Major Nelson talks digital downloads and LIVE
Fri, 08/09/2013 - 12:15
Major Nelson talks digital downloads and LIVE
Some good info in there...
Why do I feel like there is a price increase coming?
uh, why? There was already one from 50 to 60, and PSN+ is still only $50. Why would this increase anything? It's just policy.
You can even be logged in to Xbox 360 and Xbox One at the same time.
^^ I like this. So that means you can plug your 360 into your One to use as a "BWC machine" on the same input.
Home Gold benefits are exclusively for Xbox One.
^^ not so much this. So, doesn't work on the 360.
At no additional cost...
This all very good news. My wife will benefit immediately from this, once we get a XB1.
I think MS master plan is taking effect.
Well, it doesn't matter who wins the pole, its the last lap that counts...
Fixed that for ya!
I'd say it's not the last lapdance, but the next that counts!
answers for those wondering about Family Plans:
Has any place mentioned a pre order bonus when a game Is downloaded?
I plan on going all digital for the XB1.
I'm hoping things like that happen. I'd like to do digital as much as possible, except in case I'd like to share a game with my friends.
I'm planning on going all digital too because of the quick switching features. If I want to keep playing a single player game, but look for a match in Halo 16, I don't want to have to switch discs once it finds the match.
I hate to sound the ass (this time) but if you bought a disc, wouldn't it be installed to HD anyway, therefore easy switch still in place? Do you think it would still require a disc check? That seems like laziness on someone's part (meaning software engineers). I know PC discs can easily be installed and done by code all day long.
Oldschool, the disc is installed too yes. However, it is REQUIRED to be in the tray to play. This is so you can't install your disc, then pass it to your buddy who now installs it, then he to his buddy, and so on.
Disc games work just like Xbox 360 ones, but with a mandatory install.
So quick switching between different games won't be quick with discs.
hope this helps! :)
Okay, BUT, why can they not manufacture the discs the same as PC discs, one install, code and done? No disc required, and the disc is junk without another code?
For that matter, a code for a used disc could cost less than the new disc as manufacturing and distribution are greatly reduced? Just asking why...dunno if anyone here really knows, and i get that, but there must be a reason.
Even if it required a disc check after a full installation - which I think was the rumor since they went away from the 24 hour check - it should still be able to work without disc switching. Plus, XB1 is Blu-ray now, so I doubt we'll see multi disc releases until maybe the end of the generation. Isn't Blu-ray capacity 50GB? I don't see them even pushing that until the end of the generation, if ever.
And again, I'm looking straight at Square Enix to push this first if anyone does.
If they let us use 3rd party USB 3.0 discs with a max of at least 1TB (which I've said before I think they will, and still believe so), and let us download games prior to release with the system enabling the game at midnight of the release day, I'll go with a lot more digital download, unless they are releasing huge games that would take days to download. I have a good connection, but 10+ GB games would still take quite some time to download, especially if it's during the weekends or evenings, when the family is using the internet as well.
I've never been the "have to have it the minute it's released " type. My experience on things of that nature is often " money wouldv'e been better spent elsewhere". I like to see how something's received before I get hooked by the "gotta have it now" hype.
So I tend to buy things when I'm out and see it, not waiting in line in the frezing ass cold with people of questionable hygiene (real or imagined) or even downloading it day one (when the loads horrendous). I mean, I'm as hooked on Forza as it can possibly get, and I don't feel the need to have it day one. I mean, there's less people to race with (excluding Timmies), duh.
So, either way, disc or download, I'll not be a day one customer most likely. Even so, I can initate download and go to work.
Now, if you can remotely do this from work before you head home(?) I'd possibly be a tad excited...hell for all I know, this can be done now?
Exactly...... I feel like I'm taking crazy pills. That was the entire reason everyone freaked out.
Yeah, so Forza digital dld, everything else disc, or digital, whatever. that way I can ALWAYS swap to Forza as quickly as possible...
wait you can set the 360 to have the network on while the console is off??
I know you can start a DL and then shut your 360 off and it will continue to DL. I do it all the time
yes, mine is set up that way too. but not the other way around. you'd need some sort of wake-on LAN where it pings MS's server even when the power is off.
Yeah thats what I have. Its called the Wife