Xbox 360 version announced, coming September
Xbox 360 version announced, coming September
On September 3, evil will be reborn on console systems throughout the world with the release of Diablo® III on the PlayStation™ 3 and Xbox 360® games and entertainment system from Microsoft. That's right, Diablo III will be unleashing hell on both Xbox 360 and PS3™ before summer's end, so lock in your preorders with your local retailer soon.
As an added bonus, all preorders of the Xbox 360 and PS3™ versions of Diablo III will include the exclusive Infernal Helm (in-game item only. . .though we have to admit it'd look pretty sharp IRL). Wearable at level 1, the Infernal Helm confers a +EXP bonus to help you whip your new PlayStation™ or Xbox® characters into shape. Plus, it looks sweet as hell on all five mortal heroes of Sanctuary—be it the Witch Doctor, Barbarian, Wizard, Demon Hunter, or Monk. Keep in mind that the redeemable key for the Infernal Helm, which you will find in your preordered console copy of Diablo III on launch day, requires an Internet connection to be redeemed and cannot be transferred across platforms.
Be sure to get your preorder lined up for the PS3™ or Xbox 360 versions of the game and prepare your thumbs to do battle against the sinister forces of the Burning Hells.
(No word on ONE support)
This will be a launch day buy for me 100%
I actually just playing D3 on my CPU and I'm really enjoying it. I'm using a Witch Doctor but its only a Level 13 right now.
I am glad this is finally coming to the consoles.
My body is ready!
I love that they're doing away with the required internet access for the console version. I willl certainly be getting this.
Pre-ordered this yesterday along with GTA: V. Can not wait to jump into this game, it's been a looooong time since I've played Diablo and I need a good MP hack-n-slash.
been waiting on this for a while now!
preordred, send FR for some CO-OP action.
I have pre-ordered - now I can finally see what all the Diablo talk is about.
As always - I am ready to co-op anythime.
Finally get to play a Diablo game tomorrow. Watched some videos on the console mp and it looks pretty good.
I gotta get through a whole day of work still. Come on 5pm!
I'm looking forward to finally getting back into Diablo! Tonight we dine in Hell!
I'm picking up a copy today at lunch. First Diablo game I have ever played but looks good. Really want to see what the mp will be like. I'm offline this week but anyone that will be playing shoot me a FR xXAmmodawgXx I want to find some people to do mp next week.
I had very limited time with the game last night, only about 1.5 hours, but I had fun. I did not play the PC version, so this is my first time getting a crack at D3. I really enjoyed my time and I have to say the controls are great.
The inventory system is a little clunky, but it does a good enough job.
I really liked the combat. Playing on a controller was cake and I didn't have any issues casting spells or targeting.
I decided to go with the Monk as my first character and I really like him so far.
What are your impressions?
Ps3 and 360 versions 44.99 at Toys R Us
I like it so far. Kinda weird not allocating skill and stat points, or that if you have a spell-based character the melee weapon you're holding doesn't do damage. It will take some time getting used to how the gear you have directly influences all your stats.
The plus side is that you can switch skills on the fly once they're unlocked which is nice. Nothing like grinding levels in D2 only to realize the build you made is not viable at later difficulty levels and having to start all over again. All-in-all I'm liking it so far, and think this will be a great addition along with Borderlands 2 to fill the multiplayer hack-n-slash, or shoot-n-loot genre in my library
Does anyone know what the little sword, shield, and heart icons mean next to an item that you pick up? Damage, defense, durability? It's too bad that the game did not come with any instructions...
I think it indicates the following:
Sword = Damage; Shield = Armor; Heart = Vitality
You'll notice that when you pick up and item, if it's an upgrade to a currently equipped item, you'll see a green arrow - the more green arrows the better the stats to that attribute. If you see a red arrow, that indicates the item has lower stats than currently equipped. No arrows, means no change to stats.
You might pick up an item with three green arrows in damage, but one red arrow to armor. This would indicate a nice upgrade to damage, but a decreased armor rating.
Also, if you've not figured it out, you can press up on the d-pad to cycle through your most recent loot to get a quick idea if you picked up something good - then you can equip it or drop it if it's junk.
This is what I've pieced together playing (with no prior D3 experience), if somebody has more info, please share.
Oh and I'd love to have some peeps to join for some hacking and slashing!
I played a little with three different chaacters. I am not hooked yet.
Strike, have you been playing solo? I'm enjoying it quite a bit. Unlocked some runes which is adding new twists to my skills and have started leveling up the blacksmith in town as well.
Ther only Co-op I played was with you. I am going to sample each class to see what I want to play before I get any deeper. So far I have done the Monk (with you), the witch doctor and the elf. The chest comes in handy, to pass weapons and armor from one character to another.
Just picked it up here, so anyone who's in feel free to send over a FR. :)
what's your gamertag? It's not coming up as BalekFekete
GT is BalekFekete360
I've got a level 10ish witch doctor. Got a wizard too, but I'm using him for the couch co-op game I've got going with the wife. Would be interested to get a four person game going with all new toons....
Thanks for the game last night Wild. After you left I kept playing and found TWO legendary weapons within about 5 minutes.
The PC players that have tried the console are raving about how much better the loot system is on console. Perhaps it's due to the lack of the Auction House, but most of the PC characters seem to be built from stuff bought from the Auction House instead of found in the game. The loot on console is so much better that you are actually able to find nice rare and legendary upgrades on a fairly regular basis.
Additionally, it's been noted that there seems to be no real difference in monster power levels as far as experience gained and loot drops is concerned. What I mean is that playing on Easy will net you the same exp as playing on Hard. The real differences come with changing the difficultly levels - Normal, Nightmare, Hell and Inferno. I've watched a guy on Twitch that played all the way through Inferno on Easy and his monk was up to about 100k DPS.
Now that he's built up a decent character, he's increasing the monster power to increase exp and loot and to work on Paragon levels since reaching level 60.
I tried changing to Easy last night and that is when I got the two legendary drops. This is probably how I will play - especially solo - going through all the difficulty levels. Then bump up the monster power once I have a decent character.
Anyway, food for thought.
I will be on tonight - I hope to play some co-op.
@ Tabasco, good times man! Yah, I'm digging it. Played a bit myself and am at lvl 16. got a great legendary ring, and a couple yellow rare items that I stashed.
@ Strike, I saw that you were off and on last night. I'll be on today, but it will be later. Doing some salt-water fishing with some friends today.
FR sent Balek!
I picked it up but have never played any Diablo game. Finishing up Crysis III this morning and then making room to install it.
Sent some FR. Diablo Rulez!