DreadPirate75's blog


Shared on Wed, 02/27/2008 - 18:33


It's official. I have already started the 7 days of mourning. Please respect the player and his family during this especially difficult transition.

Alas poor Piratik, Dreadpirate, and numerous other toons...we knew them well.

*sniff sniff*

From Blizzard:
Hello there XXXXX--


Shared on Sat, 01/26/2008 - 18:44

Accessory Review

Went to Best Buy today to pick up the XBOX 360 Wireless Racing Wheel for use with Burnout : Paradise..

Bottom Line: It SUCKS for Burnout (and probably any other "twitch" racing games). Im sure its better for Forza and PGR series. It just doesnt have the quick precision and the buttons are in an awkward setup. It's fun if you just want to cruise around and not do any jumps, stunts, or get any challenges, but almost useless when you need to drift, line up exact positions on ramps, etc.


Shared on Sat, 01/26/2008 - 18:44

Accessory Review

Went to Best Buy today to pick up the XBOX 360 Wireless Racing Wheel for use with Burnout : Paradise..

Bottom Line: It SUCKS for Burnout (and probably any other "twitch" racing games). Im sure its better for Forza and PGR series. It just doesnt have the quick precision and the buttons are in an awkward setup. It's fun if you just want to cruise around and not do any jumps, stunts, or get any challenges, but almost useless when you need to drift, line up exact positions on ramps, etc.


Shared on Tue, 01/22/2008 - 21:56

Burnout Paradise

I'm too busy playing for a full blown review so you will have to settle for a few choice words:

This game just punched my brain IN THE FACE!

Im in awe.

Get it.


Shared on Tue, 01/22/2008 - 21:56

Burnout Paradise

I'm too busy playing for a full blown review so you will have to settle for a few choice words:

This game just punched my brain IN THE FACE!

Im in awe.

Get it.


Shared on Fri, 11/02/2007 - 21:20

GHIII Custon Guitar

Hey, been a loooong time. If you remember who I am ..cool! Good to see ya again. If not, ...Hi. Nice to mee ya. Figured I would throw this up because, while it really isnt a big deal, it took me all day to do this and I want to brag and get some sort of validation for my effort.  ;-)

I customized my GHII Les Paul wireless. Yep...I did it.
Cost me a total of $18.78 at Michaels for the brushes, modeling paints (the little Testors ones I used to use as a kid on plane and car models). I don't think it turned out too bad for my first attempt.



Shared on Fri, 11/02/2007 - 21:20

GHIII Custon Guitar

Hey, been a loooong time. If you remember who I am ..cool! Good to see ya again. If not, ...Hi. Nice to mee ya. Figured I would throw this up because, while it really isnt a big deal, it took me all day to do this and I want to brag and get some sort of validation for my effort.  ;-)

I customized my GHII Les Paul wireless. Yep...I did it.
Cost me a total of $18.78 at Michaels for the brushes, modeling paints (the little Testors ones I used to use as a kid on plane and car models). I don't think it turned out too bad for my first attempt.



Shared on Mon, 05/14/2007 - 11:20

The WoW Quitting Trend

Im seeing a trend here.

Look, you can't quit WoW.

Seriously, if you are shunning your family and friends for that extra play time...so what? A real friend will be there when you get back and understand that you have to kill 100 <Slimy Ooze Bulges> for that damn chain quest! Family? Hell...blood is thicker than bandwidth, so tell them to suck it up and do something without you for a change. Independence is a trait worth exploring!I


Shared on Mon, 05/14/2007 - 11:20

The WoW Quitting Trend

Im seeing a trend here.

Look, you can't quit WoW.

Seriously, if you are shunning your family and friends for that extra play time...so what? A real friend will be there when you get back and understand that you have to kill 100 <Slimy Ooze Bulges> for that damn chain quest! Family? Hell...blood is thicker than bandwidth, so tell them to suck it up and do something without you for a change. Independence is a trait worth exploring!I


Shared on Thu, 05/03/2007 - 10:45


Ok..so I am grinding for my epic flying mount in the World of Warcraft. I decided that it is the balls. So I came up with the following idea for my guildmates in <morecowbell>:

Piratik's Epic Flying Mount Donations Contest

All you need to do to enter is donate a secret amount of gold by mailing it to my toon. (Piratik) The person that donates the highest amount will receive the following prizes from the bottom shelf of my kitchen cupboard:

A can of BBQ Pringles, 1/4 full.

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