Game Reviews

PopCap Games: Peggle Review

Peggle, the newest addition to the PopCap Games family is an addicting little casual game for the PC.

SSX Blur For The Nintendo Wii

SSX Blur is out for the Wii, is it a worthy purchase?

Crackdown for Xbox 360

Similar to GTA creator Dave Jones' roots, Crackdown is an open world, third person hybrid of all the great things we love about video games.

Wii Play: Is It For You Too?

Recently I purchased a new Wii remote control and what do ya know? It came with Wii Play...

Wii Elebits

Konami's latest release, Elebits, is a humorous little title for the Nintendo Wii. How will you know if this is your type of game?
  • You like casual games

Wii Sports

Wii Sports is included with all US Nintendo Wii's - is it worth it?

Best XBLA: Assault Heroes

Assault Heroes, old school glory in a next generation environment - a real XBLA treat...

Let Us Not Forget: Call of Duty 3

In the wake of the hit game Gears of War, Call of Duty 3 for the Xbox 360, was almost forgotten...

Top 11 Single Player FPS on XBOX

Eleven of the best single player first person shooters on the Xbox. Why eleven? Because ten is so last year.

Roboblitz Review

Released a few hours early, this long awaited Unreal Engine powered game has finally launched on our curvy white boxes, but the question is.. Is this game worth the 1200 points?

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