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Sun, 11/24/2013 - 09:12
SnappyDee's picture
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Well, I'm bored already. All the "Career" race events are very repetitive and there are too few tracks. The payouts are very low, I'm talking as low as 1500 CR on some. There are no prize cars for completing any of the championship series events. GRIND, GRIND, GRIND. I know its early butbthe Drivatars are awful and there are 16 of them in every event. Not much variety in "Free Play" either. 

Anyone interested in a race using the 1st generation Miata? Built to D class. I hate to even ask people to spend their hard earned CR but I figured that car might be popular enough.

Sun, 11/24/2013 - 09:20 (Reply to #62)
GRD 4 3L's picture
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SnappyDee wrote:

Well, I'm bored already. All the "Career" race events are very repetitive and there are too few tracks. The payouts are very low, I'm talking as low as 1500 CR on some. There are no prize cars for completing any of the championship series events. GRIND, GRIND, GRIND. I know its early butbthe Drivatars are awful and there are 16 of them in every event. Not much variety in "Free Play" either. 

Anyone interested in a race using the 1st generation Miata? Built to D class. I hate to even ask people to spend their hard earned CR but I figured that car might be popular enough.

The amount of credits would heavily depend on the aids and the level of Drivatars you have chosen.  I am typically in 10k~20k per race range.

I am glad 3rd place gets Gold because after trying to get through the competition from starting in 14 or 15th spot all the time the 1st place car is usually pretty far ahead.

Got to add you to FL, Gentleman Racer . . .

Sun, 11/24/2013 - 09:55 (Reply to #63)
SnappyDee's picture
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GRD 4 3L wrote:

SnappyDee wrote:

Well, I'm bored already. All the "Career" race events are very repetitive and there are too few tracks. The payouts are very low, I'm talking as low as 1500 CR on some. There are no prize cars for completing any of the championship series events. GRIND, GRIND, GRIND. I know its early butbthe Drivatars are awful and there are 16 of them in every event. Not much variety in "Free Play" either. 

Anyone interested in a race using the 1st generation Miata? Built to D class. I hate to even ask people to spend their hard earned CR but I figured that car might be popular enough.

The amount of credits would heavily depend on the aids and the level of Drivatars you have chosen.  I am typically in 10k~20k per race range.

I am glad 3rd place gets Gold because after trying to get through the competition from starting in 14 or 15th spot all the time the 1st place car is usually pretty far ahead.

Got to add you to FL, Gentleman Racer . . .

I don't use any assists so that's not the issue. Forcing people to Grind out career mode just sucks. Period. It's particularly bad for me because I never ran career events anyway. I have never even come close to finishing any of the Forza careers. There have always been other things to do. Like....setting up my own lobby and running endurance events where I could assign the cars to the AI drivers...but guess what? You can't run a showroom car and earn XP, Affinity and CR from the race but you can't afford any of the race cars either. TOTAL CRAP.  and no, I don't want to feel like I earned it by having to work for a long time for it. This series was about "enjoying the cars you love in the way you want" or whatever....




Sun, 11/24/2013 - 09:48
SnappyDee's picture
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How are the Drivatars going to get any better when you constantly have to avoid other cars and drive off the racing line to avoi collisions. The Drivatars are all just learning bad technique!

T10 completely RUINED Forza!!!   WTF!!

So aggravated. Hurry up December 6th! 

Sun, 11/24/2013 - 10:01
Nightfall's picture
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I see what you're saying Snappy.  By avoiding the crappy drivatars you're just training your own drivatar to swerve around, drive off course, and generally drive like an idiot which just results in another crappy drivatar on somebody elses game.  Rinse and repeat until all of our drivatars are idiots.

Sun, 11/24/2013 - 10:28
GRD 4 3L's picture
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I hardly finished the career mode either.  FM4 felt particularly grindy.  Was partially into 10th season but I don't think I'll ever finish it.  Career wise, I think I was at 5~6% completion.

In FM5, I'm enjoying the physics so much that it does not feel like a grind yet.  Once I get through the slower AI, trying to catch the top AI is quite a challenge.

I also use Rivals to level up and gather credits although not as much.  I find hotlapping against online friends are enjoyable.

Sun, 11/24/2013 - 10:40
Oldschool 2o4f's picture
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I have the feeling that when I do get in, I'm gonna be soooo screwed...

Sun, 11/24/2013 - 11:05 (Reply to #68)
Nightfall's picture
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Oldschool 2o4f wrote:

I have the feeling that when I do get in, I'm gonna be soooo screwed...

What do you mean?

Sun, 11/24/2013 - 11:31
Oldschool 2o4f's picture
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Couple reasons. My driveatars gonna be brand new, so possibly a lack of income there. I can't sell anything or even share directly for cash, cars are expensive, if someone wanted to help me, there's no way. Lack of cash makes painting for a living difficult at best starting out and the catching up on the back side's looking rather bleak.

Only way I see to help each other is actively pursuing each others tunes/paints. There is no other way so far, correct?

Sun, 11/24/2013 - 12:07
GrimGrnninGhost's picture
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Im wondering if it would have been better to have forced everyone to run a handfull of "Qualifiing" races on different tracks (hot laps) before your drivatar would be qualified for any MP races.  This way it could at least learn how you take apexs and your basic braking without haivng other cars around.  To me it sounds like you are all trying to avoid contact and race clean but when you have to "react to something totally unexpected" you have to make a big swerve to avoid so many times that its thinking you are an idiot.

Oldschool - I feel your pain that as time goes on, it will be enven tougher for the guys picking up the game next year will be really behind the power curve.  And with the lack of helping new guys get up to speed, the days of joining the club new and jumping into random lobbies let alone races will not be an option because they wont have the credits to build up the garage.  I could be wrong but it does sound like the communitee took it in the ass on this one.

Sun, 11/24/2013 - 12:22
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If you get paid when someone runs your paint at the very least all of you in the club should just do a basic paint job, even if it's just paint and no design, and then everyone should run everyone elses.


Might not be tons of credits but if you all do it you all will earn more credits for every race you run. At least that is the way I understand it.


If you get paid more for more layers just do a paint that has the maximum layers all in the same color so it still looks like a standard issue car. Yet everytime someone uses it you earn more credits.


I don't know (how it works) just trying to think of a way to help out I guess.

Sun, 11/24/2013 - 12:53
brntguy's picture
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Sounds like the real money will be putting out tunes for all the Rivals Challenges. Get your name out there quick for good tunes and cars to use in the rivals challenges and you will be rich in the game I believe.

Sun, 11/24/2013 - 14:02
POIDSLY's picture
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The only hope is that this FUBAR approach is mostly to do with a rushed release, and that T10 will try to put it right. Yeah right, like they have any sort of track record of doing that.

Whilst there may be a tiny element of that, it seems from what I have read, that the structure of the game has been deliberately reworked for squeezing real cash out of players.

AH gone - no transfer of credits.

Storefront gone - blocks another in game cash generator.

Everything seems designed to reduce options, make you grind, and claw back control of the in game economy.

I don't mind pay to play - when the core game is free or close to that, and what I get for my cash is fair. I could see the sense of saying, download the core game with 6 tracks and 100 cars for £5.99. For every extra track pay £x. For every extra car £y. If you want a storefront its £z. If you want to be able to run proper series its....oh,not possible.

My LCE copy is going on ebay - still sealed. It's worthless to me, now and in the future.

Nearly became a PS3 owner today but was outbid.

Sun, 11/24/2013 - 15:19
CProRacing's picture
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@Poids you can get a brand new slim on on Ebay for £130 notes as it stands.

Going to wait until the PS4 is out then prices will drop through the floor.


Anyway it makes sense to what you are saying. The less we can help each other out the more money we will possibly spend.


Sun, 11/24/2013 - 15:46
Zero7159's picture
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Just read this article from about the rip off monetization tactics in Forza 5:

Sun, 11/24/2013 - 15:53
CProRacing's picture
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"Case in point: the Lotus E21 formula one car, one of Forza 5’s new star attractions keenly publicised by Microsoft as this is the first game in the series to feature open wheel racecars. What they failed to mention was the astronomical price of admission. In-game, it costs a whopping 6 million credits. Alternatively, at the time of writing you can buy it for 10,000 tokens – in real world cash, this equates to over £60.00. £60.00 for one digital racecar? No. Just no.   

The average player, then, won’t ever be able to experience the pleasure of driving this car unless they’re prepared to grind through 60 hours-worth of laborious racing. And that’s before you take into account sifting through menus, tuning the car and practicing to stay competitive. In practice, you could be spending over 100 hours just to drive one car. Yes, there still needs to be a sense of progression and car rarity, but this is unfeasible."


Really hurts my head as to why they have done this.

I play Real Racing 3 on my phone and Tablet. I have spent some real money on the game to get the best cars because the game is a FREE to play game as in it cost me nothing to download.

TBH if i kept at it a bit more I wouldn't have had to buy some cr for the cars as its balanced about right.

Seriously though what are T-10 thinking, With GT6 out soon are they purposely driving players to the PlayStation 3 who are then going to play the next few year on the PS3 until GT7 is out?

I think these players then will more than likely buy a PS4 as they will then be comfortable in the PlayStation eco

Sun, 11/24/2013 - 16:45
GrimGrnninGhost's picture
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Some things are very clear though.  Take for example the slow drip of into leading up the the games release.  Looking back at it now, what they showed early one was all the content/features they could show.  Have you noticed that all the info that was shown we never had any indication to have us ask" Hey, I wonder where you access the SF or AH and the only mention of racing your friends was via drivatars not in event lobbies.

In short, the slow drip that we thought they were not showing anything, was really T-10 showing everything they could as aside form the Drivatars, a few new tracks /cars and improved graphics and physics.  I'm just glad my wheel was not going to be compatible as it saved me some $600.00 that can be used for something else.

Sun, 11/24/2013 - 19:04
GRD 4 3L's picture
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Alternative open wheel fun is renting an IndyCar (yes, you get no credits but you get to play around).

If you want real open wheel action, there's KTM X-Bow (~80k) and Ariel Atom (~170k) which are fantastic cars!

As for E21, I see no other way other than saving up the credits.  There is no way I'm going to spend that much money to buy 1 car.  There are plenty of other fun cars to drive.

I drove a FWD for first time today and WOW it was fun.  FWD in FM4, in comparison, has no soul.  In FM5, it feels like the car has a nasty Tasmanian devil under the hood.  Put on race mufflers and you are in heaven.

I, for one, like the fact that some cars are hard to get.

Sun, 11/24/2013 - 21:23 (Reply to #79)
Nightfall's picture
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GRD 4 3L wrote:

first time today and WOW it was fun.

I quite enjoy beating RWD sports cars with FWD Honda's.

Mon, 11/25/2013 - 06:00
Oldschool 2o4f's picture
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I have to wonder if this is nothing more than an over reaction to Fm4.

Fm3 the AAWD's were over powered and they killed 'em in 4.

Money in Fm4 was almost literally growing on tree's so they killed it? I dunno.

The club thing though seems absolutely heartless.

Mon, 11/25/2013 - 06:34 (Reply to #81)
GRD 4 3L's picture
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Oldschool 2o4f wrote:

I have to wonder if this is nothing more than an over reaction to Fm4.

Fm3 the AAWD's were over powered and they killed 'em in 4.

Money in Fm4 was almost literally growing on tree's so they killed it? I dunno.

The club thing though seems absolutely heartless.

Hey, I don't remember what I did yesterday, let alone 2+ years ago!

I think too much money in FM4 spoiled a lot of things.  I'm sure there were few who also abused the AH & SF in the ways it was not intended/designed to be.

I like the new way of having ALL shared paints/tunes available.

The CLUB thing, however, is a loss; there was only good in it.  Even if the Club Garage is now not very useful other club features were good.

Mon, 11/25/2013 - 07:07
Oldschool 2o4f's picture
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The club invite button alone is a huge loss for organized racing...

Mon, 11/25/2013 - 07:50
Wheels's picture
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Looks as if Microsoft is possibly trying their best to alienate a certain group of players. And it looks as if they are succeeding. Maybe the Club issue is just one way to steer their ship away to a new course. Time will tell where the course correction path will lead to and at what cost! 

Mon, 11/25/2013 - 09:05
psybertech's picture
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Hey guys,

As someone who primarily plays for building, tuning and hotlapping, I have to agree the new system will be making my life harder.

I really haven't put too much time in Rivals mode, but so far, if you have a decent car and run just 4-5 laps per Rivals, you can make a decent pay. I spent my 1250 tokens that came with the LCE very quickly on a few cars to play with (mostly C with an A, B &D) and with  decent garage for hotlapping now, I already have 800,000 credits and again, this is just RIvals hotlapping and not that much. To me it looks somewhat easy to rack up credits hotlapping but I don't have any real comparison to racing the game modes or multiplayer.

My drivatar hasn't netted much and the paints and tune I put up didn't yield anything yet. Though my paints are just paints I can understand why no one would want to use them and my tune hasn't been proven yet, so yeah, I doubt you can make a ton with sharing your stuff.

As a tuner I will miss the gifting option. People state that you can indeed share a tune with your friends which really means its public and you can guide your friends to use it if they can find it (the search feature seemed broken when I tried on Saturday) but even if they do find and use it, since it is a public share, your friends can't tweak it to fit their style or to improve upon it since it is locked. That stinks. I want gifting back!

The other way I could keep my credits in check before earning a ton to have the flexibility to buy anything, I would sell parts and/or the car itself back. Well, that is gone now too. You can only remove a car from your garage and you get NOTHING in return. So why even have the remove feature at all? I have two minis in my garage that I thought I could sell one back for seom credits, but nothing.

The token thing overall is broken too. There is no direct coorellation between 1 token and X credits. They don't factor out logically from what I have seen (ex 2000 credits or 2 tokens / 3200 credits 4 tokens and I fairly certain I have seen 4000 credits or 6 tokens - makes no sense). 

I had a busy weekend so I didn't play much but I hope over the next few days I will get some good hotlapping times in and I will be tracking credits earned vs amount of laps vs actaul time on track to see where it all fall. Once I figure that out, I guess that will give me a target budget of what cars I can buy and upgrade. That overall stinks as someone who would buy a ton of cars to find a hidden gem. Now I guess I will have to limit my playing to already proven LB cars since it might not be worth the gamble to find a gem if you can't at least recoupe a part of your money by selling it back.

OH... and there is a 'marketplace' item on the main menu (I think that is what it is called) that says "Coming Soon". Does anyone have any idea what exactly that will do?

Perhaps when it goes live, it will be like your old storefront and they allow buying/selling tunes and paints? I can only hope! but I doubt it... probably will be an game way to fleece you out of more money.

Anyway.... love the game when I am finally in a car and running laps but it does seem they killed someof , if not the best, social parts of the game. Odd, I though the whole soical thing was pretty popular on the internet nowadays. I guess MS is thinking that the whole social thing is a fad and will be dying soon enough so don't bother with it in the game. hehe



Wed, 11/27/2013 - 14:46
SnappyDee's picture
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No, MS is think the game is popular so now they want to drain the consumer of every penny. 

Wed, 11/27/2013 - 15:35
Nightfall's picture
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Am I the only one that thinks it's a fun game despite being disappointed by the changes?

If the majority switch over to Gran Turismo are the rest of us going to have to find new people to race with?

Wed, 11/27/2013 - 16:34 (Reply to #87)
Parcells2's picture
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Nightfall wrote:

Am I the only one that thinks it's a fun game despite being disappointed by the changes?

That can't be the case but we'll get tired of expressing our disappointments pretty soon and move on. Parcells will start trying right now.

If I had the game and a good wheel I know for a fact I would love the game and I'm not just saying/writing that. 

Wed, 11/27/2013 - 17:01 (Reply to #88)
Zero7159's picture
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Parcells2 wrote:

Nightfall wrote:

Am I the only one that thinks it's a fun game despite being disappointed by the changes?

That can't be the case but we'll get tired of expressing our disappointments pretty soon and move on. Parcells will start trying right now.

If I had the game and a good wheel I know for a fact I would love the game and I'm not just saying/writing that. 


Same here, in part because I have accepted the fact that Forza 5 is a departure from prior games in the series.  I will just admit it, I am primarily interested in the sexy graphics and sounds, not the community aspects.  If I want competition and at least some community, I go to iRacing.  If I want community, I come here, or go to GBR.

Wed, 11/27/2013 - 15:43
CProRacing's picture
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I dont think so as I will be playing both GT6 and FM4

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