TheBookNerd's blog


Shared on Sat, 07/25/2009 - 07:37

We're on Twitter, if anyone is interested

Also, should have a couple of cool audio segments being posted in the next couple of days, hopefully at least one by tomorrow. Stay tuned!

UPDATE: And the Halo3 ODST trailer from Comic Con is up...


Shared on Sat, 07/25/2009 - 07:37

We're on Twitter, if anyone is interested

Also, should have a couple of cool audio segments being posted in the next couple of days, hopefully at least one by tomorrow. Stay tuned!

UPDATE: And the Halo3 ODST trailer from Comic Con is up...


Shared on Thu, 07/23/2009 - 11:12

What's your statute of limitations for game reviews?

So how long after a game is released do you stop being interested in game reviews?

Thirty days?

Ninety days?

Is there a statute of limitations on game reviews, when they should stop being written?


Shared on Thu, 07/23/2009 - 11:12

What's your statute of limitations for game reviews?

So how long after a game is released do you stop being interested in game reviews?

Thirty days?

Ninety days?

Is there a statute of limitations on game reviews, when they should stop being written?


Shared on Wed, 07/22/2009 - 12:59

What question would you ask a Timmy?

Need gaming advice? Why not go to the source that constantly PWNS all of us old farts whenever we dare to venture online?

So I ask you good people--old, but good: What question would you like to ask a Timmy? It could be about a specific game, a cheat, an exploit... Let's try and keep it focused, though. I don't want this thing to get too grandiose in its scope...



Shared on Wed, 07/22/2009 - 12:59

What question would you ask a Timmy?

Need gaming advice? Why not go to the source that constantly PWNS all of us old farts whenever we dare to venture online?

So I ask you good people--old, but good: What question would you like to ask a Timmy? It could be about a specific game, a cheat, an exploit... Let's try and keep it focused, though. I don't want this thing to get too grandiose in its scope...



Shared on Sat, 07/18/2009 - 06:57

New blog site

I went ahead and created a new site for my blogging/podcasting:

It's very simple and not at all pretty, just a stock blog template. I'm seeking help from my clanmates on designing a logo that will replace that goofy-ass picture in the top right corner... But for now it's a home for my blogging, reviews, etc.




Shared on Sat, 07/18/2009 - 06:57

New blog site

I went ahead and created a new site for my blogging/podcasting:

It's very simple and not at all pretty, just a stock blog template. I'm seeking help from my clanmates on designing a logo that will replace that goofy-ass picture in the top right corner... But for now it's a home for my blogging, reviews, etc.



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