Console News

Microsoft Confirms X05 Details

Microsoft confirmed that X05, the Xbox brand experience for the games and entertainment industry, will be held on the 4th and 5th October this year.

It's a Game console, it's a Media Center, it's a Music Store!

Here''s a story that will surely warm the cockles of your heart. Microsoft as decided to enter the music business.

Xbox 360 hit by shortage?

Apparently Microsoft did not learn anything from their previous shortage problems with the original Xbox. Reports are emerging that Xbox 360 is in short supply for pre-sale.

X360 Backwards compatability hiccup

Microsoft may have run into a minor hiccup in their plans for backwards compatability for Xbox games on the Xbox 360. MS does not own the silicon in the original Xbox.

PS3 to run Linux?

Sony's Playstation 3 may have another trick up it's sleeve. Words from Sony indicate that the optional hard disc will come with Linux installed, in at least one version of this add-on.

2old2play's Xbox 360 E3 Impressions

In the next couple weeks I’ll be trying to sum up all the events, games, and consoles that I saw at E3 this year.

PS3 to have only 50% of Next Gen market?

Well, the silly season is here. In the UK, the 'silly season' is the summer months of June, July and August when news outlets seemingly pull news stories out of their, well you know...down there.

Japanese developers talk about The Next Generation

Phew, a busy week of news for the next generation of consoles.

Playstation 3 unvieled at E3

Sony took the wraps off the new Playstation at E3 today. The new console was shown, some game demos were given. The new console will have a blu-ray disc drive, it will play PS2 and PSOne games.

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