London to Moscow: A Forza Epic.
Sun, 05/20/2012 - 03:54
London to Moscow: A Forza Epic.
Anyone doing this?
Lifted from FM.Net -
Hello everyone, I am here today to set you all a new challenge, which has been inspired by the LA to NY challenge of FM3.
Your task:
Your task is to drive from London to Moscow, making 13 stops along the way at set locations, in the quickest time possible
The route:
The route to Moscow is a long and dangerous one, and this is how it will be broken down:

London - Paris: Le Mans Sarthe (33 laps)
Paris - Luxemborg: Nurburgring Norsdschleife (18 Laps)
Luxemborg - Frankfurt: Motegi Full (50 Laps)
Frankfurt - Nuremberg: Nurb GP Full (44 Laps)
Nuremberg - Prague: Camino Extreme (43 Laps)
Prague - Brno: Indy GP (50 Laps)
Brno - Ostrava: Laguna Seca (47 Laps)
Ostrava - Lodz: Sebring Full (46 laps)
Lodz - Warsaw: Sunset Speedway (35 Laps)
Warsaw - Minsk: Le Mans Old (41 laps)
Minsk - Orsha: Suzuka Full (39 Laps)
Orsha - Smolensk: Silverstone GP (25 laps)
Smolensk - Rzhev: Road America (44 Laps)
Rzhev - Moscow: Bernese Festival (40 Laps)
The Rules:
Your group can have a maximum of FOUR drivers, however you can choose to run solo or with 1 or 2 other drivers also.
Your group must take it in turn for each stage, however all drivers in your group can take part in the stage. only the designated driver's time for that stage will count. (e.g Stage 1 - Driver 1, Stage 2 - Driver 2, Stage 3 - Driver 3, Stage 4 - Driver 4, Stage 5 - Driver 1 etc.)
There will be one car your group will use to set your times, you can use any road legal car, but the maximum PI is S700, and the car chosen MUST be the car used for each stage, once the registration period is closed you cannot change your car, so choose wisely! (DLC cars and Unicorns are allowed in case you were unsure)
Your car MUST carry a license plate of some form, and any country specific one is allowed, whether it be the US or Ukraine or whatever else you want.
Rave liveries are NOT allowed as this is a road event, however you can add vinyls if you wish,
All times must have photographic evidence of the total time, and a replay on the group leaders SF with the tag 'LON 2 MOS' so I can check you have the correct number of laps if I deem it necessary.
Each stage must be completed as a whole, and cannot be broken down into segments.
The registration period is open between now and May 31st at 23:59 BST, and then the event will open June 1st at 00:01 BST.
Any registrations after this period will be ignored and any stage times posted before the event opens will also be ignored and you will have to do the stage again.
You MUST have an XBL gold account to take part in this, as all stages must be done in a private lobby.
At least 11 AI must be in the lobby ranging from F-B class to simulate traffic.
Simulation damage and collisions must be on, and any assists can be used.
Any teams found to be breaking the rules can be penalized and/or disqualified from one or more stages.
Stories for each stage are encouraged, but not a requirement. However, this will enter you for a higher chance of winning credits.
The event will close on September 1st at 23:59 BST
There will be credit prizes on offer for certain criteria, and these are as follows:
1st Place Group: 50% of the prize pot split between your group
2nd Place Group: 25% of the prize pot split between your group
3rd Place Group: 12.5% of the prize pot split between your group
Best stage story: 6.25% of the prize pot split between your group
Random driver: 6.25% for yourself.
Current Prize Pot: TBA after Porsche pack release.
(Donations can be made my contacting me on XBL, no matter how big or small they are, and you will be mentioned below.)
Honarable Donation Mentions:
(please use this form to register your group)
Team Name:
Driver #1 (group leader):
Driver #2: (optional)
Driver #3: (optional)
Driver #4: (optional)
Has everyone in your group been made aware of the rules?:
I shall add your group to the list once you have completed the registration form successfully.
Thank you, good luck, and see you at the Red Square
So who wants to set a team up?
Wonder if this could be combined with the monthyl endurance event :)
It crossed my mind
Looks like it starts on June 1st and ends at the end of the day on September 1st (BST). Also it was mentioned in a later post that the events can be run in any order, so long as they are all run by the end date.
Signed up today. I'm going to run a 2012 M5.
If you guys need a slow 4th driver I will do it. Can't let a fellow Illinois man go it alone.
I think I'm the only one to sign up so far.
Entered solo but if you really want to run let me know and I'll update the team over on and send you the car.
I may be interested if anyone is looking for a co-driver.
The organizer has moved the registration deadline up to tomorrow night.
If any of you want to run this solo hit and sign up. Any of you are certainly welcome to run the M5 with me just let me know so I can update my post on
I can not commit to doing half of the races. I can be part of a 4 man team, though. I count 4 of us. Track, Naked, Sherb and myself. How about it? That way we aren't slammed and burned out.
Sounds like a decent plan. I would be in for it. I don't actually go over there, so as long as you're good with me putting the pic here so you can post over there, I'm game. Were you thinking of running Church?
We need one more. Church, Track?
I'll post the pics/update theteam's progress on so that's cool Sherb.
Do either of you have any preference for which tracks you run? The designated stages are:
I'll gift the car and the tunes I've got from Sarcasmo and Ziggy this afternoon.
I'll run the #3 slot. I like Laguna & Motegi.
Have received confirm from Track via my Live account. He's in. I will post note over at FM4 if that's okay. Random thoughts but will follow your lead Naked.
To follow...........................................
I'll update our team roster on and gift the car and tunes to you guys.
FR sent oldmodelt...
FR received. Sent pm to London to Moscow organizer. Didn't know if you would be on in time. Sorry. You are and will always be the leader.
Just listed drivers as this NakedRescue/TrackAssassin/oldmodelt/HeliosGLi16v. In that order.
Thanks guys, excited to have a team for this!
As I told Track, I was planning on just finishing when tackling this myself and will not get all crazy with competitive aspirations now.
That said, I'm the slowest of the 4 of us and we've got a fast car so I'm betting we have a good result...
I'll continue to post updates from the organizer here as I get them
I'm just running for the shits 'n giggles aspect. Snappy and I tried tackling the NY to LA, but got too busy to actually finish it. The addition of up to 4 drivers and not being sticklers about running in order w/ a single car gifted between drivers will help. And we got the proper car for a 4 driver crew!
Paint it dark (black or dark blue) for low vis.
Yeah Fourteenbones and I failed to get our ElCamino to LA, as well. Too busy with RL and the stipulations didn't help.
I think I will repaint the car and do a new plate. Dark blue with anthracite wheels should do the trick...
How will our gas mileage be now that all four of us are in the car?
That big ole V10 ain't gonna care.
Besides, we can always swing by MI6 HQ and have some larger fuel cells fitted.
When is it advisable to pit for tyres? At what percentage of wear? Any hard and fast rule?
And unless I'm mistaken. Is there any where to look for fuel consumption? I know FM3 had this feature.
I would pit for tires when the car starts getting to slippery to control in traffic, or your lap times start dropping noticably (2-3 seconds a lap). Pitting early to maintain control of the car and prevent damage in traffic will ultimately yield less time lost in end. I would imagine there is a warning light for fuel like in FM3, though admittedly I haven't run a tank down far enough to see where it is. I would check your fuel load at the halfway point...if you're under half fuel (not going to make it to the end), the mid point would be a decent time to stop as it will give you max tire life/grip over the course of the race.
I plan on pitting halfway on Le Mans. During testing I was running 4.16s so barring catastrophe I'll have the first leg knocked out in under 2.5 hours. Should have time to run the first leg in the next couple of days.
I sent you guys the paint again with a more accurate font on the plates.