Arvind's blog


Shared on Fri, 07/30/2010 - 13:06

Who are you?

I've never been a huge fan of Doctor Who, though I appreciate the impact its had on science fiction in general.  I think part of the problem, at least for me, is the idea of different actors portraying the same character.  I think it's a more common practice in the UK (James Bond, anyone?) and it's central to the premise to the show, but it was hard for me to imagine anyone but Tom Baker in the role for the longest time.


Shared on Fri, 07/30/2010 - 13:06

Who are you?

I've never been a huge fan of Doctor Who, though I appreciate the impact its had on science fiction in general.  I think part of the problem, at least for me, is the idea of different actors portraying the same character.  I think it's a more common practice in the UK (James Bond, anyone?) and it's central to the premise to the show, but it was hard for me to imagine anyone but Tom Baker in the role for the longest time.


Shared on Wed, 07/28/2010 - 13:35

This post is full of win

I am a winner. Hear that?

I don't think it's bragging too much, but you're looking at a guy who just won four (count 'em: FOUR) tickets to a major midwestern family attraction from the local Fox affiliate news quiz. Whaddya think of THAT, women who rejected me for years? Who's sorry NOW?


Shared on Wed, 07/28/2010 - 13:35

This post is full of win

I am a winner. Hear that?

I don't think it's bragging too much, but you're looking at a guy who just won four (count 'em: FOUR) tickets to a major midwestern family attraction from the local Fox affiliate news quiz. Whaddya think of THAT, women who rejected me for years? Who's sorry NOW?


Shared on Tue, 07/27/2010 - 07:34

And the award goes to...

OK, let me make a couple of disclosures here.  I am not a marketing guy, nor am I a microbiologist (though I used to work for one).  Now that we've got that out of the way, let me give my award for "Most Successful Marketing Campaign for a Totally Useless Product" to this thing from Lysol. 


Shared on Tue, 07/27/2010 - 07:34

And the award goes to...

OK, let me make a couple of disclosures here.  I am not a marketing guy, nor am I a microbiologist (though I used to work for one).  Now that we've got that out of the way, let me give my award for "Most Successful Marketing Campaign for a Totally Useless Product" to this thing from Lysol. 


Shared on Thu, 07/22/2010 - 07:26

Why fanboys are sometimes better than Hollywood...

Beyond Black Mesa is a Half-Life inspired movie made by fans on a $1200 budget. At this point I'm ready to hand over the rights to a movie to them versus having Michael Bay slaughter the story to the tune of 50 million and a cameo by Megan Fox.

In addition to the film being great, it inspired great comments as well. For example, "when i heard the grenade 'ticking' sound, my fanboy nipples got hard". Can't top that.



Shared on Thu, 07/22/2010 - 07:26

Why fanboys are sometimes better than Hollywood...

Beyond Black Mesa is a Half-Life inspired movie made by fans on a $1200 budget. At this point I'm ready to hand over the rights to a movie to them versus having Michael Bay slaughter the story to the tune of 50 million and a cameo by Megan Fox.

In addition to the film being great, it inspired great comments as well. For example, "when i heard the grenade 'ticking' sound, my fanboy nipples got hard". Can't top that.


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