General Event discussion.

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#1 Wed, 11/21/2012 - 06:09
Tourni6's picture
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General Event discussion.

I'd like to get a some discussions going for events, you know, to involve the community or some thing.  Perhaps it will create some good race ideas and such. 


So what do people think about drag tyres? 

It took abit of getting used to and it certainly makes passing alot harder and more tactical.  But, on the whole I like the way they feel and the way that things can suddenly go really wrong... So where does it leave future events? 

We'll i'm certainly toying with the idea of the old MX5 racing, lotus exiges and perhaps some muscle cars. Longer races that require pitstops (Even oval racing could be fun!) I'd like to see what people thought before going this route.   It does limit tracks, to tracks which have pits or a short enough race to not kill the tyres. 


Wed, 11/21/2012 - 08:11
Parcells2's picture
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Tourni6 wrote:

(Even oval racing could be fun!)  

I got news for you Tourni...they're not.


Please note that the balance of Parcells feedback may be a bit bias towards my likes.


Slower cars or lotus Exiges are always a safe bet for intense battles. This has always been my experience and the initial feedback from yesterday's inaugural Yaris race supports this claim.


As far as the tyre's go the drags are not "necessary" for slower cars but they present no real problem in handling and definitely add some excitement to the races.


As always Parcells supports your decisions 100% unless of course I disagree with you :)





Wed, 11/21/2012 - 08:24
Tourni6's picture
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I did forget to mention that a possibility of some sort of handicap syystem inplace to allow racers to race rather than go for win at all costs? The obvious are grip  v's power like proAM 

Could make this optional, so if people want to run off then they can, but for those of us that want to race together we can apply a penalty that that should give us about the same times. 

Wed, 11/21/2012 - 08:27
steviegers's picture
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Love the drag tyres and the pit stops deff adds to the racing. I'm deff all for events that will have pit stops. I like the sound of mx5 racing or a Clio cup season or a mini event or run the sirocco event but longer that's just what I would like but I'm sure u will come up with something good m8

Wed, 11/21/2012 - 08:39
Tourni6's picture
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Thanks Steviegers, 

I am trying to involve people more with the events, seem more of what you guys want than what i think you want.  I community vote for an choices of cars to race could be another way to deal with it :)

Wed, 11/21/2012 - 09:02
Oldschool 2o4f's picture
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I'm fond of the slower cars in RWD, unless it's that old skyline, although I did like the Abarth's a year back.

Wed, 11/21/2012 - 09:26
Sherb's picture
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Another thing you can do is have a mandatory pit stop.  We did this w/ the BTCC series using a pit window.  Though the drag tires do force you to plan your attack.  142

I do still have all to tunes on my storefront for the Vintage TA stuff too.  wink

Wed, 11/21/2012 - 09:35 (Reply to #7)
Tourni6's picture
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Sherb wrote:

Another thing you can do is have a mandatory pit stop.  We did this w/ the BTCC series using a pit window.  Though the drag tires do force you to plan your attack.  142

I do still have all to tunes on my storefront for the Vintage TA stuff too.  wink


I wonder what they'd be like with drags :D

Wed, 11/21/2012 - 09:35
Parcells2's picture
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Lotus Exige

Renault Sport Clio V6

Renault 5 Turbo

Renault Megane RS 250


Opel Speedster

any Citroen

Ferrari F430

Ford Focus

Honda Civic

VW Golf

Lancia Delta

Mazda RX7

Mitsubishi Lancer EVO (any version)
peugot 107 or 207

SEAT Leon Cupra (R?)

Subaru Imprezza 22B STi

Toyota MR-S


Wed, 11/21/2012 - 12:19
POIDSLY's picture
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Ferrari California - seriously! It's great fun.

RX racing - Wankel madness


Old school Nissan GTR (revisited)


A merc - something brutal


Old school 911's


Wed, 11/21/2012 - 12:41
Zeratul's picture
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How about a new EUSL series with fixed tunes. Only this time insted of PTR developing all the cars, draw some names and let those persons build/post a car that they think is fun and than run them. i.e. Helios posts his favourite car of the moment, Poidsly does one, etc,etc,etc.

Might get us some oddballs to race.

Wed, 11/21/2012 - 15:19 (Reply to #11)
Sherb's picture
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Zeratul wrote:

How about a new EUSL series with fixed tunes. Only this time insted of PTR developing all the cars, draw some names and let those persons build/post a car that they think is fun and than run them. i.e. Helios posts his favourite car of the moment, Poidsly does one, etc,etc,etc.

Might get us some oddballs to race.

I like this idea.

Wed, 11/21/2012 - 12:53
PTR_Paparazzi's picture
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Van racing!  Hummerzines!!

Wed, 11/21/2012 - 13:06
Wed, 11/21/2012 - 13:49
CProRacing's picture
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I love the drag tyres. Especially the extra factor it adds to a long race.


I do think we need more longer races and races with lower class cars.


I also like the idea of handicapping if you want to.


I did my first proAM last night when you run a few laps before the race, cap people then do a few more to ensure everyone's time where good then it was race time.


It was awesome how I had nothing down the straights and had to really fight for it through the turns!


More handicaps , Slower cars, Drag tyre's and longer races.

Wed, 11/21/2012 - 14:28
PTR_Paparazzi's picture
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Sounds like an Playboy MX-5 Cup to me :-)
Wed, 11/21/2012 - 14:49
Parcells2's picture
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Parcells could take or leave handicaps. They're fine when implemented properly which is not an easy task but for the most part who needs them?


And not to diss on Church's feedback but medium length races (10-20 minutes) are plenty long enough. That's usually enough to separate the field at which point you're mostly hot lapping. When I first joined here and Tourni was running the original BTCC races (4 x 10 minute races) doesn't get much funner than that.


Also in favor of stock built cars -> no upgrades, no tuning, learn how to drive the car as-is :)

Wed, 11/21/2012 - 15:47
Tourni6's picture
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So what i'm getting here is that we want:


Low class cars

mixture of short and long races 

Stock and spec 

Handicapping is cared less either way (which tells me, if its implemented correctly then it will be better for the racers)

Wed, 11/21/2012 - 16:08
Sherb's picture
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I like a mix of car ranges.  Driving only slow cars makes Helios a grumpy driver.  I don't mind running slower cars mixed in with some mid to mid-fast cars.  My preference would be to see a nice spread of cars in the E-A range.

As far as race length, I prefer the 15-20 minute heats.  Maybe run the first 3 rounds of each class as they are, then have the 4th round be an endurance finale?

Tuning, in the air.  While I like being able to build/tune, I just don't spend enough time in FM4 at the moment to give it justice.  I do like just hopping on 30 minutes before the race and running laps w/ you guys.

As far as handicapping, that's not really a place for me to have input.  I would leave that up to the fast guys that would be affected by it.  Maybe have it available as an option for those that want to use it?


Wed, 11/21/2012 - 17:05
Parcells2's picture
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Parcells defers his opinion on this matter to Helios henceforth. The guys a fucken genius! yes


Of course I hope you're not talking about mixed class racing. Parcells never could understand why he would want to cut his potential competition in half? me no understand 65

Wed, 11/21/2012 - 17:58 (Reply to #20)
Sherb's picture
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Parcells2 wrote:

Parcells defers his opinion on this matter to Helios henceforth. The guys a fucken genius! yes


Of course I hope you're not talking about mixed class racing. Parcells never could understand why he would want to cut his potential competition in half? me no understand 65

You read it correctly Parcells.  Round 1, E or D.  Round 2, C.  Round 3, B.  Round 4, A.

I love Multi-class racing...even though most of you weanies don't.  94  It's all good though, I'd rather race w/ this crowd in the same class car than take my chances on a public, just to get my multi-class kicks.  I've got a few events I run in rFactor (PC) that are multiclass, so I take care of those jollies there.  151  35 vintage touring cars ('60s/'70s) in 2 classes banging around Knockhill is pretty intense.

Thu, 11/22/2012 - 03:18
Tourni6's picture
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Multiclass works in big numbers,  think lemans.  It is however, suited to endurance and once in  a while series. 


Interesting that people like shorter races, I always thought longer ones were the prefered as you get time to settle into a groove and catch up any positions you lost from the T1 pileups. 

Thu, 11/22/2012 - 06:48
Oldschool 2o4f's picture
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The balancing act on that is, the game's three lappers suck, but 30+ minutes gets to be a bit much, especially if you've been culled from the pack.

Again, like handicapping, the sweet spots a tad evasive.

The Pro-Am's seem to get the handicapping pretty good, but they do it with 30 minutes or so of practice dialing it in before the race, which can be fun, but by the  time they're ready to go at it, I'm off to bed.

Thu, 11/22/2012 - 06:52 (Reply to #23)
Tourni6's picture
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oldschoolsmart wrote:

The balancing act on that is, the game's three lappers suck, but 30+ minutes gets to be a bit much, especially if you've been culled from the pack.

Again, like handicapping, the sweet spots a tad evasive.

The Pro-Am's seem to get the handicapping pretty good, but they do it with 30 minutes or so of practice dialing it in before the race, which can be fun, but by the  time they're ready to go at it, I'm off to bed.


This is my fear, I usually try to aim for about 30 minutes of racing.  I'd use the timer if it actually showed laptimes still...

I'd be some poking and proding to get it right, and maybe a couple of bench mark people could set laps in advance to work it out.   People are always going to have their weak and strong tracks :)

Thu, 11/22/2012 - 07:14
Oldschool 2o4f's picture
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Well, a per track handicapping, or per event dials in in futher. Gary and Kochino run 5 lappers before hand for practice and the lobby sets an agreed upon lap time target and all try to adjust to that. It usually is pretty accurate but the drawback being the time consumed to get it.

Thu, 11/22/2012 - 07:41
Tourni6's picture
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I will be some thing i'll investigate further and probably make good use of too.  I can see that it'll have its advantages for people learning and others that are fast but perhaps aren't that good with traffic management. 


Thu, 11/22/2012 - 10:14
imjimeez44's picture
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In Pro-Am For the last 2 or 3 cars we had been setting a 5% handicap that everyone started with. This allowed us to speed up the slower guys and it brought the faster guys closer to start with.  This actually worked pretty well for us.  There is still room to use power as a handicap for the very fast.

Fri, 11/23/2012 - 06:37
Tourni6's picture
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The agreed time is some thing i'm looking at, I guess it would have to be set by a slower driver or some thing of the sorts?

Fri, 11/23/2012 - 08:30
Oldschool 2o4f's picture
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yes, the bar is kind of a lowest common denominator and then the room adjusts to it. And it can get a bit involved if the tracks not well known. I ran 4 or 5 attempts on Atlanta when we were setting one up and everytime I'd adjust further handicap, I'd hit the same time again, we got to laughing so hard...

On the plus side, if your regulars get used to the system, a lobby can pretty much adjust themselves rather quickly after the targets settled on.

Fri, 11/23/2012 - 09:13
Tourni6's picture
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Yeah indeed - the 4/5 attempts put me off a little bit.  Seems like a lot of pissing about. 

I'll figure a way to do it :) 


Fri, 11/23/2012 - 10:54
CProRacing's picture
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I think most people know how much handicap they need based on the other drivers on the track. We could make it optional if a driver takes an handicap. Im always wanting hard and clean racing.

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