Next Xbox release date and GTA V slip date?

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#1 Sat, 02/02/2013 - 05:45
selden007's picture
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Next Xbox release date and GTA V slip date?

So rockstar has announced that the long awaited next chapter in the Grand Theft Auto series, GTA V, has been delayed until September 17, 2013.  At first I admit, I was rather disappointed that we will not be jacking cars and running missions in in April as originally thought.  But as I read the story and waded through the angry fanboy comments I started to think. Yes, hard to believe.

Many of the angry fanboys were calling foul and saying it was the hype engine starting and this is for publicity and to have the title release in the peak season for game sales. Rockstar shot that down, with a header post claiming no conspiracy, they just want the best game that GTA v deserves.  Well, that is when the sparks of thought processes got kicking. If the delay was truly game related and making it the best it could be and not part of some marketing hype wagon.

Then wouldn't it make sense to tweak and polish the game for the soon to be, but still rumored, Xbox Durango (Xbox next, 720 or whatever...)  I mean what would make a better launch title lineup for Microsoft? With Bungie's next title supposedly launching with the Xbox and now GTA V. All they need is to announce the next Battlefield/COD, Madden and Forza and I will have to take out a new credit card and loan this fall. What do you think? Am I just having a pipe dream or what?

Sat, 02/02/2013 - 07:41
YEM's picture
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I think it's a pipe dream. If it was going to be a next gen game, they would have to have been working on that from the start. I really don't think (though I don't really know, I'm not a game designer) they could just up and decide to change it from current gen to next gen in this short amount of time.


As for Battlefield, EA just released some news that hinted at BF4 being next gen and coming out in October 

Sat, 02/02/2013 - 08:43
SoulTerror's picture
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I agree with YEM.

Sat, 02/02/2013 - 09:43
TANK's picture
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Well we also saw Splinter Cell move into the same release window so there COULD be something going on.  On the other hand, Rockstar North pretty much does what they want and put out the best product they can.  Unlike other devs that answer to their publisher, Rockstar North dictates what they're doing to Take Two.  They delayed GTA4 for 5 months or so to polish it as well.  I'm not sure they'll just do an uprezed port of GTA5 for the new console, that's not really their style and I doubt they could really make a game of their high standards on a brand new consoles dev kit.  there's also the money factor, PS4 and 720 are not going to hvae the install base to generate that much in sales.

So really its kind of hard to say.  I think it's kind of odd for them to push GTA5 out to September.  It's a huge game and people play it for a much longer time than the average game.  If they just put it out on 360/PS3, it seems like thye'd be cutting the tail off their game giviing it a 6-8 week lifespan and would loose out on all those DLC sales unless of course the 720/ps4 are back compat.


Sat, 02/02/2013 - 10:15
YEM's picture
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Well tank, it all depends on if the 720 is bc or not. I think it will be... similar to the 360

Sat, 02/02/2013 - 10:55
Nochnoi-Dozor's picture
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I remember reading an article on a patent that Microsoft filed for call "Forward Compatability", did a quick search and found a small article from Kotaku

Sat, 02/02/2013 - 11:35
SquatterBag's picture
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all i know is i have it preordered on the 360

Sat, 02/02/2013 - 12:04
TANK's picture
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I'm thinking we aren't going to see a native '720' version of GTA5 because that's not really RockStar Norths style.  So we'll either have a 'forward compat' console or we won't be planying GTA5 on the new system.

Given two huge franchises have moved out so close to the expected new console launch window, I think that adds some credit to the 'forward compatible' rumors.

Wed, 02/06/2013 - 12:58
Shadow's picture
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Wed, 02/06/2013 - 13:18
clewis199's picture
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Just read an article that said Microsoft has signed a deal with Red Box and is discussing a streaming service. Damn I will never have to leave the house now.

Wed, 02/06/2013 - 18:37
TANK's picture
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I got into that redbox beta, waiting for Microsoft to send me the streaming app download code so i can try it out.


As for the article about the always on Durango and not playing used games, i don't have an issue with the always on part.  But if they make it so the used game market is dead because discs are single use, i'm out.  I will not be buying Durango.  I'm on the fence about the console now after reading the specs but that greedy ass decision will nail that coffin shut for me.

Thu, 02/07/2013 - 08:37 (Reply to #11)
fatLUNCH's picture
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TANK wrote:

As for the article about the always on Durango and not playing used games, i don't have an issue with the always on part.  But if they make it so the used game market is dead because discs are single use, i'm out.  I will not be buying Durango.  I'm on the fence about the console now after reading the specs but that greedy ass decision will nail that coffin shut for me.

Then would you not buy the PS4 also?  Because Sony is trying to do the same thing.

I agree that its freaking stupid that we cant sell old games to each other - but as someone who buys games and then lets them collect dust when im done with them i cant say too much on this topic.

On a side note - 50gb disks should have a lot of ability to make some great games!  If i read the articles correctly, the Durango will have a blu ray player...?

Thu, 02/07/2013 - 10:18 (Reply to #12)
Blue_Stiehl's picture
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fatLUNCH wrote:

TANK wrote:

As for the article about the always on Durango and not playing used games, i don't have an issue with the always on part.  But if they make it so the used game market is dead because discs are single use, i'm out.  I will not be buying Durango.  I'm on the fence about the console now after reading the specs but that greedy ass decision will nail that coffin shut for me.

Then would you not buy the PS4 also?  Because Sony is trying to do the same thing.

I agree that its freaking stupid that we cant sell old games to each other - but as someone who buys games and then lets them collect dust when im done with them i cant say too much on this topic.

On a side note - 50gb disks should have a lot of ability to make some great games!  If i read the articles correctly, the Durango will have a blu ray player...?

Like you I don't sell any of my games. However, I do own more than one xbox and multiple GT's. Am I going to be limited to playing on only one xbox or are they going to make me jump thru hoops to do what I do now?

Thu, 02/07/2013 - 15:17 (Reply to #13)
Lbsutke's picture
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Blue_Stiehl wrote:

fatLUNCH wrote:

TANK wrote:

As for the article about the always on Durango and not playing used games, i don't have an issue with the always on part.  But if they make it so the used game market is dead because discs are single use, i'm out.  I will not be buying Durango.  I'm on the fence about the console now after reading the specs but that greedy ass decision will nail that coffin shut for me.

Then would you not buy the PS4 also?  Because Sony is trying to do the same thing.

I agree that its freaking stupid that we cant sell old games to each other - but as someone who buys games and then lets them collect dust when im done with them i cant say too much on this topic.

On a side note - 50gb disks should have a lot of ability to make some great games!  If i read the articles correctly, the Durango will have a blu ray player...?

Like you I don't sell any of my games. However, I do own more than one xbox and multiple GT's. Am I going to be limited to playing on only one xbox or are they going to make me jump thru hoops to do what I do now?

Not sure how they would do it, maybe they would tie the code to your MAC address plus the GT's played on that MAC address. Or maybe you have to "register" the xbox's you play on to your xbox live account which would permit playing the same game on multiple boxes.


On the subject of the used game thing, MEH. I sell all my old games, but if they do this hopefully they would take a page from steams pricing model. That way games that have been out a while you would get at a significant price reduction. I also agree with Church on this. The PC market does not really have a used game market, so jumping ship to that just because MS/Sony take away that ability is a little premature and reactionary.

Wed, 02/06/2013 - 18:50
clewis199's picture
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NO WAY and I mean NO WAY they will ban used games, it would be console suicide. Every expert in the biz says this is just rumor. The always on thing really wouldnt bother me either as my xbox is always On anyway.

Thu, 02/07/2013 - 07:05
Oldschool 2o4f's picture
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Always on, what? why in the hell would I want anything in my house always on? Oh, always online, sigh, I gotta read more...Aren't  some PC games code activated and non-transferable already?

Thu, 02/07/2013 - 09:06 (Reply to #16)
clewis199's picture
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oldschoolsmart wrote:

Always on, what? why in the hell would I want anything in my house always on? Oh, always online, sigh, I gotta read more...Aren't  some PC games code activated and non-transferable already?

Always On meaning that anytime you play it you would need an online internet conn, not as in the machine physically being turned on.

Thu, 02/07/2013 - 07:34
CProRacing's picture
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Nearly all PC games are not transferable now days hence the reason you don't really see second hand PC games anymore. (Unless they come with the profile it was signed up with ect)

Thu, 02/07/2013 - 10:29
SoulTerror's picture
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I doubt they will, but if they do ban used games then I'll be done with consoles. I rent a lot of my games because I'm not going to pay $60 for a game I beat in about 15 hours or less.

Thu, 02/07/2013 - 15:33
fatLUNCH's picture
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i can see "renting" games via an app store on both platforms.. 

Fri, 02/08/2013 - 08:38
fatLUNCH's picture
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PS4 is expected to be announced this month and expected to cost about 40,000 Yen (so says this link)

Fri, 02/08/2013 - 10:01
clewis199's picture
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Activision announced that there will be a new COD this Nov but no word on if its for 360 or Durango.

Fri, 02/08/2013 - 14:05
unsub073's picture
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I will wait and see how the system works out.  When I initially read the article, I was done with the next gen systems, but if they manage to have rentals or longer demos to try the games out, I would consider it.  I usually just donate my old games instead of selling them.  Here's the place I like to send them to:

Sat, 02/09/2013 - 12:59
YEM's picture
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I still say no way they ban used games. If anything, it will go the way of the online pass. You buy a used game, you need to spend the $10 for the online pass

Sat, 02/09/2013 - 23:23
Azuredreams's picture
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Just when you thought that the industry couldn't try and suck any more money from your comes the next gen consoles. As if overpriced DLC wasn't bad enough. Now we have a console that will reportedly not only cost $400 and above, but also requires you to pay for an online service as well as your isp to even play an over priced incomplete single player game. Personally, if it weren't for Gamefly, I wouldn't game on consoles at all anymore. Not only does renting the games first allow me to weed out the surprisingly massive amounts of crap games before wasting 60 bucks on them. But also allows me to then purchase the game at a much more reasonable price 30-40 dollars. It's bad enough that to play multiplayer with my friends for any length of time I'm forced to pay on an almost bi-monthly basis for downloadable content, now they want to force me to blindly buy these games new and waste even more money that I don't have. 

Sadly plenty of people will buy this up faster than their new iphones and set the precedent for this garbage business model. Not everyone is made of money and able to pay these ridiculous prices for a hobby. I know a lot of you will defend this as the industry trying to reclaim profits from the retail stores, but how much profit is enough? They don't even include instruction booklets anymore unless of course you buy a collector's edition, now we have to get rid of any cost to manufacturing what so ever?!?!? Gaming outpaces every other entertainment industry out there by leaps and bounds. This call of the poor impoverished game developer is pure bullshit. 

Sun, 02/10/2013 - 08:23
SoulTerror's picture
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Every hobby is expensive. I have no problem buying dlc for most games. Also the rumor of the PS4 price is lower then the PS3 was at launch.

Mon, 02/11/2013 - 02:01 (Reply to #26)
Azuredreams's picture
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SoulTerror wrote:

Every hobby is expensive. I have no problem buying dlc for most games. Also the rumor of the PS4 price is lower then the PS3 was at launch.

I agree that some expense is justified.Our home alone at present has 4 computers, 3 360's and a wii, not to mention the cost of the games. But you can honestly tell me that you're alright with paying $50 over the price of the original game for new maps and some zombie levels?

I think I've invested PLENTY into this hobby and do not deserve to be shipped incomplete games for $60 dollars only to be sold the rest of it a la carte. This industry has been lowering costs for well over a decade, with smaller and smaller boxes. Providing nothing inside the box such as instruction manuals, to the point that now they want to eliminate the cost of physical discs all together and go completely digital. I don't know about you, but I like seeing my game boxes on my shelves. I love the collecting aspect of my hobby, and this industry has been pushing heavily to take that away from us for a long while. 

It's giving the customers as little as possible and seeing what else they can charge you for. If the consumer keeps giving their blessing to this business practice, pretty soon you'll own nothing. Nothing to display proudly, and nothing to pass down to the real next gen, our kids. My son and daughter love my older consoles and our collection of games for them. Imagine if Nintendo had pulled this money grab years ago. Would you be happy being forced to pay for the privelage to replay those games as well? Because that's what this move is trying to do. Force you to pay every time you want to take that game off the shelf, virtual or not and slide it into the console. What happens when the next next gen system comes along? Will they stop supporting the games you already purchased? It's happens all the time. A company decides a game's too old and it's too costly to run the servers anymore and you have absolutely no recourse but to move on to their newest title. 

If this rumor of "Always on Drm" is true, you will have to pay for an internet connection and Xbox live to play a single player game that you paid $60 dollars for. How many times are you going to let yourself be charged to use something that you paid for and should have every right to use?

Just the other day I reinstalled Evil Genius on my PC. Have been playing and having a blast. If this was on one of the next gen consoles, not only would I be paying to play a game I bought almost a decade ago but with the rumored lack of backward compatibility this wouldn't even be allowed. Regretfully, if this move by the next gen consoles works and people allow even more of their ownership to be taken away, I'm sure that the rest of the gaming community will not be far behind. 

If we swallow this it will set the precedent and there will be no going back from there. 


Sun, 02/10/2013 - 13:34
CProRacing's picture
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Sony really need to go that way. 

The PS3 has always been way to expensive.


If it was a bit cheaper I would have got one for GT5.

Mon, 02/11/2013 - 06:16
CProRacing's picture
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I thought Backward compact has been confirmed?

Luckily its ok for me as I only play Forza on the 360 and the rest is on the PC.

Mon, 02/11/2013 - 10:17 (Reply to #29)
Azuredreams's picture
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ChurchPro wrote:

I thought Backward compact has been confirmed?

Luckily its ok for me as I only play Forza on the 360 and the rest is on the PC.


I game quite a bit on PC as well. However as I said above, if this console always on drm is real and people buy the thing anyway? It's only a matter of time until all games require this across all platforms. Drm is already taken to absurd levels, and if we don't draw the line somewhere, we as gamers can kiss any ownership of our games goodbye.

Mon, 02/11/2013 - 12:03
LocGaw's picture
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No problem; I don't care if all this speculation is true or not. I am going to build a PC now, play nothing but MMOs and not buy ANY new games. 


I normally keep a few "couch" games laying around and I can keep the 360 for them.

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