Mediaman's blog


Shared on Wed, 09/12/2007 - 22:21

No Kids On Next Gen?

So I was going to have my friend drop by after church and check out Warhawk.  He is interested in the game play.  Showed him a few trailers from and he really liked it.  He said he had his 2 kids so he didn't know if he should stop buy.  At first I was like who cares, then it hit me.  Even tho his oldest kid is in middle school, letting him see Warhawk is like letting him in a rated R movie. 


Shared on Wed, 09/12/2007 - 22:21

No Kids On Next Gen?

So I was going to have my friend drop by after church and check out Warhawk.  He is interested in the game play.  Showed him a few trailers from and he really liked it.  He said he had his 2 kids so he didn't know if he should stop buy.  At first I was like who cares, then it hit me.  Even tho his oldest kid is in middle school, letting him see Warhawk is like letting him in a rated R movie. 


Shared on Mon, 09/10/2007 - 15:57

Game Play Extentions

I think that an element that needs to be added onto games, is an interactive element that can be played at work.  I have not played the game, but Forza 2 seems to be in the right frame of mind.  While you are at work you can hit up auction houses and message boards.


Shared on Mon, 09/10/2007 - 15:57

Game Play Extentions

I think that an element that needs to be added onto games, is an interactive element that can be played at work.  I have not played the game, but Forza 2 seems to be in the right frame of mind.  While you are at work you can hit up auction houses and message boards.


Shared on Sun, 09/09/2007 - 19:11

A new era of consoles

So after church today I was talking to a friend. He loves to play UT (GOTY) and wanted to upgrade the machines to play newer games. He asked me, "Where can I get a motherboard that will support my AMD 1700 and give me a PCI Xpress slot?" about no where?

I could be wrong, but I don't think they ever really made PCIX mobo's for those old amd processors.

"So what should I do?" he asked.


Shared on Sun, 09/09/2007 - 19:11

A new era of consoles

So after church today I was talking to a friend. He loves to play UT (GOTY) and wanted to upgrade the machines to play newer games. He asked me, "Where can I get a motherboard that will support my AMD 1700 and give me a PCI Xpress slot?" about no where?

I could be wrong, but I don't think they ever really made PCIX mobo's for those old amd processors.

"So what should I do?" he asked.


Shared on Fri, 09/07/2007 - 16:51

Warhawk makes me want UT

So last week I looked thru a computer magazine at a Borders.  I saw they had a little sidebar article on it that talked about a new feature of Unreal Tournament called "Unreal Warfare".

It looked like UT has a completely new feature where you can have a commander.  That commander can see who is on his team, what their gaming stats are like, and he can give way-points.


Shared on Fri, 09/07/2007 - 16:51

Warhawk makes me want UT

So last week I looked thru a computer magazine at a Borders.  I saw they had a little sidebar article on it that talked about a new feature of Unreal Tournament called "Unreal Warfare".

It looked like UT has a completely new feature where you can have a commander.  That commander can see who is on his team, what their gaming stats are like, and he can give way-points.


Shared on Wed, 09/05/2007 - 22:11

Warhawk or Work?

Budgets are due next week, I have a ton of work to do, and instead of being productive I am playing Warhawk?  Is that ok?  It kind of says something about Lair, that 2 days later I am hooked on a downloaded game rather then the big AAA title it was supposed to be.

I will have a review of Lair soon, and some impressions of Warhawk.  The only problem is, I can't stop playing Warhawk long enough to write it.  The only reason I am doing this much is because the Warhawk server/connection is throwing me off...

mmmm...just got in.  Now where is the 2old2play server at?


Shared on Wed, 09/05/2007 - 22:11

Warhawk or Work?

Budgets are due next week, I have a ton of work to do, and instead of being productive I am playing Warhawk?  Is that ok?  It kind of says something about Lair, that 2 days later I am hooked on a downloaded game rather then the big AAA title it was supposed to be.

I will have a review of Lair soon, and some impressions of Warhawk.  The only problem is, I can't stop playing Warhawk long enough to write it.  The only reason I am doing this much is because the Warhawk server/connection is throwing me off...

mmmm...just got in.  Now where is the 2old2play server at?

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