English_C6H6's blog


Shared on Thu, 09/06/2007 - 13:06

Bob Saget HBO Special

If you haven't seen this and you have access to HBO, I'd highly recommend it.  It is a bit disconcerting to find out that the dad from Full House and the host of America's Funniest Home Videos is apparently a hyperactive pervert with Tourette's.  But that is also part of what makes it so funny.  He's going a mile a minute during the whole show and keeps his audience on their toes by saying stuff like "Now why the hell would you clap for that, it wasn't funny at all." At the end he gets out a guitar and does a few songs, including a great one called "Danny Tanner was not gay."


Shared on Thu, 09/06/2007 - 13:06

Bob Saget HBO Special

If you haven't seen this and you have access to HBO, I'd highly recommend it.  It is a bit disconcerting to find out that the dad from Full House and the host of America's Funniest Home Videos is apparently a hyperactive pervert with Tourette's.  But that is also part of what makes it so funny.  He's going a mile a minute during the whole show and keeps his audience on their toes by saying stuff like "Now why the hell would you clap for that, it wasn't funny at all." At the end he gets out a guitar and does a few songs, including a great one called "Danny Tanner was not gay."


Shared on Thu, 09/06/2007 - 09:58

Lotus Notes

I found a software program that I hate more than Microsoft Word.  Lotus Notes.  I've used Notes before about 5 years ago and had no problems with it, but what I am using now seems like it is even older than the version I used in 2002 (this is version 6.5, no idea what the other one was).  The interface is slow and cluttered and formatting gets trashed any time I want to move something from an email to a document or vice versa.  And by the way, NO, I don't want to use my email/scheduling client as a crappy webbrowser.  It also refuses to learn my most common email addresses, despite my best eff


Shared on Thu, 09/06/2007 - 09:58

Lotus Notes

I found a software program that I hate more than Microsoft Word.  Lotus Notes.  I've used Notes before about 5 years ago and had no problems with it, but what I am using now seems like it is even older than the version I used in 2002 (this is version 6.5, no idea what the other one was).  The interface is slow and cluttered and formatting gets trashed any time I want to move something from an email to a document or vice versa.  And by the way, NO, I don't want to use my email/scheduling client as a crappy webbrowser.  It also refuses to learn my most common email addresses, despite my best eff


Shared on Tue, 09/04/2007 - 20:59

New House and TV

New TV in the new house. Also has 7.1 speakers in the wall. Can't wait to get Halo3 and Bioshock on this.


Shared on Tue, 09/04/2007 - 20:59

New House and TV

New TV in the new house. Also has 7.1 speakers in the wall. Can't wait to get Halo3 and Bioshock on this.


Shared on Tue, 09/04/2007 - 16:35

Looking for suggestions

I'm getting burnt out on the PS2 games I have (Mercs, God of War, Madden, R&C: Up your arsenal, Kingdom Hearts) and it looks like I won't have my 360 for another few weeks.  Any suggestions on PS2 games I may have missed that I can now pick up cheap used?  Thanks in advance.


Shared on Tue, 09/04/2007 - 16:35

Looking for suggestions

I'm getting burnt out on the PS2 games I have (Mercs, God of War, Madden, R&C: Up your arsenal, Kingdom Hearts) and it looks like I won't have my 360 for another few weeks.  Any suggestions on PS2 games I may have missed that I can now pick up cheap used?  Thanks in advance.


Shared on Tue, 09/04/2007 - 11:12

Labor Day Weekend

Finally got to play Bioshock this weekend.  I bought it when it came out, but didn't get home until Labor day weekend.  Played in Saturday night and promptly lost about 3 hours of time and got in a wee bit of trouble with the wife because of it.  Somehow she expects me to spend time with FAMILY when I come home once every 2-3 weeks.  My bad.  I think the thing that people aren't realizing about Bioshock is that it is just an absolute great use of the fundamentals of gaming. 


Shared on Tue, 09/04/2007 - 11:12

Labor Day Weekend

Finally got to play Bioshock this weekend.  I bought it when it came out, but didn't get home until Labor day weekend.  Played in Saturday night and promptly lost about 3 hours of time and got in a wee bit of trouble with the wife because of it.  Somehow she expects me to spend time with FAMILY when I come home once every 2-3 weeks.  My bad.  I think the thing that people aren't realizing about Bioshock is that it is just an absolute great use of the fundamentals of gaming. 

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