JRock3x8's blog


Shared on Mon, 08/13/2007 - 05:34

LAN extras : Back at the Ranch

Ok, my house is not a ranch but a tri-level. 

Anyways, dkhodz stayed with me and I totally forgot in my LAN recap to say THANK YOU for the awesome bottle of wine he brought as a gift of gratitude for his stay.  Very much appreciated, bro.  My wife says that brand is on my grandfather's highly rated list which is a big deal since he drinks more wine than anyone I know (not at any one time, mind you).


Shared on Sun, 08/12/2007 - 09:52

JRock's 2007 LAN Recap

Well the LAN ended a bit early for me. I ws forced home by an unmerciful headache on Saturday night and just decided the 90 minute drive was not worth it just to eat breakfast with the guys. More on the headache and the drive later.



Shared on Sun, 08/12/2007 - 09:52

JRock's 2007 LAN Recap

Well the LAN ended a bit early for me. I ws forced home by an unmerciful headache on Saturday night and just decided the 90 minute drive was not worth it just to eat breakfast with the guys. More on the headache and the drive later.



Shared on Thu, 08/09/2007 - 15:36

Waiting is killing me!

I am sitting at my desk waiting for dk to come pick me up and I am literally dying from the anticipation.




Shared on Thu, 08/09/2007 - 15:36

Waiting is killing me!

I am sitting at my desk waiting for dk to come pick me up and I am literally dying from the anticipation.




Shared on Wed, 08/08/2007 - 20:54

Let's GET IT ON!

Friends : it's all about preparation, getting in the right mindset to dominate and to hand out a few teabags.

WAR.jpg picture by JRock3x8


Shared on Wed, 08/08/2007 - 20:54

Let's GET IT ON!

Friends : it's all about preparation, getting in the right mindset to dominate and to hand out a few teabags.

WAR.jpg picture by JRock3x8


Shared on Tue, 08/07/2007 - 12:17

Smart Man

So I'm back on Kelleys Island this weekend - just can't get enough of the place and if you read my earlier blog, you know why.

Anyways, I'm sitting out on my grandparents porch facing the lake talking to my uncle.  My aunt (his wife, my godmother) walks up behind him and says, "the girls are going out shopping, how do I look?"  And without flinching, missing a beat or even hesitating for half a heartbeat, he says "Great!" loud enough for her to hear. 


Shared on Tue, 08/07/2007 - 12:17

Smart Man

So I'm back on Kelleys Island this weekend - just can't get enough of the place and if you read my earlier blog, you know why.

Anyways, I'm sitting out on my grandparents porch facing the lake talking to my uncle.  My aunt (his wife, my godmother) walks up behind him and says, "the girls are going out shopping, how do I look?"  And without flinching, missing a beat or even hesitating for half a heartbeat, he says "Great!" loud enough for her to hear. 


Shared on Sun, 08/05/2007 - 07:10

Music Blog : All Time Masters

I'm going to be a new blog series on music charts. Here's what I did : I took the Billboard Top 100 for each year from 1946 (the first year I think it was recorded) to 2000 (I need to catch up to current times) and assigned a point value to each chart position. #1 is worth 100 points, #100 is worth 1 point. I ran the entire database (4660 songs) through a pivot table and consolidated by Artist Name and chart points. I combed the list for Artist misspellings or variant names, but I may have made a mistake or two as 4,660 songs is a lot of data points.

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