

Shared on Sun, 07/14/2013 - 11:11

Defiance PC.

At first, the pricepoint on Defiance held me back and the erupting vulcano of bad player-experiences sealed the deal. I tried the free weekend and I didn't like it much. I sure didn't like it enough to follow it up with a full-price buy.

So, I snatched it up for a tenner at the Steam Sale and what do you know... I like the game immensely and now I'm beating myself up for not getting in on groundfloor...

Contradictionz, I has them.

And just now I bought the best game coded ever. Saints Row 2. Yes, IT IS THE BEST GAME CODED EVER. alright? Don't fight me over this, lol.


Shared on Sun, 07/14/2013 - 00:36

The wires that bind.

Sitting in the soft glow of my monitor, controller in hand, the house is still. It’s magic time. The one time of the day, which I as a house husband selfishly claim as my own. There’s no thought of meal plans and bills to be paid. It’s time to frag and nothing should be able to come between this sacred hour and its appointed goals.

Oldschool 2o4f

Shared on Sat, 07/13/2013 - 11:53

Okay, if your right hand offend thee, better to cut it off...

I'm strongly considering removing my caps lock button, damnit!

And here's a few newer cars for those that DON'T play Forza to look at, no reason to deny all of you the grandeur that comes from the paint booth, even if you can't shift a control pad transmission, right?

These are for an upcoming American Iron racing series in the 2Old4Forza group starting next Thursday ( I think?) Gunny, are you ready?


Shared on Thu, 07/11/2013 - 13:38

Yeah Baby!

Steam Summer Sale has started! Their servers can't keep up, lol! My eye has fallen on Defiance for a tenner, a pricepoint at which I can part with cash for this title.

The community-vote is a bit skewered, as one of the choices is Dishonored for FREE, the other choice is Borderlands 2 for a song and  a co-op zombieshooter. Since Dishonored is free, it has about 100% to be chosen as the community-vote sale... Kinda rough for people who were waiting on the Summer Sale to get Borderlands for laughs.


Shared on Thu, 07/11/2013 - 09:04

What to do?

Goodness ever since I saw the GTA V trailer and the Beyond Two Souls interview vid that was posted earlier this week I've been asking myself, "Do I really need that PS4 at launch"?


Shared on Wed, 07/10/2013 - 10:53

GTA V Game Play Footage

So, yesterday we got to experience a little preview of the gameplay for the upcoming GTA V game from Rockstar.

It's been a while coming, so seeing in game (PS3) footage is a definite plus.

Frankly, I'm pretty excited to get this one. The unique trio of main protagonists look like a riot.


Shared on Wed, 07/10/2013 - 09:13

Cry Box


Shared on Tue, 07/09/2013 - 10:55

Bully goes to Washington

The Vortex & Phill


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