Shared on Fri, 12/01/2006 - 11:01


As I’m sure you can see by the news we got “pummeled” with some of the white stuff here yesterday. Well pummeled takes on a different meaning here in MO than it does for some people As some of you get 8 inches of snow regularly.


Shared on Fri, 12/01/2006 - 11:01


As I’m sure you can see by the news we got “pummeled” with some of the white stuff here yesterday. Well pummeled takes on a different meaning here in MO than it does for some people As some of you get 8 inches of snow regularly.


Shared on Thu, 11/30/2006 - 13:43


I thought lawsuits like this couldn't happen anymore?  I mean WTF is she really going to do this?

Click here


Shared on Thu, 11/30/2006 - 13:43


I thought lawsuits like this couldn't happen anymore?  I mean WTF is she really going to do this?

Click here


Shared on Wed, 11/08/2006 - 10:47

New Control

Well let's see if the Dems are going to do what they say they will.  Bi-partisan work to help the situation in Iraq, control spending (haha), etc. etc.  As you may well tell from my tag the election didn't go my way.  However, if they can do some good things and walk the walk the OK good on them.  I really am surprised about how many seats they took but OK.  America spoke so now I'll just sit back and watch things unravel(potentially).  Save my money for the taxes increases. 


Shared on Fri, 08/11/2006 - 09:11

Not hearing much about this.

The BBC and other news agency's are reporting that the US's "terrible" wire tapping program is what helped lead to the arrest and help in tracking and gather evidence on these Islamo fascists that had planned on blowing up these planes over the ocean. Why no news about it. I mean I've seen little tibits here and there about it but nothing really saying "HEY LOOK IT WORKS!!!" It's not totally evil and we are not listening to you tell mommy about how much you hate Bush etc. etc.


Shared on Wed, 08/09/2006 - 11:54

What a novel thought.

Too bad our students here in American are not this involved in HELPING rather than trying to undermine our efforts in Iraq.



Shared on Mon, 04/17/2006 - 11:43


You know hind sight is a bitch. ;; I used to work a mutual fund company in the area that will be unnamed for now. ;; But when I worked there I had a little bit a money tied up in a gold fund...I got it REALLY CHEAP...man I wish I would have just left it alone!! ;; Gold is through the frakking roof...


Shared on Fri, 04/07/2006 - 12:05

Is it just me?

Or does this kind of stuff drive you crazy?  The mother says "yeah my 10 year olds mini-skirt is ok."


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