SexKitten's blog


Shared on Thu, 10/16/2008 - 13:34

Change is Good

I haven't blogged here in a while, just thought I would see if I still had friends here.  There have been a lot of changes in my life, some good, and all of it was hard.  Matt (Kurupt) and I are no longer together.  Our divorce should be final soon.  We both made mistakes, and I fell into the darkness and did not have the will to allow anyone to help me out.  Life is full of changes, and the transistion was extrememly difficult for me to accept.  I felt like I had lost everything, and I did.  I took my family for granted and had lost the vision of beauty that this life holds.  My kids suffe


Shared on Thu, 10/16/2008 - 13:34

Change is Good

I haven't blogged here in a while, just thought I would see if I still had friends here.  There have been a lot of changes in my life, some good, and all of it was hard.  Matt (Kurupt) and I are no longer together.  Our divorce should be final soon.  We both made mistakes, and I fell into the darkness and did not have the will to allow anyone to help me out.  Life is full of changes, and the transistion was extrememly difficult for me to accept.  I felt like I had lost everything, and I did.  I took my family for granted and had lost the vision of beauty that this life holds.  My kids suffe


Shared on Sun, 06/29/2008 - 17:09


Well this will be a somber entry, I found out on Saturday that my dad went into to cardiac arrest and was sent by ambulance to HArris in Downtown Fort Worth.  He was placed in the Cardiac Intensive Care Unit.  The doctors say that he has 1 valve that is not functioning at all, and two that are functioning at 50% each. I wanted to go see him, but at the same time I didn't.  Matt convinced me that I should go, because if something happened I would regret not going and seeing him one last time.  So I ventured off to Downtown Fort Worth by myself, which for anyone who knows me, knows I am no di


Shared on Sun, 06/29/2008 - 17:09


Well this will be a somber entry, I found out on Saturday that my dad went into to cardiac arrest and was sent by ambulance to HArris in Downtown Fort Worth.  He was placed in the Cardiac Intensive Care Unit.  The doctors say that he has 1 valve that is not functioning at all, and two that are functioning at 50% each. I wanted to go see him, but at the same time I didn't.  Matt convinced me that I should go, because if something happened I would regret not going and seeing him one last time.  So I ventured off to Downtown Fort Worth by myself, which for anyone who knows me, knows I am no di


Shared on Tue, 06/17/2008 - 12:18

Good Bye For Now...

I am making it official, I won't be around much for a while.  Kurupt and I are working out some differences and we need to be focused on our family and do not need influences from outside of our relationship.  I love him with every ounce of my being, and we have worked hard to make it to the 9 year mark.


Shared on Tue, 06/17/2008 - 12:18

Good Bye For Now...

I am making it official, I won't be around much for a while.  Kurupt and I are working out some differences and we need to be focused on our family and do not need influences from outside of our relationship.  I love him with every ounce of my being, and we have worked hard to make it to the 9 year mark.


Shared on Fri, 05/16/2008 - 23:59


Well thought I would pop in an update.  I have been so busy latley that I have barley had time to turn around..LOL.  I interviewed for a permenant position and we were supposed to find out today.  I didn't get the offer, so I guess I will have to try again.  But I am not discouraged.  There will be more openings and the more interviews I do the easier they will be.  See it is a structured interview, it doesn't matter how well you actually do your job, it is based on the score you receive when you interview.  Which is driving me nuts!!  I did pretty good this time, so it is getting easier. 


Shared on Fri, 05/16/2008 - 23:59


Well thought I would pop in an update.  I have been so busy latley that I have barley had time to turn around..LOL.  I interviewed for a permenant position and we were supposed to find out today.  I didn't get the offer, so I guess I will have to try again.  But I am not discouraged.  There will be more openings and the more interviews I do the easier they will be.  See it is a structured interview, it doesn't matter how well you actually do your job, it is based on the score you receive when you interview.  Which is driving me nuts!!  I did pretty good this time, so it is getting easier. 


Shared on Sat, 05/03/2008 - 18:36

Laptop Crisis

Well I thought I would get on my husbands computer and blog a bit so that I could explain why I haven't been online. I did something really stupid and jacked up my laptop. It was my own fault, and know I have to see if it can be repaired or buy a new one. It sucks. Also, our internet has been off but should be back on next week. So no Xbox Live either....I am pissed, mostly at myself but that is the way it goes. I can't really check this site at work for obvious I have been MIA for a while I should be back online and posting crazy shit soon.


Shared on Sat, 05/03/2008 - 18:36

Laptop Crisis

Well I thought I would get on my husbands computer and blog a bit so that I could explain why I haven't been online. I did something really stupid and jacked up my laptop. It was my own fault, and know I have to see if it can be repaired or buy a new one. It sucks. Also, our internet has been off but should be back on next week. So no Xbox Live either....I am pissed, mostly at myself but that is the way it goes. I can't really check this site at work for obvious I have been MIA for a while I should be back online and posting crazy shit soon.

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