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#1 Tue, 04/30/2013 - 11:22
LocGaw's picture
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The Neverwinter open beta starts today if anyone is interested. Rumer has it there will be no wipes if you play the beta.

Wed, 05/01/2013 - 09:01
TANK's picture
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Maybe i'll check it out this weekend, Marvel Heroes is also open beta this weekend... decisions decisions.

Wed, 05/01/2013 - 11:10
LocGaw's picture
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There are only 4 of the main archtypes available. Warrior, Preist, Magic User and Theif. Only Warrior has more than one kit, 2 handded DD and sword/board tank. All the standard races are available including tiefling. I know for sure there is to be one more race. I don't know if there will be multi-class, dual-class or psionicist.

There was a long wait to get into the game. The servers are probably overloaded. However, once I got in the game, I experianced no lag. It played smooth and had no glitches.

The city of Neverwinter is the hub for the game. Kinda like the mission staging points on PSU. The dungeons I played in were instanced.


FYI, I am on the Beholder server.

Sun, 05/05/2013 - 10:08
beefynutcase's picture
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 I've been playing the last few days.  Have a Trickster Rogue on Beholder server.  It's a pretty fun game, digging it s  far.  Not crazy about some of the shady cash grabs they got goin though... pay real money to respec your character...?  That's low, especially when it's still a beta and some abilities don't perform as described or are broken.

I hear there are a few more classes coming soon, Ranger among them, which I'm looking forward to.

Mon, 05/06/2013 - 07:19
LocGaw's picture
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Everything is pay for and none of it is cheap! I got a couple rare lockboxes(they don't seem to rare) but you can't open them without the pay for keys. The stuff looked expensive to me. I think the prices will come down. Some of that stuff isn't really needed.

I have a Great Weapon Fighter at L16. My toons name is Lock. Maybe we could help each other out! I don't have anyone in 2old2rpg that has said they were playing. It would be nice if we can get a couple 2old peeps in a group.

Mon, 05/06/2013 - 13:03 (Reply to #5)
beefynutcase's picture
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The prices and the amount of things you have to pay for is insane.  An extra bag slot is like $10, resetting your abilites points is $5...  the good thing is you don't have to spend any money to play the whole game it's just a lot slower and more inconvenient.  I won't be buying anything from the cash shop except maybe an extra character slot if the Ranger class looks cool.

Yeah, dude, I'll look for ya in-game.  I now have a lv20 Great Weapon Fighter and a lv19 Trickster Rogue, toon names are Raygin and Subodai.  I think my account ID is @beefynuts.  The GWF class starts out slow but gets a lot better at 16 when you can get the Cleric companion, you get some better abilites too toward lv 20 and I've been tearing up skirmishes and the 1st dungeon with him.  The Rogue class is cool but honestly it feels so overpowered that it takes some of the fun out of the game.

Mon, 05/06/2013 - 15:07
LocGaw's picture
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Yup, that is exactly the companion I grabbed. It seems like I keep getting disconnects from the server? Outside of that I have had no issues.

Tue, 05/07/2013 - 11:23
LocGaw's picture
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I powerleveled my guy up to 20 so I would be closer to your toon in level Beefy. I am sorry I could not play anymore last night. I was whipped.

Hopefully we can get together and do some Skirmishes or Dungeons. Is anyone in Average or WASD going to get the game? Poltegice was talking like he was going to download the client.

Tue, 05/07/2013 - 12:14
beefynutcase's picture
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No problem.  I'll probably be on tonight sometime.  I ran the new Skirmish after you logged, it was cool.  A little more interesting than the first two, the boss takes a while to kill.  I wanna try the new dungeon tonight before I outlevel it.  Kinda on odd decision to limit the Skirmishes and Dungeons by level they way they do.  You level up so fast in this game that if you don't start running these things as soon as your able you might miss out on the content all together.

I deleted and re-rolled my Rogue last night...  I decided that I had wasted too many ability points on things that sounded better than they actually are (and I'm not about to pay to respec) so I figured it would be easier to just start over since it doesn't take long at all to get back to lv 20.

I'm surprised no one else here is playing this.  If you just ignore the outrageous cash shop it's a pretty high-quality F2P game.

Wed, 05/08/2013 - 15:02
beefynutcase's picture
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Wow, the PvP in this game is terrible.

Thu, 05/09/2013 - 10:35
TANK's picture
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So how is this game, what it is about?  I've been watching some people play it on twitch and it looks pretty boring for some reason.  I"m not watching and thinking man this is something i want to play. 

Some guys were talking about power leveling using forge and a stack of ogers or something instant killing them off ledges and getting massive XP and loot gains but then they nerfed it and capped the xp after you kill 2 of the same enemies.  Seems like that was a pretty bad knee jerk reaction, now there's no point in playing forge stuff I would imagine.


Thu, 05/09/2013 - 13:17 (Reply to #11)
beefynutcase's picture
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The Foundry stuff is in line with typical D&D stuff, player-created quests/stories.  Neverwinter Nights had this feature.  I think it's a pretty cool thing to have in an mmo.  Of course it only took a week before people figured out how to exploit it, heh.  But honestly, you level so fast in this game and there really isn't any signifigant end0game that I know of so why would anyone want to exploit and powerlevel to 60 in one day.  Not sure it needed a nerf, but I don't think it detracts from why someone would want to play Foundry quests.

It's a fairly simple game, you have limited choices in active abilites, similar to GW2.  So far the first two dungeons and Skirmishes are pretty simple, any pug should be able to finish them with ease.  I hear that the third dungeon sees a massive jump up in difficulty and you will likely fail to complete it if you try to pug it and that that trend continues in higher levels.

For a F2P game I think it's very polished and fun to play.  While technically you don't ever have pay a dime to see all the content you will have massive grinds to do if you want to do something as simple as respec or get more bag/bank space unless you pay.  As I level up and run more dugeons I'm starting to see that they designed it so you run out of bag space really fast by making a shit ton of differing types of runestones drop.  These come in different ranks and those won't stack so you will literally need a whole bag just to hold them all or don't pick them up.  Higher level armors have slots for these runestones so you really kinda need them.

Thu, 05/09/2013 - 11:43
LocGaw's picture
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According to Tom's, the game doesn't have a big graphics requirement but it is CPU dependant.

Tank the game plays like a very action oriented RPG. It is quite polished and has an easy to learn interface. It has your basic D&D monster compendium. It seems to be missing alot of the job types, like Paladin, Ranger and Preist. You have an action pallette and can only assign so many abilities in it but you assign enough to get the job done. Loot is similar to Borderlands with the quality of loot being color coded. Loot is also enchanted somewhat with +'s in traditional D&D fashion. Loot is also upgradable with slotable gems.

Essentially, game play comes down to talk to X, go over there, kill stuff/fetch item, return, cash in and rinse/repeat. If you played Baulders Gate Dark Aliance or Phantasy Star Online and enjoyed it then you will enjoy this. There is alot to do. The game itself feels quite mature. It is hard to explain given this is a beta? There is player created content, daily missions and dungeons, story quests, level specific dungeons, skirmishes, PvP, crafting, timed contests and scheduled events.

The game is nice for being free. I give it a thumbs up. Don't expect any of the "pay cash for" stuff to be reasonable though! Honestly, so far I haven't needed it. It is free to play and you advance fast.

Thu, 05/09/2013 - 12:08
Oldschool 2o4f's picture
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I've been playing it  abit, have a 12 elf/wiz and a 24 elf/thief, didn't do some of the lower stuff and now I might not be able to?

Popped into the wrong zone last night and there were level 52's that wanted to eat me. I did the thief thing and ran like hell...

Thu, 05/09/2013 - 14:57
LocGaw's picture
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Oldschool! You on Beholder server?

Mon, 05/13/2013 - 07:05 (Reply to #15)
Oldschool 2o4f's picture
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LocGaw wrote:

Oldschool! You on Beholder server?

I think (?) I have a trickster on the Beholder server (36ish) and a wizard on the mindflayer server(?) 12ish(?) .

This game is good enough I'm considering the 2nd tier founder pack ($59.99) To whit my kid said, but it's free, why pay that? Two things, I'd rather pay someone for a game I know is good, than buy a game gambling it's good and it's crap, and two , I can.

I'm going to see what I get vs what it costs in game, but it looks like a decent deal, get a top tier pet, pretty good if not top mount I Prefer the armor horse to the silly spiders and such anyway) 600,000 astral diamonds and a few other goodies. Oh, third character slot too I think.

Also, not sure I'm going to continue the wizard, iffy atm.

Mon, 05/13/2013 - 07:18 (Reply to #16)
LocGaw's picture
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I am in the same boat you are bud. That is why I am playing PC games.

My toon is Lock and I am @locgaw. What is your "@tag" so I can send you a friend request?


Fri, 05/10/2013 - 06:15
Oldschool 2o4f's picture
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I think so,but don't hold me to it. I'd have to open it and look. I think I'm up to 27 or 28 now.

Oh, and the runes are d ropping at higher levels a bit now, so I'm not sure it's worth keeping all the lower ones for fusing.

I am having a little trouble keeping up my identify scroll supplies atm...

Mon, 05/13/2013 - 10:14
Oldschool 2o4f's picture
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Not sure, where do I find that at? (newb...) 80

I just figured out last night I could buy identify scrolls...

Mon, 05/13/2013 - 11:50
LocGaw's picture
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Shoot,I am bad with instructions. There is a bunch of little icons at the top of the screen. If you type alt to get the other cursor mode you can roll over them to identify them. I think the one you are looking for is social. If you shoot me an in game mail, I can probably tell you who you are and send you a FR.



Mon, 05/13/2013 - 12:23
Oldschool 2o4f's picture
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Okay. I HAVE seen the mail thingie, thought it was all game stuff. I will give that a try.

Mon, 05/13/2013 - 13:13
Sherb's picture
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Downloaded this yesterday.  Ever so slightly scratched the surface.

I did get my hack n' slash in with GW2 this weekend though (in between turning wrenches & sim racing).  Felt good to pick it up again.

Tue, 05/14/2013 - 07:12
KnightofRedemption's picture
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Okay got this and seem to be stuck in the first quest...The bridge thingy, follow my maker to the place that is supposed to send me there and my dude just stands there, no press F option, so am running in and out of blacklake, very slowly leveling Oakrender is my character.

Tue, 05/14/2013 - 08:21
KnightofRedemption's picture
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HUH just cant get back to sleeping dragon bridge to finish the first one online seems willing to help either. Not a good start.

Tue, 05/14/2013 - 09:02
beefynutcase's picture
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Not sure which quest you mean.  The end one in the tutorial section?  Did you turn off the quest trail feature?  I think pressing Z toggles it on and off.  Other than that I'd say you either need to talk to someone, kill something or interact with something sparkly.

Tue, 05/14/2013 - 09:09
KnightofRedemption's picture
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Yeah thats the one, I have done all those things to no avail, sparkly trail leads to a door I can't get through...when it works. Talked to everyone, just no way back.

Tue, 05/14/2013 - 09:29
LocGaw's picture
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I don't think you can go back to the tutorial once you leave it. No matter anyways as there is really nothing there. You can hit the "j" on your keyboard to bring up your journal and view your active jobs. If you have no active job or quest, go talk to Sgt. Knox and get one.

Are you guys on Beholder server?

I will do a search for you Knight when I get home. Sherb, what is your handle?

Tue, 05/14/2013 - 12:40 (Reply to #27)
Sherb's picture
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LocGaw wrote:
I will do a search for you Knight when I get home. Sherb, what is your handle?

I think it's helios16v.  I'll try to double check tonight.  I'll create another toon on the Beholder server.  I'm not very far in yet, so it's not a big deal to start over.

Are you guys usually on the Mumble server?

I need to re-do my current toon onto the Mindflayer server to run with another buddy too.

Go figure, I've got 3 servers to choose from, and of course I choose the one server nobody is on.  154

Tue, 05/14/2013 - 09:31
beefynutcase's picture
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Hmm, I'm trying to think what it could be.  You already went to the bridge part, traveled there by clicking the location on the map after interacting with the door?  If so, once there you fight a bunch of undead, reach the end of the bridge, your companion NPC gets injured, you fight and kill the boss, then you talk to the wounded NPC and the game automatically sends you to the main city hub where the game begins. 

If at anytime during the bridge sequence you logged out or disconnected you will be outside the instanced area when you log back and will have to redo the entire instance area all over again.  (I hate this feature btw, as dungeon queues always pop when I'm about to finish an instanced area and I'm forced to lose all my quest progress or wait for the overly long queue to pop again...)  It sounds like you're saying your outside the bridge instance and it won't let you back in, which is odd.  I've been disconnected during that sequence and remember being able to get back in to redo it all so I'm not sure what the issue might be.  Could be a bug.  Maybe the interactable area on the door is very small and you need to hover your reticle over it to engage it.

Sorry, I'm not sure what else to tell you.  That tutorial part takes like 5 minutes to get back to that point so you could always delete and start a new toon and just plow through the whole tutorial and get to the city.

Tue, 05/14/2013 - 11:52 (Reply to #29)
LocGaw's picture
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beefynutcase wrote:

Hmm, I'm trying to think what it could be.  You already went to the bridge part, traveled there by clicking the location on the map after interacting with the door?  If so, once there you fight a bunch of undead, reach the end of the bridge, your companion NPC gets injured, you fight and kill the boss, then you talk to the wounded NPC and the game automatically sends you to the main city hub where the game begins. 

If at anytime during the bridge sequence you logged out or disconnected you will be outside the instanced area when you log back and will have to redo the entire instance area all over again.  (I hate this feature btw, as dungeon queues always pop when I'm about to finish an instanced area and I'm forced to lose all my quest progress or wait for the overly long queue to pop again...)  It sounds like you're saying your outside the bridge instance and it won't let you back in, which is odd.  I've been disconnected during that sequence and remember being able to get back in to redo it all so I'm not sure what the issue might be.  Could be a bug.  Maybe the interactable area on the door is very small and you need to hover your reticle over it to engage it.

Sorry, I'm not sure what else to tell you.  That tutorial part takes like 5 minutes to get back to that point so you could always delete and start a new toon and just plow through the whole tutorial and get to the city.

Besides, if you are on Beholder server you got a buddy that could hook you up with some help. 172

Tue, 05/14/2013 - 12:20
KnightofRedemption's picture
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Heh well I am grinding my way up, not wanting to spend real money especially on a beta it's depressingly slow, I was a fair Tank the last MMO I played, at least judging by the requests to join parties so it's a real pain to be back hustling for coppers and health. Also as my PC is really dedicated for Sim Racing the keyboard is not best placed for controlling an MMO, was hoping to use my joypad but seems not to be. Still If we can get a few of us together to knock out a few quests with decent drops and a bit of power leveling it could be fun.

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