes and to tide me over until Halo4/BLOPs2.

Mon, 08/20/2012 - 22:20
Schultz's picture
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Game is now coming out Wednesday, not tomorrow.  8/22.

CSGO has a training course, designed to teach you the fundamentals of the game.
After that, you can get accustomed to the maps with some offline bot matches.

And there's also the new Casual Mode included with the game.

Seems like Vavle is definitely trying to acclimate new players to an old classic.



Tue, 08/21/2012 - 19:01
Schultz's picture
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Couldn't wait another day, DL'ed the PS3 version to play with until tomorrow.

Great being able to use a kbam natively.

Game is fun, weapons feel great, and are challenging to use.

Just been playing offline with bots.

Tue, 08/21/2012 - 19:28 (Reply to #10)
sleepInsom's picture
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Schultz wrote:

Couldn't wait another day, DL'ed the PS3 version to play with until tomorrow.

Great being able to use a kbam natively.

Game is fun, weapons feel great, and are challenging to use.

Just been playing offline with bots.


Have you played with the controller at all? If so, is the aiming as bad as it was in L4D2 on consoles? 

Tue, 08/21/2012 - 20:49 (Reply to #11)
Schultz's picture
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sleepInsom wrote:

Have you played with the controller at all? If so, is the aiming as bad as it was in L4D2 on consoles? 


Yes, played a couple of matches with the controller.

There's not iron sights, ADS, if that's what you mean.

If you mean how does the game feel to look & move - it's much better than L4D.

No sudden acceleration jumps in turning (right stick) and movement doesn't feel as floaty.

Aiming is quite smooth, actually.

Tue, 08/21/2012 - 21:21 (Reply to #12)
sleepInsom's picture
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Cool. I felt the aim acceleration in L4D2 was uneven and made aiming kinda frustrating. Glad to hear it's improved.

Tue, 08/21/2012 - 20:12
KamakazeTaco's picture
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I wound up getting this for Steam. I figure in the long run there's probably going to be all sorts of updates and mods for this and the console will never see those.

Wed, 08/22/2012 - 00:21
Lou_Keymia's picture
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I never had any complaints about aiming in Left 4 Dead actually. I will download this in the morning. I look forward to poaching Timmies with you all. All I need is my Scout rifle.
Wed, 08/22/2012 - 05:14
KamakazeTaco's picture
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Don't know if this bothers anyone else, but there's no party chat allowed. They require you to be in game chat so we get to hear all the timmies.

Wed, 08/22/2012 - 05:46 (Reply to #16)
Lou_Keymia's picture
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KamakazeTaco wrote:

Don't know if this bothers anyone else, but there's no party chat allowed. They require you to be in game chat so we get to hear all the timmies.

BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. Well, you can at least mute people, right? By muting the Timmies, it becomes a party chat.
Wed, 08/22/2012 - 06:27
LocGaw's picture
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I was chomping at the bit to get this yesterday. Guess I will have to DL it later tonight. Love to play some on the 360 so shoot me an invite!

Wed, 08/22/2012 - 06:45
sleepInsom's picture
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No party chat? Makes sense, I guess, since there are no respawns outside of arms race and dead teammates telling living teammates what they saw would be unfair.
Wed, 08/22/2012 - 07:13
KamakazeTaco's picture
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Yeah, but you know people are just gonna get around that. Fire up team speak on the computer instead. You can't stop people from being cheap and/or cheating. All you can do is annoy legit players.


It was also pretty laggy, but I'm sure that's just because it's the first hour it's been released. It's supposed to be on dedicated servers. I may wind up getting this on console as well, something to play til Halo drops.

Wed, 08/22/2012 - 10:21
SirPoonga's picture
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Xbox, PS3 or PC...

Xbox is not going to have Steamworks or keyboard and mouse control, but I know more people going to play on it.  However, I am old school PC CS player, I can't imagine playing with a controller.  Screw you Microsoft for not allowing Steamworks!

PS3 will have Steamworks and will be able to play with PC players and have keyboard and mouse control.

My Mac is just above min reqs so it will probably run like crap on that.

But then it is a $15 game, so getting it for more than one system is affordable.


The only problem I really see with the Xbox version is since Microsoft and Valve are not getting along it is not going to be that well supported.

Wed, 08/22/2012 - 10:29
sleepInsom's picture
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There is no more crossplay between PC and PS3. I'm also an old-school competitive CS player, and the idea of an uneven playing field where some have controllers and some mouse and keyboard really irks me. Besides, if I wanted to play with m+kb, why get the console versions? Counter-Strike came out for the original Xbox and it worked fine.
Wed, 08/22/2012 - 10:34
SirPoonga's picture
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Oh, I know it was planned.


Dman, I was thinking of hte PS3 becaus eI support any game that is cross platform and cna use keyboard and mouse on consoles.  I still play UT3 once and awhile.

Wed, 08/22/2012 - 22:11
sleepInsom's picture
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Okay, I take it back. My fears came true. Aiming in this game on the controller is fucking terrible. It's like all the console Valve games--very stiff. When you barely move the thumbstick, the reticule barely moves; when you push it a little harder, it accelerates way to fast. It's way to hard to point your reticule where you want it, and mix that with no auto-aim and enemies show up tiny in the distance, it's frustrating. Don't get me wrong, I did pretty good in the trial, but I found that I fought the controller half the time.

Despite the fact that CS:GO was supposed to be a console port of CS:Source, it's clearly the game was made for mouse and keyboard. Ugh. Very disappointed. Still, when the game clicks, it's really fun when it clicks. I might pick it up because I'm a CS goon and it's pretty cheap.


BTW: There's a nasty bug on the 360 version where your button config gets deleted and nothing works. When this happens, you'll have to reset your button config to default from the options screen.

Wed, 08/22/2012 - 22:58
Lou_Keymia's picture
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This doesn't feel anything like the CS I know and love. The weapon selection is reduced, and I don't have a Scout! Where is Assault? The crosshair annoys me. I want my money back.
Thu, 08/23/2012 - 00:04
sleepInsom's picture
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Okay, I take everything back. The game frustrated me at by the end of the trial...but something kept urging me to play more. So I said "fuck it, it's only $15," and bought it. Played some more, got more used to the aiming. Now? I fucking love it. I've been playing with random people, using mics, communicating and spotting enemies. Feels like I'm back in high school playing counter-strike 1.5 again with my buddies on Vent.

The game definitely takes some adjusting to but when you get used to it CS:GO is damned good fun even on the consoles.

Thu, 08/23/2012 - 09:07
Lou_Keymia's picture
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Any idea if there will be DLC available with this game? I want map packs. What maps do you guys want? I'd be really happy with Assault and Militia.
Thu, 08/23/2012 - 10:09
SirPoonga's picture
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This is counter strike.  It talks, walks, and quacks like counter strike.  It has limited weapon selections?  No, it has more from what I remember.  I don't remember counter strike having decoy or molotov grenades.  It has a couple more pistols.  There was only one LMG in CS:Source where there is two in CS:GO.  The molotov is a great area of denial grenade.
My question on the game is how long will it last.  Is is so similar to CS:Source and they brought in the classic maps that when you are on those maps it's like you are playing CS:Source.  It's a lot of fun, it is bringing back memories, but like old arcade games how long will it last before it is a novelty again?
On a positive note arms race is a lot of fun.  Interesting they end it will the pistols.  This becomes a catch up point for the rest of the players.  This is where a controller sucks.  There was many times I noticed that if I had a mouse I would have got a headshot because I could have snapped the crosshairs to the head instead of overshooting.  It seems the P90 it the perfect tool for a controller.  In CS:Source my favorite weapon was the AUG because it worked well for distances and close up.  In CS:GO with the controller fine tune aiming is so difficult in such a fast pace game I was just not feeling the AUG like I use to.
So, the good and the bad. 
The good: it's classic CS with some new game modes that are fun.  It's still a lot of fun.  The new modes are good.  The new weapons are good.  Everything good about CS is here.  One of the best things about this game is complete customization of the controls.  I completely changed my controls around to mimic other games.  I also like that you can adjust the zoom sensitivity - I wish more games did this.  this is a hint, the default controls don't assign the dpad to anything except drop weapon.  I put HE grenade, special toggle, bomb, last weapon used on the dpad.  My right bumper is knife.  This way I can get to the important wepaons quick.
The Bad: controllers suck for a fast paced game like this.  The PS3 allows keyboard and mouse control, I wish the Xbox did.  Lack of customization of private games.  They should allow customizing of bot difficulty, pay tables, map rotation, etc for private matches.  Plus private games should allow party chat - at least classic casual should.
Over all I think it is a great game.  It is counter strike, counter strike has always been fun.  I just don't know if it has the legs to last more than a couple of months until Halo and Black ops come out.  But for $15, why not...
Sat, 08/25/2012 - 04:30 (Reply to #28)
Schultz's picture
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SirPoonga wrote:
The Bad: controllers suck for a fast paced game like this.  The PS3 allows keyboard and mouse control,

I wish the Xbox did.

Psst -

The PS3 kbam control feels laggy and sloppy.  I bought that version too.  Plus there's issues of either the kb or mouse not being recognized.  Seen a number of complaints on the Steam CSGO forum. Plus, you can only bind 5 commands on your mouse on the PS3 version: buttons & scroll wheel.  No forward/back/aux/dpi 


I'm having fun playing this.  Haven't been addicted to a game like this in a while.  Never did play CS before this.  Really like the quick Demolition maps.  Really hope Valve throws us Xbox players some updates and additional content.


Really wish Valve had gotten this game to run at 60fps too; shame it doesn't.




Thu, 08/23/2012 - 11:53
SirPoonga's picture
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For anyone new to counter strike here's some tips.
With this counter strike you can take over a bot if you die.  That's cool.  However, that bot might have a weapon you don't like.  I had this happen last night.  I had the high end lmg but died.  I took over a bot that had a sniper rifle and went to go pick up my lmg.  For those that don't know, you have to buy your weapons and gear at the beginning of each match.  If you don't die you get to keep what you didn't use up.  However, the bots tend to stick to the guns they like.  So on the next match that bot dropped my lmg and went back to sniper.  So I could save money by picking my lmg up then.
Similarly if you kill an enemy with your favorite weapons pick it up.  My favorite weapon is the AUG but if I am on terrorists side I can't have that.  However, if I see one on the ground I can pick up and it is mine until I die.
That is the importance of the drop weapon button.  I forgot about that last night since at any time you can look down at a weapon and hold the use button to pick it up.  BUT that means you have to look down.  With the drop button you drop your current weapon and automatically pick up what is on the ground.  The big thing about CS is you want ot optimize your controls.  Split seconds count.  That is why I have a dedicated HE grenade, knife, and bomb button.  One of my friends setup his controls just like gears of war.  Primary weapon on right dpad, secondary on left, grenades up.  What ever works for you.
Strafing back and forth around cover is big.  There's no health pack, regenerating shields, or any other crap like that.  Just a straight up health meter, when you are out you are out.  So constantly moving to make yourself a harder target is key.  Sitting still will just give someone the time to headshot you.
And last tip, many guns have alternate fire modes.  The glock pistol has burst fire, so do some of the assault rifles.  I assigned left trigger to alt fire mode becuase on snipers that is zoom. Just be careful, the trigger is sensitive.  You just need a quick tap.  Holding it will cycles through the modes constantly.
Fri, 08/24/2012 - 11:23
KAZUYA's picture
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I have this on Steam, in case someone wants to play :)

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