I've made a few changes to the look and feel of the schedule to allow for easier updates going forward.
On the Google spreadsheet there are two tabs listed at the bottom. The first is the standard view of the time slots for the re-occuring events. The second tab is the current month in a "calendar view" to help list not only the reocurring events but also the one off races that take place from time to time. Should you have any updates or new events you want listed, please reply below and I'll get them added/updated.
Schedule has been updated. There are a number of new series being started. Once the official topics are started with the starting times, I can get them added. [looks to Poids, Cotter, Snappy and Church].
Schedule has been updated for August. There are a couple of new series being started soon(Shelby Cobra and Clio V6). Once the official topics are started with the starting times, I can get them added. [looks to Cotter & Snappy].
If you see anything that needs to be updated, please let me know.
Im updating the schedule for next month. Please let me know if there are any special events you are planning that are not already listed in the forum so I can get them added.
2O4F Event Calendar has been updated to include December events and is looking to be a busy month as FM5 and GT6 start to get added. That said, there are a number of FM4 events still being scheduled/added to the schedule and should be going strong for some time.
Changes Completed. Also gone through the links ect to test if ok.
All links tested and working. Cheers Grim
All links tested and working for June.
Because GrimGrnninGhost is an awesome guy he will now be helping me look after this sheet!
Should be updated more often now
And with that, I have updated with what I know. If its missing anything, let us know.
I've made a few changes to the look and feel of the schedule to allow for easier updates going forward.
On the Google spreadsheet there are two tabs listed at the bottom. The first is the standard view of the time slots for the re-occuring events. The second tab is the current month in a "calendar view" to help list not only the reocurring events but also the one off races that take place from time to time. Should you have any updates or new events you want listed, please reply below and I'll get them added/updated.
All that said, the schedule has been updated for July - Click here for current schedule
If there are any other changes you would find useful, please let us know.
Schedule has been updated. There are a number of new series being started. Once the official topics are started with the starting times, I can get them added. [looks to Poids, Cotter, Snappy and Church].
Link to schedule - https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AtJz_lY_51zNdGVOa3hWXzVtN2VZTWlkeWR6T09pVEE&hl=en_US#gid=0
Schedule has been updated for August. There are a couple of new series being started soon(Shelby Cobra and Clio V6). Once the official topics are started with the starting times, I can get them added. [looks to Cotter & Snappy].
If you see anything that needs to be updated, please let me know.
Link to schedule - https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AtJz_lY_51zNdGVOa3hWXzVtN2VZTWlkeWR6T09pVEE&hl=en_US#gid=0
Hey Guys
Im updating the schedule for next month. Please let me know if there are any special events you are planning that are not already listed in the forum so I can get them added.
I have updated the schedule with the known events and can be found at the below link. Please let me know if I missed anything
Link can be found on the OP
Not able to access this link or the one in the 1st post - anyone else having similar access problems.
Skiwi - Let me know if this one works better - https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AtJz_lY_51zNdGVOa3hWXzVtN2VZTWlkeWR6T09pVEE#gid=0
Yup - this one works fine
Event schedule has been updated!
Event schedule has been updated for October. Please let me know if there are any corrections that need to be made.
Link - https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AtJz_lY_51zNdGVOa3hWXzVtN2VZTWlkeWR6T09pVEE&usp=sharing
I have updated the weekly event calendar to take into consideration the British time change until the US moves our clocks back 1 hour in a few weeks
I have updated the weekly event calendar to take into consideration the North American time change
I have updated the weekly event calendar due to several series finishing up this past week.
Now including Forza 5 Events!
Should the Wednesday track night for Forza 5 on Thursday be renamed the Thursday track night?
2O4F Event Calendar has been updated to include December events and is looking to be a busy month as FM5 and GT6 start to get added. That said, there are a number of FM4 events still being scheduled/added to the schedule and should be going strong for some time.
Link to schedule - https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AtJz_lY_51zNdGVOa3hWXzVtN2VZTWlkeWR6T09pVEE&hl=en_US#gid=0
If I missed anything, please let me know
You can remove SaturdaySuperFunNight from the event list Grim. Lack of people on + lack of interest here in the thread. Thanks!
Done. Looks like it was fun while it lasted
Hey Grimm, whenever you get around to it you may want to update the link to the GT6 Thursday night event...
The sheet is regularly checked and kept up to date.
Bookmark it for reference!