Umbee's blog


Shared on Wed, 09/13/2006 - 10:32

What Motivates Us?

So, I am sitting at my desk at work, dealing with issues on an almost nonstop basis. During the morning today a question entered my train of though: What motivates people when it comes to their chosen profession? The answer seems simple to many, and the majority answer is more often that not money. But, I wonder, if a person is not motivated by money, then what.


Shared on Tue, 09/12/2006 - 18:43

Timmy in the Making

Now that I have children of my own, the boy has just recently developed an interest in video games; I have increasingly become interested in what makes a Timmy become a Timmy. Mostly I dwell on this thought because I really don’t want my son to become one. But I am beginning to understand, much to my chagrin, that this may be utterly unavoidable. I make this statement after witnessing firsthand a loveable, well-mannered, respectful, kindhearted, and mellow little boy turn into a raging emotional madman when playing Frogger


Shared on Mon, 09/11/2006 - 23:28

A Little Story..

Something really occurred to me today at work, and I think it is something I have known for a very long time, if not as long as I have been capable of thought. I hate bullies.


Shared on Mon, 09/11/2006 - 20:00

Umbee's Inet Connection Rant....

Okay, those of you who have played on live with me know the issues I have had over the years with my inet connection. Well I say years when I guess it is actually only 1 year and a few months, but it sure seems like it has been a long time fighting with that unreliable connection. About 4-5 months ago I upgraded to a 1 mbps download speed, which also was suppose to have a 1 mbps upload speed. Wow, I thought, I will be smoking’ now, WRONG. Yes there are times when I have real good speed at 1 – 1.5 mbps, but there are times when I have no connection at all. Very frustrating.


Shared on Sun, 09/03/2006 - 19:10

Another 360 bites it!

So the 360 crashed and burned after buying it less than 90 days ago. I had read all the posts about the 360's problems, but I thought that it would never happen to me. Well it did. Too bad. M$ was real helpful when I called, and the 360 is boxed up and ready to ship off for repairs. That phone call to 1-800-4myxbox was a nice one, and M$ does seem eager to fix my 360. Bad thing is that I won't have it for close to 3 weeks. So, I went out and bought an original xbox. I had to buy a refurbished one, as I was told that M$ quit producing it a few months ago. That info I did not know.


Shared on Wed, 08/16/2006 - 11:15

More News on the 'Riot"...

So it turns out now that the Department of Corrections is going to fine us, oh wait assess "Liqudated Damages" whatever the fuck that means.  Seems they are upset that in the heat of battle, in the middle of getting all these inmates in off the yard, we did not contact the right people to let them know what exactly was going on.  I guess we were suppose to ignore the fact that inmates were out on the yard killing eack other in order to give some bigshot jack ass the play by play.  It is all bull shit anyway, just another way for them to screw us, but oh well, such is life.  Thank God it will n


Shared on Wed, 08/16/2006 - 09:11


That is sooooo neato!


Shared on Sat, 07/22/2006 - 14:10

More info

Tuns out, now that the tapes and such have been reviewed, that the thing started out over a basketball game. Seems as though it got a bit heated, and tempers flared.  There were only about 25-30 inmates involved, and it was contained to the outside recreation yard.  All staff were and are safe and uninjured.  This is 100% due to the professionalism maintained during these types of situations. I have been here 4 years, and I can tell you now, this one made me pucker up pretty tight at first. That is one hell of a phone to get on a Friday evening.


Shared on Sat, 07/22/2006 - 10:30

Busy Weekend

So, I just got back from vacation, and then the shit hits the fan.  In case you haven't read my occupation to the left there, I work in a prison.  I actually wrote and cognitve behavior based reentry program, as well as manage its day to day operations.  I am real proud of the fact that I not only wrote the program but also that the OK Department of Corrections has recognized it as a strong reentry program.  Anyway, I was chilling out Friday evening at about 730 central time, and had just fired up the 360 for COD 2, when my phone rings.  It was my buddy Cameron.  Funny thing is, about 90% o


Shared on Thu, 07/06/2006 - 07:40

New Pics

These were taken with a camera phone, so they arent all that clear:

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