2O4F Going Public

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#1 Wed, 08/15/2012 - 10:14
jcotter13's picture
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2O4F Going Public

After serious thought, I think it might be time to make 2O4F a public group. Don't freak out. I really don't see this changing things much for us. I think this is the best way to get ourselves out there a little bit more. If thing's don't work out, we can always go back to a private format if need be as long as doodi gives us that option.


This is also part of why I'm doing this. We never know how it's going to work until we try. Hopefully we won't be invaded by flamers/spammers. If we do, we'll deal with it then.

So here's your notice. Effective Friday, I will be making this forum open to the rest of 2o2p. Hopefully in short order, doodi & I can get the admins here hashed out to where they will have the same capabilities as I do on our forums here, Thus making my life a little easier hopefully.


Thoughtsor comments are welcome.

Wed, 08/15/2012 - 10:24
Sherb's picture
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I think it's certainly worth a try.  It's not like we turn anyone away without giving them a fair shake anyways.

Wed, 08/15/2012 - 10:37
Oldschool 2o4f's picture
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I don't see a difference for the most part.

Those that are interested will stay, those that aren't won't.

It's the .001% that will be the difference.

However, if it stil linvolves being over 25 and registering first to see the public forums, I don't see any difference at all. It won't increase participation in game much at all. I say that because we actively attend to anyone that posts interest already.Perhaps more so thatn any other group in 2)2P, and I think that in itself is a major difference in how we operate, which wasn't addressed in the "Clan: thread outside.

Major props to the admins in here for that.


Or to summarize all the crap above: meh.

Wed, 08/15/2012 - 11:17
POIDSLY's picture
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Thumbs up Cotter. You can never predict what the outcome of something like this is going to be. Only logical thing is to try it. What's the worst that can happen? And if we do get inundated by idiots so what? You can review it then. I personally think you (JC) should be able to choose threads to open up to all comers as stated in my other post about this a few days ago. The on thing that does occur to me is that it is possible someone could decide to screw around with sign up sheets. Or am I wrong? Misunderstanding?
Wed, 08/15/2012 - 11:51 (Reply to #4)
CProRacing's picture
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POIDSLY wrote:
Thumbs up Cotter. You can never predict what the outcome of something like this is going to be. Only logical thing is to try it. What's the worst that can happen? And if we do get inundated by idiots so what? You can review it then. I personally think you (JC) should be able to choose threads to open up to all comers as stated in my other post about this a few days ago. The on thing that does occur to me is that it is possible someone could decide to screw around with sign up sheets. Or am I wrong? Misunderstanding?


I dont think it will be a good idea to have open Sign up sheets.


Maybe just a post to show intrest.

Wed, 08/15/2012 - 11:18
Parcells2's picture
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As long as Parcells can still write in third person what do I care?



Wed, 08/15/2012 - 12:02 (Reply to #6)
Oldschool 2o4f's picture
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Parcells2 wrote:

As long as Parcells can still write in third person what do we care?



There, fixed...

Wed, 08/15/2012 - 12:04
Sherb's picture
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Yeah, coordinators will probably want to start keeping Google Docs locked...at least the sheets that have points tallies on them.  I don't know that it'll be much of an issue is it's strictly a signup doc.

Wed, 08/15/2012 - 12:12
CProRacing's picture
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All though i suppose we can revert the sheets back if there is any changes. I hope doodi sorts admin rights out before just incase.

Wed, 08/15/2012 - 12:15
SarcasmoJones's picture
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It sounds like fun...should be able to piss off a lot more people in a public forum.

Wed, 08/15/2012 - 12:42 (Reply to #10)
Oldschool 2o4f's picture
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SarcasmoJones wrote:

It sounds like fun...should be able to piss off a lot more people in a public forum.


Closet optimist...23

Wed, 08/15/2012 - 13:52 (Reply to #11)
SarcasmoJones's picture
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oldschoolsmart wrote:

SarcasmoJones wrote:

It sounds like fun...should be able to piss off a lot more people in a public forum.


Closet optimist...23

I've been out of the closet for a while now and it totally feels half-full.


Wed, 08/15/2012 - 12:35
Tourni6's picture
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Good on you J - Can you lock out the events section to private? 

Happy to admin any assholes that come this way. 

Wed, 08/15/2012 - 13:05 (Reply to #13)
jcotter13's picture
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Tourni6 wrote:

Good on you J - Can you lock out the events section to private? 

Happy to admin any assholes that come this way. 


I don't think I have the otion of making the sub-forums private. I think sign ups will be ok. Runnig points tallies should be locked though probably. Or kep private & not published by the organizer. Instead perhaps they should just kep an updated points tally in the series thread if they want people to be able to keep track still.


With all of the positive feedback here, I may go ahead & pull the trigger early.


@ Church, I'm communicating with doodi now trying to get our groups admin priveleeges sorted out. So hopefully we'll be good on that end in short order.

Wed, 08/15/2012 - 13:18
jcotter13's picture
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Actually, I can control each forum individually. I'm going to open all of them for now. If things start getting sabotaged, I'll take the event forum back to private. But for now I'm going to leave it open.


BTW, I just pulled the trigger. We are now officially open to the public.

Wed, 08/15/2012 - 13:18
Tourni6's picture
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my sign up sheets are unlocked - but the league sheet is locked, because it took forever to build it :D


I think in essence that any publicity is good publicity, I think i would speak for all here that we want to see a more active community and lobby wise.   Too many people join up and don't jump in, heavens knows why! We have a fantastic bunch of people here, seriously awesome events and no end to the amount of help on offer.  It begs the question, what are we missing?


I also hopped on to the forza motorpsort forum to find Poidsly and Oldschool doing a great job on promoting the clan - well done guys :)   Perhaps we should have a monthly public lobby event, where we just flock to the lobbies for an hour or two to recruit drivers? :) 

Wed, 08/15/2012 - 13:21
Tourni6's picture
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haha a like button is here - Click it :D

Wed, 08/15/2012 - 13:21
jcotter13's picture
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Yeah. To obad my xbl account is messed up & I can't sign in on my priumaray tag online. Thus preventing me from maintaining the recruiting thread myself. I need to cal ms & get that fixed.

Wed, 08/15/2012 - 13:25
CProRacing's picture
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Nevermind lol
Wed, 08/15/2012 - 13:46
Parcells2's picture
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Just testing the new like button...liked Churchs above psot even though there is clearly nothing worth liking and also found that you cannot like a post more than once...that saddens Parcells cause I was planning on liking my own posts literally hundred of times because I'm so shallow...now lets see if I can even like my own post....

Wed, 08/15/2012 - 13:51
CProRacing's picture
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Just going to like everything.


Although I have requested a dis-like button. Maybe that would be better for parcells

Wed, 08/15/2012 - 13:57
Oldschool 2o4f's picture
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Mostly the same myself except for beer, either it's full, or the damn thing needs to be refilled!

Wed, 08/15/2012 - 14:01
Parcells2's picture
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Seems you can like your own posts. Parcells is going to be one likeable person henceforth.

Wed, 08/15/2012 - 14:15
Parcells2's picture
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ATTENTION any new-comers and/or generic 2O2P members that ventured into our now public forums. You should turn around and go back to where you came from ASAP.


Parcells used to be an intelligent well rounded middle-aged half-man when I joined 2O4F. Now, 2.5 years later, the imbeciles that are 2O4F have driven me to become a half-wit crazy person. I can barely put a proper sentence together any more, have a hard time focusing and somewhere along the way Parcells started talking in third person and I contribute my problems to this group…I mean, what else could it possibly be right?


Anyway, you’ve been forewarned. Don’t come crying to Parcells if you lose your mind or even lose a race by some joker who has mastered the art of driving upside down and don’t laugh that off it happens on a regular basis.


Cotter: Is this the type of positive message you’re hoping the masses see?…let me know if Parcells is on the right track and/or require some minor tweaking.    

Wed, 08/15/2012 - 14:56
KnightofRedemption's picture
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Well my thoughts are well known, and the thread that expresses them gone, sign of the times? Ah well I will say less as I don't want to talk to the world all the time.

Wed, 08/15/2012 - 15:18
Kenjamin1 MI's picture
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I'm going to be watching the posts in here. Thanks 2Old4Forza! You have a big group!


Wed, 08/15/2012 - 15:48 (Reply to #26)
Tourni6's picture
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Kenjamin1 MI wrote:

I'm going to be watching the posts in here. Thanks 2Old4Forza! You have a big group!



Welcome to our home :D

Wed, 08/15/2012 - 15:52 (Reply to #27)
Sherb's picture
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Kenjamin1 MI wrote:

I'm going to be watching the posts in here. Thanks 2Old4Forza! You have a big group!

Welcome to our humble abode.  189

Wed, 08/15/2012 - 15:47
Oldschool 2o4f's picture
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Was that a fat joke?

Wed, 08/15/2012 - 18:01 (Reply to #29)
MacPaige1's picture
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Maybe just a heavy thought.

Wed, 08/15/2012 - 16:05
DEEP_NNN's picture
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Nice to see you are pace setting. Good pun? :)

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