Big0ne's blog


Shared on Fri, 10/31/2008 - 08:18

Exploring the Candidates - Energy

The election is finally almost here and more importantly, almost over. I thought that I’d try and cut through the pundits and spin doctors that have made some good coin the last 24 months covering this thing and go straight to the candidates for a comparison. The positions listed come straight from their respective web sites. My opinion on the matter(s) will be marked as such. In no particular order and in no way is this list complete in terms of the number of issues.


Shared on Thu, 10/30/2008 - 15:05

Merry Halloween

I guess tomorrow will be the big day.  Lots of little beggars running around threatening people for candy and such.  I'm not a big fan of Halloween these days.  It's not that I begrudge anyone who does enjoy it, it just seems the older I get the less interest I have in it.  I'm sure if I had kids I'd be more inclined to participate but as it is I'll probably hide in the basement and play GH or RB.  I know, I know, just like every other night.


Shared on Thu, 10/30/2008 - 15:05

Merry Halloween

I guess tomorrow will be the big day.  Lots of little beggars running around threatening people for candy and such.  I'm not a big fan of Halloween these days.  It's not that I begrudge anyone who does enjoy it, it just seems the older I get the less interest I have in it.  I'm sure if I had kids I'd be more inclined to participate but as it is I'll probably hide in the basement and play GH or RB.  I know, I know, just like every other night.


Shared on Thu, 10/23/2008 - 11:06

Not So Fast

Today is one of those days I'm glad I'm not better at games than I'd like to be....




Sorry if this is a few days old but I've been on vacation and I just noticed it.


Shared on Thu, 10/23/2008 - 11:06

Not So Fast

Today is one of those days I'm glad I'm not better at games than I'd like to be....




Sorry if this is a few days old but I've been on vacation and I just noticed it.


Shared on Tue, 10/21/2008 - 08:37

In Whom Do You Trust?



Shared on Tue, 10/21/2008 - 08:37

In Whom Do You Trust?



Shared on Mon, 10/20/2008 - 08:57

A Little Tip

From October 4th to the 15th my wife and I were on vacation. We took a nice 7 day cruise through t he Western Caribbean and then headed up to Disney World for 4 days. We had a really good time and were able to do and try a few things we never had the opportunity for ‘til now. The trip was admittedly almost too long. By the last couple of days we had both hit a bit of a “wall” and were ready to get back home. Overall though, it was a great trip. Other than one thing…


Shared on Mon, 10/20/2008 - 08:57

A Little Tip

From October 4th to the 15th my wife and I were on vacation. We took a nice 7 day cruise through t he Western Caribbean and then headed up to Disney World for 4 days. We had a really good time and were able to do and try a few things we never had the opportunity for ‘til now. The trip was admittedly almost too long. By the last couple of days we had both hit a bit of a “wall” and were ready to get back home. Overall though, it was a great trip. Other than one thing…


Shared on Fri, 10/03/2008 - 13:40

Take 2 of these and call me in the morning.

There's something that I've never really understood about prescription drugs.  They seem to keep going up and up in price and there's lots of factors that lead to those price increases but the one that confuses me is advertising.  There's a significant chunk of the budgets of Eli Lilly, Phizer and more that is spent on advertising.  I wonder how much those pills would cost if that was scaled back 90%.  I mean, really, what is the advertising for?  I trust that my doctor will prescribe the drugs that I need when I need them. 

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