Slipstream's blog


Shared on Mon, 04/21/2008 - 12:06

Monday Blues

Bleh, I really don’t want to be at work today. The weekend kind of sucked. Don’t you hate when you don’t feel like to enjoyed your weekend to it’s fullest? I always feel cheated when that happens. The good news is I get to leave work early today. The bad news is that I’m leaving early to go to the doctor. Saturday morning I noticed a fluttering in my chest. I dismissed it as a muscle spasm, but it kept occurring. All day Saturday and Sunday I kept having these fluttering feelings. This morning, I went ahead and made a doctors appointment. I started keeping a log of how often they are occu


Shared on Fri, 04/18/2008 - 15:04


I’m sure stories of this morning’s earthquake are being told to death…but I’m going to tell my own anyway.


Shared on Fri, 04/18/2008 - 15:04


I’m sure stories of this morning’s earthquake are being told to death…but I’m going to tell my own anyway.


Shared on Thu, 04/17/2008 - 10:54

Roommate Pranks

I first read these years ago and I recently received them again through e-mail.  Thought they were worth sharing.



Shared on Thu, 04/17/2008 - 10:54

Roommate Pranks

I first read these years ago and I recently received them again through e-mail.  Thought they were worth sharing.



Shared on Tue, 04/15/2008 - 11:32

New Maps!!!

New Halo maps! My wife and I, in true geeky fashion, are taking tomorrow off in order to play Halo all day. It’s not totally about Halo. I can’t remember the last time we’ve taken a day off and spent time by ourselves. She suggested maybe taking the day off this Friday instead, but it seems every time we take a day in conjunction with the weekend, someone needs a favor or we end up making plans with family. We decided on tomorrow and we’re not going to tell anyone we’re at home. Besides, there’s a field trip coming through tomorrow at work and there’s always a chance I’d be the one to giv


Shared on Tue, 04/15/2008 - 11:32

New Maps!!!

New Halo maps! My wife and I, in true geeky fashion, are taking tomorrow off in order to play Halo all day. It’s not totally about Halo. I can’t remember the last time we’ve taken a day off and spent time by ourselves. She suggested maybe taking the day off this Friday instead, but it seems every time we take a day in conjunction with the weekend, someone needs a favor or we end up making plans with family. We decided on tomorrow and we’re not going to tell anyone we’re at home. Besides, there’s a field trip coming through tomorrow at work and there’s always a chance I’d be the one to giv


Shared on Mon, 04/14/2008 - 12:11

Submarine Attack

Saturday, I went over to my parent’s house to go swimming. My dad had bought some remote control submarines that he and my sister’s fiancé (Kev) were messing around with. The sub Kev was using was a small one; about three inches long with two tiny propellers. While I was talking to my mom, Kev kept ramming me with the tiny sub. Mostly, I just ignored it…until I suddenly felt it pinching my chest. It kind of hurt so I told him to shut it off. When I stood up, the propellers were tangled up in my chest hair! The sub was sticking straight out like some kind of small, mechanical chest penis. 


Shared on Mon, 04/14/2008 - 12:11

Submarine Attack

Saturday, I went over to my parent’s house to go swimming. My dad had bought some remote control submarines that he and my sister’s fiancé (Kev) were messing around with. The sub Kev was using was a small one; about three inches long with two tiny propellers. While I was talking to my mom, Kev kept ramming me with the tiny sub. Mostly, I just ignored it…until I suddenly felt it pinching my chest. It kind of hurt so I told him to shut it off. When I stood up, the propellers were tangled up in my chest hair! The sub was sticking straight out like some kind of small, mechanical chest penis. 


Shared on Fri, 04/11/2008 - 11:56

Like most people, I used to be real active when I was younger. I played basketball almost everyday all through my teens and twenties. As I got older, it became harder and harder to find time to stay active. Now I’m in my mid thirties and don’t get near the exercise I should. I’d like to exercise, but a few things keep getting in the way. I don’t want to spend a lot of time exercising when I could be doing something else, I find most exercises boring, I don’t own any exercise equipment, and just an overall lack of motivation.

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