jasontroyhimself's blog


Shared on Sun, 12/03/2006 - 18:45

There's no hibernating in football..

Today's defensive domination of the Minnesota Vikings turned 'da Bears' into NFC North Champions for the second year in a row.
Despite 'Sexy' Rexy's total implosion, Lovie Smith's defense taught the Viks to respect Soldier Field and all the die-hard pigskin fans of the Windy City.


Shared on Sat, 12/02/2006 - 12:06

Stop playing with yourself...

So I've been playing Gears or War now, off and on, for a few weeks but just last night did I finally become addicted.

Duderlock & I played through some of the campaign on co-op (neither of us had ever done co-op) and it was amazing..
The game takes on such a different aspect when using two players, it's wicked fun.
When we would go seperate routes, like him down on the street while I was on the rooftops above,
we would have to not only defeat enemies in front of us but also crossfire whenever possible to help your teammate out.


Shared on Sat, 12/02/2006 - 12:06

Stop playing with yourself...

So I've been playing Gears or War now, off and on, for a few weeks but just last night did I finally become addicted.

Duderlock & I played through some of the campaign on co-op (neither of us had ever done co-op) and it was amazing..
The game takes on such a different aspect when using two players, it's wicked fun.
When we would go seperate routes, like him down on the street while I was on the rooftops above,
we would have to not only defeat enemies in front of us but also crossfire whenever possible to help your teammate out.


Shared on Thu, 11/30/2006 - 15:06

In just seven & a half years..

Today I found out that I got promoted to E-6, First Class Petty Officer, in the United States Navy.

Can I get a woot woot?  



Shared on Mon, 11/27/2006 - 22:33

Is it bad luck?

I know I've heard something about walking under a ladder being back luck but what about being at the bottom of one?

In this season's ladder, I'm in the Halo 2 2v2 & the Gears of War 4v4.
Tomorrow starts my first Halo challenge & I can't wait!

Kerrys King & I are a bit nervous but it's mostly anticipation. He's an amazing player & I'm only average but we're all in it for the fun.
I can't wait...

Today I was officially banned from the 360 by my fiance'.. haahaa..
she's hilarious..



Shared on Mon, 11/27/2006 - 22:33

Is it bad luck?

I know I've heard something about walking under a ladder being back luck but what about being at the bottom of one?

In this season's ladder, I'm in the Halo 2 2v2 & the Gears of War 4v4.
Tomorrow starts my first Halo challenge & I can't wait!

Kerrys King & I are a bit nervous but it's mostly anticipation. He's an amazing player & I'm only average but we're all in it for the fun.
I can't wait...

Today I was officially banned from the 360 by my fiance'.. haahaa..
she's hilarious..



Shared on Fri, 11/24/2006 - 00:46

I'm not the Colonel...

but I did fry a turkey for the second year today & it was AMAZING!!!!

Jes made her regular fixin's:
Red mashed potatoes
Greenbean rolls wrapped in bacon
Stove-top with added veggies

We both drank & ate at home by ourselves & loved every minute of it.. I have so much to be thankful for so today was perfect.

Happy Thanksgiving ya'll.


Shared on Wed, 11/22/2006 - 14:45

In other news...

Yesterday was the 1st annual Turkey Olympics at my work & we had a pretty good time..
The events consisted of two-person teams first doing a 3-mile "turkey trot", eating a half-pound of stuffing & two pints of eggnog, doing two small laps with a cup of gravy & not spilling, a turkey "dumbbell press", peeling 4 potatoes & then finally crossing the finish line.

Hector & I made up the team, 'Dingo & The Baby', and we came in 4th place out of about 50 teams.
not too shabby & a shit ton of fun.


Shared on Sun, 11/19/2006 - 16:21

da Bears!

In the midst of the glorious 1985-1986 Chicago Bears, the Bears of today stomped yet another team on their road to victory.

With their only defeat coming from the notorious Miami Dolphins, a perfect season is already out of reach.
However Super Bowl rings are still close at grasp.

Can Chicago pull Grossman together for the final weeks of regular season?
Next week they can clinch the playoffs but will have to battle Tom Brady for the rights..

Unfortunately for the Pats, the Bears love the snow.


Shared on Wed, 11/15/2006 - 23:32

Gears of What?

So I played my very own copy of Gears of War today & I must say that I'm very impressed.
I knew I couldn't expect a remake of Halo, no matter how much I may have craved it, but I'm happy that it's not.

It has a very arcade-y feel to it, simliar to those cop games where you need to press down the pedal to hide behind a box..
very tactical & un-Halo-esk.

now i gotta go answer the call of the wild she-beast.

or affectionately referred to as my lady. 

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