Durty's blog


Shared on Wed, 04/08/2009 - 09:24

Luck...I need it.

I have an interview this morning at an Independent Living Center.  It's for a reception/assistant position, not my happy place particularly, but it's a job and though it's part time (I can NOT find any full time jobs!!)  the pay is really pretty damn decent. 

In any case, please remember the current unemployed in your thoughts as we look for work every day, and go quietly crazy because we aren't being productive.  :D



Shared on Wed, 04/08/2009 - 09:24

Luck...I need it.

I have an interview this morning at an Independent Living Center.  It's for a reception/assistant position, not my happy place particularly, but it's a job and though it's part time (I can NOT find any full time jobs!!)  the pay is really pretty damn decent. 

In any case, please remember the current unemployed in your thoughts as we look for work every day, and go quietly crazy because we aren't being productive.  :D



Shared on Wed, 04/08/2009 - 01:52

Government control...

of the interwebs.  Hmmmm.

So, looks like the government now wants to control the internet.  They say for 'Cyber Security' reasons...whatever that means...the new bills (Senate bills No. 773 and 778)  that have been introduced give them the power to, for example, actually shut down internet access in case of a 'Cyber Katrina' (they actually used those words, lol), and a myriad of other things.  Of course this is all for our own safety, just like wiretapping and search and seizure without a court order. 



Shared on Wed, 04/08/2009 - 01:52

Government control...

of the interwebs.  Hmmmm.

So, looks like the government now wants to control the internet.  They say for 'Cyber Security' reasons...whatever that means...the new bills (Senate bills No. 773 and 778)  that have been introduced give them the power to, for example, actually shut down internet access in case of a 'Cyber Katrina' (they actually used those words, lol), and a myriad of other things.  Of course this is all for our own safety, just like wiretapping and search and seizure without a court order. 



Shared on Mon, 04/06/2009 - 23:39


I emailed my biological father for the last time this morning.  I've tried to keep in touch with him, emails, calls, blah blah blah, not every week but every couple months...and haven't had a response from him in three years, no answer to phone calls either.  I sent him a facebook invite recently because I looked for him and he didn't have one...and while he now has one, he has yet to add me.  It's been three months.  He moved to Oklahoma 5 years ago 'to be closer to us' (what he said) but I haven't seen him once since he did. 


Shared on Mon, 04/06/2009 - 23:39


I emailed my biological father for the last time this morning.  I've tried to keep in touch with him, emails, calls, blah blah blah, not every week but every couple months...and haven't had a response from him in three years, no answer to phone calls either.  I sent him a facebook invite recently because I looked for him and he didn't have one...and while he now has one, he has yet to add me.  It's been three months.  He moved to Oklahoma 5 years ago 'to be closer to us' (what he said) but I haven't seen him once since he did. 


Shared on Sat, 04/04/2009 - 12:05

Discomfort, Spam and Nothing Much...

The definition of uncomfortable is:  Your 11 year old son telling you that he has a small penis and wondering why it is so small and if it will ever get bigger. 


Shared on Sat, 04/04/2009 - 12:05

Discomfort, Spam and Nothing Much...

The definition of uncomfortable is:  Your 11 year old son telling you that he has a small penis and wondering why it is so small and if it will ever get bigger. 


Shared on Fri, 04/03/2009 - 13:15

Black and Whites....

Still my fave...







Good Morning





Shared on Fri, 04/03/2009 - 13:15

Black and Whites....

Still my fave...







Good Morning




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