Xbone Catch-All News/Rumor/General Fuckery Thread

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Wed, 11/06/2013 - 13:54
Oldschool 2o4f's picture
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If any on you are considering Forza5, check this out first. It's not sitting well over in the garage....


Wed, 11/06/2013 - 14:57 (Reply to #662)
Shadow's picture
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Oldschool 2o4f wrote:

If any on you are considering Forza5, check this out first. It's not sitting well over in the garage....



would be my first Forza game, but reading the story it seems like their comments make sense.  Trying to make everything the best possible and cutting the fat.

Wed, 11/06/2013 - 14:51
Shadow's picture
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Wed, 11/06/2013 - 15:42
SoulTerror's picture
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Fewer cars I can live with. Fewer tracks? Fuck that!! That's why I got so bored of the game, same tracks over and over.

Wed, 11/06/2013 - 15:52
SarcasmoJones's picture
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I'm so pissed off that my hat just melted.

Wed, 11/06/2013 - 16:22
CProRacing's picture
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What the fuck are they thinking.

Of yeah thats it. Bend over Cpro so I can fuck you up the arse and then you pay me for the best fucking track in the world.

If they only had the Ring on the game I really would not have minded.



Wed, 11/06/2013 - 16:23
CProRacing's picture
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GT6 it is then.

Still not all bad. There is talk in the garage of having a GT area.

Wed, 11/06/2013 - 19:01
Oldschool 2o4f's picture
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I'm with Jones, and that's not even getting into the car list...

Wed, 11/06/2013 - 19:03
KnightofRedemption's picture
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Well that is a kick in the proverbials, after years of begging for more tracks...Less. 

Wed, 11/06/2013 - 19:12
gizziegod's picture
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i think we might see a lot of track dlc this time around

Wed, 11/06/2013 - 20:19
SarcasmoJones's picture
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Yeah. they could just go the Skylander/Infinity route and sell us little cars for $20 a pop to put on our little $50 car stand. Collect them all! I'm thinking at least 5 car packs at $10 apiece, a couple of tracks at another $10 each, and maybe a kick in the sack Porsche pack down the road for twenty bones..it's like $150 or more(don't forget the LE) for virtual fucking Hot Wheels...that doesn't include the peripherals. I hope someone's bringing lube to this party.


Thu, 11/07/2013 - 00:00
Shadow's picture
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it says 10 cars each in 6 packs (so, 60 cars).  $50 for the "car pass"

Thu, 11/07/2013 - 01:22 (Reply to #673)
SarcasmoJones's picture
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Shadow wrote:

it says 10 cars each in 6 packs (so, 60 cars).  $50 for the "car pass"

Yeah, a total of 260 cars...I have 550 cars in my Forza 4 garage. Providing less tracks and less than half of the cars of previous games is not a promising start. I hope Forza 5 delivers where it counts.

Thu, 11/07/2013 - 06:27 (Reply to #674)
Oldschool 2o4f's picture
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Shadow wrote:

it says 10 cars each in 6 packs (so, 60 cars).  $50 for the "car pass"

Most likely any packs not included in the pass, OR if people don't buy the pass, will cost $10 a pop.It's not uncommon for there to be packs after the season pass ends. Itwould be easy to buy the pass, three packs after the fact, toss in a Porsche extortion and you're at $110, bam! Oh, and I'm betting that IF there's a Porsche pack, it'll be $25 this time around...

This DOES explain the information trickle this time around. Clearly there was a lack of cars to release AND some information they simply didn't want to release. I mean HOW do you spin a reduction of this magnitude without worrying about the torches and pitchforks being handed out, which seems to be occurring.

Thu, 11/07/2013 - 06:22
Oldschool 2o4f's picture
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Garage is limited to 550 but I think there's more like 600 available, give or take, AND there' aren't any duplicated like over at GT.

Isn't it sad that, in some measurable aspects of the game, BEFORE release, Fm4 appears to be superior, at least from the end customers point of view, to the upcoming Fm5?

They are truly going to have to present a marked increase in driving enjoyability to overcome the shortcomings of car availability, and more importantly I feel, track variety.

I haven't even gotten into or mentioned the paint booth, which from what I've seen simply in examples of cars already done, NOT the process in the game to do so, seems to be making quite  a leap forward because I know that the painting fan base, while sizable, is far from what the masses are concerned with going in. Some really beautiful stuff so far. But, again, if the racers are pissed about lack of tracks, painters are pissed about a noticeable reduction of cars to play on, as well as in.

Thu, 11/07/2013 - 06:40
OutcastB's picture
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Early reviews of RYSE aren't looking good. They say it's about as fun as dialing a phone..


Thu, 11/07/2013 - 08:04
YEM's picture
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Dialing the phone can be fun if you do it to Funky Town

Thu, 11/07/2013 - 08:37
SarcasmoJones's picture
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I'm not worried about Ryse...I played it at the XBox One tour and the combat is deeper than what GI is describing. I played a gladiator guy in a kind of Colosseum level and I was able to attack, block, shield bash, counter, and deal finishing moves...it's not Mortal Kombat but it's a long way from Batman or Killer is Dead. Opponents were similar, but not identical...my pre-order stands.

Thu, 11/07/2013 - 10:15
Shadow's picture
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definitely not a racer, so you guys know way more than me.  However personally I don't see how anyone could care to race 200 cars let alone 500 cars.  I would imagine I would choose 4-5 that would be my favorites.  As for tracks, I can understand the worry.  However, would you like 25 medicore badly converted tracks or 14 well done next gen tracks?

Thu, 11/07/2013 - 10:30 (Reply to #680)
SarcasmoJones's picture
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Shadow wrote:

definitely not a racer, so you guys know way more than me.  However personally I don't see how anyone could care to race 200 cars let alone 500 cars.  I would imagine I would choose 4-5 that would be my favorites.  As for tracks, I can understand the worry.  However, would you like 25 medicore badly converted tracks or 14 well done next gen tracks?

I will attempt to explain it in Halo terms. Halo 5 has just released but only has three available weapons and six maps. However, these weapons are far superior, graphically, than any weapon in the history of gaming and the six maps are breathtaking, and narrated by the cast of Star Trek. Are you in awe of the new content that adds little to the game experience or do you feel shortchanged on equipment and environments? I only use 3 weapons in Halo and never play multiplayer, so it sounds like a good deal to me.

Thu, 11/07/2013 - 10:38
Shadow's picture
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if all 6 maps were awesome, that's all I need.  Halo Reach has all shitty maps and 4 only has 1 or 2 good ones.  If I could get 6 good ones?  I call that a super win.  Weapons =/= cars though...  Maybe classes would be a more apt comparison.

Thu, 11/07/2013 - 11:05 (Reply to #682)
SarcasmoJones's picture
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Shadow wrote:

if all 6 maps were awesome, that's all I need.  Halo Reach has all shitty maps and 4 only has 1 or 2 good ones.  If I could get 6 good ones?  I call that a super win.  Weapons =/= cars though...  Maybe classes would be a more apt comparison.

I don't know what "classes" are...and I don't care. This makes me a bad judge of rating how good a Halo game is.You seem unable to understand the disappointment of Forza players who are getting less content on a more powerful and expensive console.I'll guess you'll have to take the word of folks who actually play the game. I hope to see you on the track soon, driving contentedly in your 5 or 6 perfectly rendered cars. Perhaps you can teach us some acceptance.

Thu, 11/07/2013 - 10:45
Oldschool 2o4f's picture
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Now Jones, don't go using logic and viable examples!

Shadow, we, and I mean our group here, not the public at large, play this game from the moment it's released until they release the next one, some exclusively, so a game with replayability and legs is a must.

We set up races with specific cars only allowed, and I think you can see, wwe'd probably like to use different cars instead f the same old ones each time.

Tracks to me is obvious, the more the better, and who looks at the hot dog vendor in the stands, rendered amazingly realistically, when roaring down the straight at 200mph?

Also, and I just did the math on this, 200 cars, assuming even distribution (hah!) across 10 car classes leaves, hmm, 20 cars per class at best? With season pass, 26 per class. Currently we have closer to 60 per class.( Ignoring movment by tuning...)

Yes, the gloves in the cockpit look really nice, but so would 10 more Ferrari's, 12 more Lamborghini's, heck ANY Porsches...and honestly, the tracks way more important than the bubbling brook next to it in the opening sequence BEFORE the damn race.

If they said, hey, we didn't get the tracks done yet, but we're going to add them in down the road, at no cost, by May, youknow what, I'd shut up and be reasonably happy, at least more so than I am now.

And I DO feel I'm being made to pay for DLC cars that simply weren't done yet, and am financing late work.

Thu, 11/07/2013 - 11:14
Shadow's picture
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I'll definitely be more casual, so like I said you're the experts of course.

classes would be like cars - type of attributes you want to use on your player.

I think Forza 6 will probably be more to your taste - I'm sure F5 was rushed out to get out at launch.

Thu, 11/07/2013 - 12:35 (Reply to #685)
Oldschool 2o4f's picture
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Shadow wrote:

I'll definitely be more casual, so like I said you're the experts of course.

classes would be like cars - type of attributes you want to use on your player.

I think Forza 6 will probably be more to your taste - I'm sure F5 was rushed out to get out at launch.

Without a shred of empirical data, I'm sure we can agree on that. cool

Jones, I'm cautiously optimistic that "some" of the cars you don't see on the list you want will be in the car packs. Again, not a shred of anything to back that up, except I hope to God someone that works on this game actually is a car fan. I don't think it's Greenawalt.

Thu, 11/07/2013 - 12:36
zombiekitten's picture
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@ Jones before you even made your Halo comparison, I was going to make a joke about the new Forza sounding like its being put out by 343. I get it. 

"Oh, you've been asking us for more of this....so yeah, you're getting LESS."

Thu, 11/07/2013 - 12:57
SarcasmoJones's picture
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Here's a little something that's neither helpful nor entertaining, but it is pertinent to the current subject. I got home last night to send a Forza buddy some cars...his garage save had corrupted during a freeze and needed some cars. I had intended to send him a handful of cars that I rarely drive, which would also clear some space out in my garage as I am always at 100% capacity. However, when I got home and started sorting through my garage, I could not find a single car, out of 550 choices, that I was willing to part with. I ended up cloning cars from my garage that I was fairly certain that other guys wouldn't be sending him. I was willing to spend a few million credits and a couple of hours buying cars and loading tunes and designs to give away, but I wasn't willing to give away one of "my" cars. If that doesn't explain a Forza guy, I don't know what would.

Thu, 11/07/2013 - 13:45
Shadow's picture
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it's all relative.  with less car choices, you'll have less cars in your garage that you can't part with, etc.  Look at GT6 - there's like 1500 cars.  There will never be enough cars for some people either way.

Thu, 11/07/2013 - 13:52 (Reply to #689)
Oldschool 2o4f's picture
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Shadow wrote:

it's all relative.  with less car choices, you'll have less cars in your garage that you can't part with, etc.  Look at GT6 - there's like 1500 cars.  There will never be enough cars for some people either way.

Are you really a casual driver or do you realize that of those 1500 cars, a huge majority are substandard quality, and many are the same car model with extremely minor cosmetic changes?

This is the worst arguement in the console wars Forza/GT discussion, and you seem blissfully unaware...

Thu, 11/07/2013 - 13:53
Oldschool 2o4f's picture
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Here's a little something that's neither helpful nor entertaining, but it is pertinent to the current subject. I got home last night to send a Forza buddy some cars...his garage save had corrupted during a freeze and needed some cars. I had intended to send him a handful of cars that I rarely drive, which would also clear some space out in my garage as I am always at 100% capacity. However, when I got home and started sorting through my garage, I could not find a single car, out of 550 choices, that I was willing to part with. I ended up cloning cars from my garage that I was fairly certain that other guys wouldn't be sending him. I was willing to spend a few million credits and a couple of hours buying cars and loading tunes and designs to give away, but I wasn't willing to give away one of "my" cars. If that doesn't explain a Forza guy, I don't know what would.

Totally get it.

I sent out the two or three series cars he wanted, and then I went through the Ferrari stable and sent him probably 8 or 10 that I thought were truly fun to drive, and then three or four of the nicer Lotus auto's. Oddly enough, as bad as I am about not getting rid of cars, even if I haven't done a thing with them, I'm not maxxed out. I'm at close to 500 mind you, but not at the limit.

There are a few I find so fun to drive I have two or three of the same car simply so I can keep them tuned individually and not have to swap tunes around. Of course that way I can paint the same car three different ways as well. Win/Win!

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