DreadPirate75's blog


Shared on Thu, 05/03/2007 - 10:45


Ok..so I am grinding for my epic flying mount in the World of Warcraft. I decided that it is the balls. So I came up with the following idea for my guildmates in <morecowbell>:

Piratik's Epic Flying Mount Donations Contest

All you need to do to enter is donate a secret amount of gold by mailing it to my toon. (Piratik) The person that donates the highest amount will receive the following prizes from the bottom shelf of my kitchen cupboard:

A can of BBQ Pringles, 1/4 full.


Shared on Fri, 03/30/2007 - 10:15

Throwing in the towel

To all my friends and community members at 2O2P,

Well, after a slight period of refelction this week and taking a step back away from the PC and Box, I have finally decided to take the jump. If you didn't know I have made a few changes in the past year (quit smoking, quit drinking, etc.) in hopes to improve and better myself personally.

It is with small regret that I am giving up my video game hobby. Cold turkey, complete shut down, no reboot, the 4 red rings of death forever. I have decided to leave this form of recreation for the following reasons.


Shared on Fri, 03/30/2007 - 10:15

Throwing in the towel

To all my friends and community members at 2O2P,

Well, after a slight period of refelction this week and taking a step back away from the PC and Box, I have finally decided to take the jump. If you didn't know I have made a few changes in the past year (quit smoking, quit drinking, etc.) in hopes to improve and better myself personally.

It is with small regret that I am giving up my video game hobby. Cold turkey, complete shut down, no reboot, the 4 red rings of death forever. I have decided to leave this form of recreation for the following reasons.


Shared on Tue, 03/13/2007 - 16:35

Possible Solutions

I have seen a rash of blogs in the past few weeks about some members losing jobs, wanting to quit their jobs, and some about how unhappy people are at work.

I just want everyone to know that the United States Marine Corps (the number one company dealing in ass-whupping) is increasing its recruiting mission by 27,000 this year. Some good info to know:



Some benefits include:



Shared on Fri, 03/09/2007 - 17:19


Worms is out for XBLA. After playing it with the pirate queen last night for about 2 hours, I have to say this is going to significantly change the home atmosphere. I already received 2 emails today from my woman egging me on for more invertibrate carnage this evening. (She crushed me last night 3 -0) I was very ashamed of my lack of worminess last night. I will have my revenge this evening after knocking out a few quests in WoW.


Shared on Fri, 03/09/2007 - 17:19


Worms is out for XBLA. After playing it with the pirate queen last night for about 2 hours, I have to say this is going to significantly change the home atmosphere. I already received 2 emails today from my woman egging me on for more invertibrate carnage this evening. (She crushed me last night 3 -0) I was very ashamed of my lack of worminess last night. I will have my revenge this evening after knocking out a few quests in WoW.


Shared on Wed, 03/07/2007 - 13:42

More fun at work


Shared on Wed, 03/07/2007 - 13:42

More fun at work

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