Az's blog


Shared on Wed, 04/04/2012 - 06:02

A Beautiful thing or a Curse

So which is it?  The internet allows us to pick and choose who we wish to interact with.  We can have long conversations, or completely ignore.  I see this a lot particularly with Facebook, and I'm pretty picky who I let in.  Still.... the level of rudeness still abounds.


Working as intended?  If so, what a sad, sad thing.


Shared on Tue, 04/03/2012 - 11:22

Readjusting gaming priorities, tried out a couple of guilds...

Since our guild stopping raiding officially, a few of us have been exploring other options.  For myself, I fell into doing PVP along with a couple of others as well as leveling alts.  I miss the chatter of guild chat, but I do love that my time is my own, and I can come and go as I please.  The benefit of PVP is that you can step in and be done in 30 min or so, take care of IRL stuff and then come back if you want.


Shared on Sat, 03/31/2012 - 15:48

Haven't really been here

since the change with the website.  Just one post and then I found that I lost my bookmarks. :(  So will be back more, but if anyone at there knows that I had them marked, could you give me a shout so I can do again?


Thanks  <3


Oh... and  /patiently waiting to get into MoP beta


Shared on Thu, 03/15/2012 - 09:58

Diablo III on 5/15

Need I say more?  :D



Shared on Wed, 02/15/2012 - 07:37

Just a quickie

The new Heart of the Aspects luminous dragon?  That thing is HUMONGOUS.  It's times like this that I am glad my hearth isn't set in Stormwind!  ​I'm still not looking to dish out $25 for it though.  I like it, but not 25 bucks worth of like :P


One swift pink strider down, and one to go :D


Shared on Tue, 02/07/2012 - 18:14


Livestreaming farming love tokens for the pink strider, Halls of Lightning


Shared on Tue, 02/07/2012 - 10:08

I need this :) Swift Lovebird

Swift Lovebird


I didn't realize this was in the game... bah.  Now I am thinking I need to put the leveling aside... just until I can get enough tokens for this baby and then go back to working on my other 2 toons.

Isn't it just about the cutest thing evah?  :D





Shared on Wed, 02/01/2012 - 09:23

Don&#39;t kiss pavement. Just sayin&#39; ;)

A little slow this morning, physically and mentally, but I did make it in to work in one piece.  The only annoyance I had was a coal truck passing by and one piece hit my car.  I mean LOUD, too.  My initial reaction was “Fuck!” and then I looked over my windshield to see if it was cracked.  I have replaced far too many of them over the years.  Luckily I didn’t see a crack so it must have hit on the roof.  THAT, I can deal with.  Yay for living in coal territory P


Shared on Tue, 01/31/2012 - 14:35

24 hrs isn&#39;t enough time

So I haven't been around here much... Work, home, drama, ugh.  You know how it goes, and if you don't, well you are pretty damned lucky! .   So the SWTOR account?  It's cancelled.  I just don't have the time to devote to leveling there, and maintaining in WoW.  I don't hate the game; don't even dislike it.  IMHO After 2 wks of dedicated play, it feels too similar to WoW and hell, I have level-capped toons in WoW.  Why start all over somewhere else?


Shared on Wed, 01/11/2012 - 13:14

When a raiding guild stops... raiding.

Tonight I have to stop at the store on my way home from work.  No rush, no hurried last minute chores before raid time.  Why?  We no longer raid.  I can't say that it is a surprise.  Real life trumps all and with the good news of people getting jobs, hours changing, etc....  there was no way we could keep going as is.  We could recruit and fill those spots, but honestly even the leader had difficulty juggling everything.  Let's face it, she IS the guild, she is the glue that keeps us together and in check.  So last night it was decided, we are going casual, at least for now.  Yeah, there is

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