J-Cat's blog


Shared on Tue, 05/26/2009 - 17:18

So... What would you dump?

Listening to the radio, supposedly most Canadians (like most Americans) are in major debt, credit card debt being a huge chunk of the problem. The woman expert was saying that this isn't a new thing. It takes years to get into serious debt; this recent resession is a contributing factor, but it's a problem a decade in the making. She said that we should be teaching financial literacy; we don't have any finance courses that are manditory in high school. Great. If we make a finance course in high school manditory... what do we take out?

In high school in Ontario today you need:


Shared on Tue, 05/26/2009 - 17:18

So... What would you dump?

Listening to the radio, supposedly most Canadians (like most Americans) are in major debt, credit card debt being a huge chunk of the problem. The woman expert was saying that this isn't a new thing. It takes years to get into serious debt; this recent resession is a contributing factor, but it's a problem a decade in the making. She said that we should be teaching financial literacy; we don't have any finance courses that are manditory in high school. Great. If we make a finance course in high school manditory... what do we take out?

In high school in Ontario today you need:


Shared on Wed, 05/20/2009 - 12:32

I just don't get it... NASCAR edition

I mean I GET it. Go fast, turn left. 

Well... okay I don't get it.


Shared on Wed, 05/20/2009 - 12:32

I just don't get it... NASCAR edition

I mean I GET it. Go fast, turn left. 

Well... okay I don't get it.


Shared on Mon, 05/11/2009 - 18:24

If you put a potato in a fishbowl, you are insane...

Put a potato AND a worm in a fishbowl and you are one kewl mommy. Or so I like to think. Yep, "Bud the Spud" (actually a sweet potato) now has to share his fishbowl with "Sherman the Worman". And a bunch of snow mould... but let's not talk about that.


Shared on Mon, 05/11/2009 - 18:24

If you put a potato in a fishbowl, you are insane...

Put a potato AND a worm in a fishbowl and you are one kewl mommy. Or so I like to think. Yep, "Bud the Spud" (actually a sweet potato) now has to share his fishbowl with "Sherman the Worman". And a bunch of snow mould... but let's not talk about that.


Shared on Fri, 05/08/2009 - 09:48

Lurkers, Lurkers, You're So Fine...

You're so fine, you blow my mind!

Hey Lurkers! Hey Lurkers!

(this is a call to the lurkers... just add the handclap... let us know your'e here... )

I was thinking about all the people on the site who I know are lurkers, but I really enjoy hearing from... there are probalby so many more that I don't know, but I am sure I wouldl ike. So all the lurkers in da house say "Heeyyyy!"


Shared on Fri, 05/08/2009 - 09:48

Lurkers, Lurkers, You're So Fine...

You're so fine, you blow my mind!

Hey Lurkers! Hey Lurkers!

(this is a call to the lurkers... just add the handclap... let us know your'e here... )

I was thinking about all the people on the site who I know are lurkers, but I really enjoy hearing from... there are probalby so many more that I don't know, but I am sure I wouldl ike. So all the lurkers in da house say "Heeyyyy!"


Shared on Tue, 05/05/2009 - 17:31

For LB... Star Ocean Pics

Every time I play starocean... I think of you. I have NO idea why...


Note: the in game physics engines are... um... jiggly


Shared on Tue, 05/05/2009 - 17:31

For LB... Star Ocean Pics

Every time I play starocean... I think of you. I have NO idea why...


Note: the in game physics engines are... um... jiggly

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