pp2's blog


Shared on Mon, 10/15/2007 - 21:25

And the beat goes on...

So I get the order of protection granted against my exwife.  Here I am, 6'4 340 pounds getting a restraining order against a woman a foot shorter and 120 pounds lighter than me.  Such is life, I guess thats what happens when one party is passive and the other is aggressive and violent.


Shared on Sun, 10/07/2007 - 17:35


I've made mention in the past of all these problems I've had with my exwife.  I wish I could say they were exaggerated or even improving, but after 12 years its like it all happened 12 minutes ago...and she's the one who left me for someone else.

So today at 3 the buzzer to my apartment rings.  I look out the door and its her.  She's not supposed to pick up our son til 4 during the school year (5 during the summer), so I open the main door a bit and tell her she's an hour early, she's going to have to wait.


Shared on Sun, 10/07/2007 - 17:35


I've made mention in the past of all these problems I've had with my exwife.  I wish I could say they were exaggerated or even improving, but after 12 years its like it all happened 12 minutes ago...and she's the one who left me for someone else.

So today at 3 the buzzer to my apartment rings.  I look out the door and its her.  She's not supposed to pick up our son til 4 during the school year (5 during the summer), so I open the main door a bit and tell her she's an hour early, she's going to have to wait.


Shared on Sun, 09/30/2007 - 09:24

In all seriousness...

...is there a lawyer on this site, preferably one that specializes in family law (bonus if in Illinois) but any will do, that I can ask some questions of?

I really hate to ask this, but I am at wit's end and need some help.  I can't afford a lawyer and my exwife knows this.  I've tried pro-bono before and the judges have no patience for you when you go that route.


Shared on Sun, 09/30/2007 - 09:24

In all seriousness...

...is there a lawyer on this site, preferably one that specializes in family law (bonus if in Illinois) but any will do, that I can ask some questions of?

I really hate to ask this, but I am at wit's end and need some help.  I can't afford a lawyer and my exwife knows this.  I've tried pro-bono before and the judges have no patience for you when you go that route.


Shared on Sat, 09/29/2007 - 12:47

So the back is getting a bit better

I went to the doc last Thursday morning for what was supposed to be an MRI, but after a clinical exam the back was showing some improvement (I didn't collapse this time when I got on my tippy toes lol) so he figured no MRI was necessary. He wants to see me again in 3 weeks, if improvement is continuing then fine, otherwise he wants to explore an epidural. Hell no to that, but I didn't bother bringing it up since I am determined my back will still be improving in 3 weeks. I'm not real big on needles, let alone needles stuck into my spine.


Shared on Sat, 09/29/2007 - 12:47

So the back is getting a bit better

I went to the doc last Thursday morning for what was supposed to be an MRI, but after a clinical exam the back was showing some improvement (I didn't collapse this time when I got on my tippy toes lol) so he figured no MRI was necessary. He wants to see me again in 3 weeks, if improvement is continuing then fine, otherwise he wants to explore an epidural. Hell no to that, but I didn't bother bringing it up since I am determined my back will still be improving in 3 weeks. I'm not real big on needles, let alone needles stuck into my spine.


Shared on Fri, 09/14/2007 - 09:01

Things just got a little better....

I mentioned my exwife wasn't going to help me out as far as transportation for my son goes.  As mentioned before, I have to travel 7 hours to pick him up because she moved downstate with him.  I've been making that trip 3 times a month for the last 12 years.  I drive down to get him, she comes and picks him up.  Well, with this back problem its been hard for me to drive the 10 minutes or so to work every morning, there's no way I can make it to get him...especially now with the meds I'm on.


Shared on Fri, 09/14/2007 - 09:01

Things just got a little better....

I mentioned my exwife wasn't going to help me out as far as transportation for my son goes.  As mentioned before, I have to travel 7 hours to pick him up because she moved downstate with him.  I've been making that trip 3 times a month for the last 12 years.  I drive down to get him, she comes and picks him up.  Well, with this back problem its been hard for me to drive the 10 minutes or so to work every morning, there's no way I can make it to get him...especially now with the meds I'm on.


Shared on Thu, 09/13/2007 - 16:54


So I just got back a bit ago from seeing a spinal specialist.  He wanted to do an MRI but I begged off, mainly because my insurance acts stupid sometimes and I can't afford an MRI if they decide not to pay for it.  They should, but you guys know how those crooks at insurance companies operate.

So through a clinical exam the doc decides I have a herniated disc.  In fact, he was dead sure of it.  It wasn't "I think" or "maybe", it was "well, your L5 is herniated".


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