
360 Technology The PS3 Is Missing?

Many next-generation games will be played on the Microsoft Xbox 360 and the Sony PlayStation 3. What is the biggest difference in a cross-platform game?

How Microsoft Could Win The War

I know many people will think that Microsoft has no chance on even getting close to Sony in any console race because of the 200 million PS1 and PS2 consoles Sony has sold...

How Much Would You Pay?

What would you be willing to pay for a game console? Obviously for me it is at least $399 dollars, as I forked that amount over for a 360.

Wii cost vs. 360 costs: Accessorizing

Can a gamer make a Wii cost more than an Xbox 360? This is the game of marketing add-ons and accessories...

Spouse Hate Your Gaming Habits?

You come home and the first thing on your mind is how many messages you have and who’s online or where you can pick up from your last save point.

Children run wild on the Net: Teach them manners

How many times have we badly beaten some kids in a friendly game of Halo 2 only to hear a string of profanities,

Bring Back the Side Scrollers

Run right. Jump. Slide. Climb. Shoot. Stomp. Score. Win. Repeat.

How the ESRB will Change Gaming

We’ve all seen them, the little black and white labels on the outside of a game package. Some of us pay attention to them some of us may not.

How Strategy Guides Affected Gaming

Strategy guides have affected gaming by making games harder for all of us. That's right, it's not a typo – strategy guides have created more difficult games.

Interview with LargeAnimal Games

This month, for 2O2P Magazine, I was given the opportunity to talk with the folks at LargeAnimal about their "casual gamer" development business.

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