Falelorn's blog


Shared on Mon, 02/12/2007 - 09:18

God of War II - Video Preview

Here it is, a final look before it goes gold.. God of War II..


Shared on Sun, 02/11/2007 - 23:23

Square / Enix - Nintendo DS - RPGs on the Horizon

SquareEnix are possibly the best Japanese RPG developers next to Level 5 and it is refreshing and a great time for a gamer if you love RPG's and own a Nintendo DS (you own one dont you??)

There are 3 big games are out now and are all going to be the big hand held RPGs which should satisfy those who hanker for a big bad RPG to play on the train, bus or where ever you get your hand held gaming in.

Final Fantasy III


Shared on Sun, 02/11/2007 - 23:23

Square / Enix - Nintendo DS - RPGs on the Horizon

SquareEnix are possibly the best Japanese RPG developers next to Level 5 and it is refreshing and a great time for a gamer if you love RPG's and own a Nintendo DS (you own one dont you??)

There are 3 big games are out now and are all going to be the big hand held RPGs which should satisfy those who hanker for a big bad RPG to play on the train, bus or where ever you get your hand held gaming in.

Final Fantasy III


Shared on Sun, 02/11/2007 - 15:17

Getting old can suck


- at 18 you could party all night and not even feel anything the next day after 2 hours of sleep.. at 33 you wake up and feel the night before..
- at 18 you could fight and unless you were beat down only a set of scuffed up hands would prove it.. at 33 you wake up and are sore all over and did not even get hit.
- at 18 you could get drunk much cheaper and at 33 it takes much more booze


Shared on Sun, 02/11/2007 - 15:17

Getting old can suck


- at 18 you could party all night and not even feel anything the next day after 2 hours of sleep.. at 33 you wake up and feel the night before..
- at 18 you could fight and unless you were beat down only a set of scuffed up hands would prove it.. at 33 you wake up and are sore all over and did not even get hit.
- at 18 you could get drunk much cheaper and at 33 it takes much more booze


Shared on Sun, 02/11/2007 - 01:07

30-32 hours of game play AND...

My PS3 controller is dead.. WOOHOO.. nice job Sony..

I knew it felt cheap since day 1, it is way to light, and feels totally crappy.. and its dead well half dead, half the buttons dont work..

and get this it died, not playing resistance, not playing untold legends but playing... GO SODOKU!!

Cant wait to phone sony and hear, well you have to play 50 to ship it to us and 3-6 weeks we can return it, but you will have to pay to have it repaired..


Shared on Sun, 02/11/2007 - 01:07

30-32 hours of game play AND...

My PS3 controller is dead.. WOOHOO.. nice job Sony..

I knew it felt cheap since day 1, it is way to light, and feels totally crappy.. and its dead well half dead, half the buttons dont work..

and get this it died, not playing resistance, not playing untold legends but playing... GO SODOKU!!

Cant wait to phone sony and hear, well you have to play 50 to ship it to us and 3-6 weeks we can return it, but you will have to pay to have it repaired..


Shared on Sat, 02/10/2007 - 19:11

Hiding behind the internet...

I just love internet tough guys, those who act all tough but know nothing can be done to them so they spout off, attacking anyone who might disagree with them in veiled threats or offensive comments. Especially on a site where people are supposed to be mature adults and act mature, not cry and moan.

My favorite one was directed at me for making a small comment on a PG rated avatar (this one)

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