JRock3x8's blog


Shared on Thu, 08/16/2007 - 13:39

Dr. Phil - My Response

I should have just posted this as a reply to TDrag's blog, but this stuff really gets under my skin when we get discriminated against like this.

Tara's Blog : http://blog.2old2play.com/Permalink/9843/14167

My response to Dr. Phil (posted through the link on Tara's blog)

The show on video games caused quite a stir in our little community. We call ourselves "2old2play" and we are an online family of older gamers.


Shared on Thu, 08/16/2007 - 13:39

Dr. Phil - My Response

I should have just posted this as a reply to TDrag's blog, but this stuff really gets under my skin when we get discriminated against like this.

Tara's Blog : http://blog.2old2play.com/Permalink/9843/14167

My response to Dr. Phil (posted through the link on Tara's blog)

The show on video games caused quite a stir in our little community. We call ourselves "2old2play" and we are an online family of older gamers.


Shared on Thu, 08/16/2007 - 12:34

Juror Caught Using IPod

Forewarning : this is all pretty dull until you get to the end.

From Engadget :

UK juror won't go to trial over hidden MP3 player
Filed under: Portable Audio

A juror on a murder trial in the UK who allegedly listened to music on an MP3 player while the court was in session will not have action taken against her, says the British Attorney General.


Shared on Thu, 08/16/2007 - 12:34

Juror Caught Using IPod

Forewarning : this is all pretty dull until you get to the end.

From Engadget :

UK juror won't go to trial over hidden MP3 player
Filed under: Portable Audio

A juror on a murder trial in the UK who allegedly listened to music on an MP3 player while the court was in session will not have action taken against her, says the British Attorney General.


Shared on Thu, 08/16/2007 - 08:18

Strange Night

So last night I logged onto Gears of War with the Family - we had decided on the forums last night that it would be good to have a "Family" night on Gears.  (Family being OMM, wife, kids, dog, etc optional)  We all played like super noobs, with the exception of Gaius who was bustin' people up with his whiptacular pistol action grip.  On one game, I was coming at him at a dead run, raised my arm to bury my frag into his skull and in the time it took me to raise my arm, he turned 90 degrees and fired a perfect shotgun blast right into my chest.  Ouch.


Shared on Wed, 08/15/2007 - 11:29

The Non-Gamer Spouse

How many of you have spouses that won't touch video games with a ten foot pole? 

I had one of those, but I think I'm breaking her down.  For the last two nights, she has booted up Burnout : Takedown to play some Crash mode.  She finished the game back in early 2004, but she's playing it again for nostalgia I guess.  Anyways, she was having a really rough time with one of the early maps where you have to T-Bone the gas truck and then somehow make it across to block the traffic going the other way. 


Shared on Wed, 08/15/2007 - 11:29

The Non-Gamer Spouse

How many of you have spouses that won't touch video games with a ten foot pole? 

I had one of those, but I think I'm breaking her down.  For the last two nights, she has booted up Burnout : Takedown to play some Crash mode.  She finished the game back in early 2004, but she's playing it again for nostalgia I guess.  Anyways, she was having a really rough time with one of the early maps where you have to T-Bone the gas truck and then somehow make it across to block the traffic going the other way. 


Shared on Wed, 08/15/2007 - 05:57


Normally we keep stuff like this in the family, but since his wife has forgiven him for this naughty bit of indiscretion, I think we can all get a good chuckle out of it.

For those of you who thought Stryker was a straight shooter, I give you evidence to the contrary of this wicked, wicked man!


Shared on Wed, 08/15/2007 - 05:57


Normally we keep stuff like this in the family, but since his wife has forgiven him for this naughty bit of indiscretion, I think we can all get a good chuckle out of it.

For those of you who thought Stryker was a straight shooter, I give you evidence to the contrary of this wicked, wicked man!


Shared on Mon, 08/13/2007 - 05:34

LAN extras : Back at the Ranch

Ok, my house is not a ranch but a tri-level. 

Anyways, dkhodz stayed with me and I totally forgot in my LAN recap to say THANK YOU for the awesome bottle of wine he brought as a gift of gratitude for his stay.  Very much appreciated, bro.  My wife says that brand is on my grandfather's highly rated list which is a big deal since he drinks more wine than anyone I know (not at any one time, mind you).

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