Mediaman's blog


Shared on Mon, 01/28/2008 - 23:49

COD4 tour 1 complete

I just finished was amazing.  Every game right in production now...look at COD4's production values...if you don't come close, just pack it up right now.....


Shared on Mon, 01/28/2008 - 23:49

COD4 tour 1 complete

I just finished was amazing.  Every game right in production now...look at COD4's production values...if you don't come close, just pack it up right now.....


Shared on Mon, 01/28/2008 - 10:20

Answering the Call

So at everyone's suggestion I quit playing AC and started playing COD4....


That game is crazy!  I so hope that games in the future start following this games design choice....have an intense story that it action packed and fun the entire way thru, and then have a 2ndary feature that allows you spend more time if you want to.  I love the fact that after a 4 hour sit down I made it 2/3rds thru the game.  I love the fact that not one minute of it was boring and repetitive. 


Shared on Mon, 01/28/2008 - 10:20

Answering the Call

So at everyone's suggestion I quit playing AC and started playing COD4....


That game is crazy!  I so hope that games in the future start following this games design choice....have an intense story that it action packed and fun the entire way thru, and then have a 2ndary feature that allows you spend more time if you want to.  I love the fact that after a 4 hour sit down I made it 2/3rds thru the game.  I love the fact that not one minute of it was boring and repetitive. 


Shared on Sat, 01/12/2008 - 20:20

What to do with old games

So after you win a game what do you do with it?  I used to keep them, but @ $60 a copy I don't know if it's worth it any more.  Last year I traded back Resistance.  I don't miss it.  I don't have time to play it again......

I just beat Uncharted a few weeks it just sits there.  It could be 1/2 my purchase towards the new Burnout game.  Its not like they are going to have DLC for Uncharted.


Shared on Sat, 01/12/2008 - 20:20

What to do with old games

So after you win a game what do you do with it?  I used to keep them, but @ $60 a copy I don't know if it's worth it any more.  Last year I traded back Resistance.  I don't miss it.  I don't have time to play it again......

I just beat Uncharted a few weeks it just sits there.  It could be 1/2 my purchase towards the new Burnout game.  Its not like they are going to have DLC for Uncharted.


Shared on Mon, 01/07/2008 - 16:52


So I realized something today...I value short play games as a father.  I used to not think much about games under 20 hours, but I just played uncharted, and it took me about 4 evenings of 2 hour sessions to beat it.  I figure I played it total of 10 hours max.


Shared on Mon, 01/07/2008 - 16:52


So I realized something today...I value short play games as a father.  I used to not think much about games under 20 hours, but I just played uncharted, and it took me about 4 evenings of 2 hour sessions to beat it.  I figure I played it total of 10 hours max.


Shared on Thu, 12/27/2007 - 20:34

Videogame papa

So as a new dad my videogame time is way way down.  The kid goes to bed @ 8 and I spend a few hours with my wife and its bed time.  When do parents get to play games?  Even tho I barely have time to game, I still asked for games.  for Christmas I got Call of Duty 4, Assassin's Creed, and Uncharted.  I was given AC on Christmas eve so it was played  for about an hour.  I had to stop because once I put in Uncharted, I realized I wouldn't be playing any other games until Uncharted was completed. 


Shared on Thu, 12/27/2007 - 20:34

Videogame papa

So as a new dad my videogame time is way way down.  The kid goes to bed @ 8 and I spend a few hours with my wife and its bed time.  When do parents get to play games?  Even tho I barely have time to game, I still asked for games.  for Christmas I got Call of Duty 4, Assassin's Creed, and Uncharted.  I was given AC on Christmas eve so it was played  for about an hour.  I had to stop because once I put in Uncharted, I realized I wouldn't be playing any other games until Uncharted was completed. 

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