pp2's blog


Shared on Thu, 09/13/2007 - 16:54


So I just got back a bit ago from seeing a spinal specialist.  He wanted to do an MRI but I begged off, mainly because my insurance acts stupid sometimes and I can't afford an MRI if they decide not to pay for it.  They should, but you guys know how those crooks at insurance companies operate.

So through a clinical exam the doc decides I have a herniated disc.  In fact, he was dead sure of it.  It wasn't "I think" or "maybe", it was "well, your L5 is herniated".



Shared on Wed, 09/12/2007 - 17:52

And it just keeps getting better...

Here's a followup to my last blog about my jacked up back...

Today I got to, for the first time ever in my life, ride in an ambulance! Why? Because my back was so fucked up this morning that I was sobbing like a little bitch with tears streaming down my face and had to crawl on my belly to my neighbor's apartment and ask him to call 911 for me.


Shared on Wed, 09/12/2007 - 17:52

And it just keeps getting better...

Here's a followup to my last blog about my jacked up back...

Today I got to, for the first time ever in my life, ride in an ambulance! Why? Because my back was so fucked up this morning that I was sobbing like a little bitch with tears streaming down my face and had to crawl on my belly to my neighbor's apartment and ask him to call 911 for me.


Shared on Sun, 09/09/2007 - 00:23


Yeah, pain.  John Cougar was full of shit when he claimed it "Hurt So Good".

(yeah I know what the song is about, just saying is all)

About 2 weeks before the LAN last month my ankle started hurting, and within the week it was swollen to about half the size of my head (I only wish I was exagerating) and I wound up in the ER on a Friday night getting treated for what the attending described as gouty arthritis,  That cleared up, and about 2 weeks ago my back tightened up like I had funny or something.


Shared on Sun, 09/09/2007 - 00:23


Yeah, pain.  John Cougar was full of shit when he claimed it "Hurt So Good".

(yeah I know what the song is about, just saying is all)

About 2 weeks before the LAN last month my ankle started hurting, and within the week it was swollen to about half the size of my head (I only wish I was exagerating) and I wound up in the ER on a Friday night getting treated for what the attending described as gouty arthritis,  That cleared up, and about 2 weeks ago my back tightened up like I had funny or something.


Shared on Mon, 08/27/2007 - 23:08


Sometimes we all need a little of it on some level or another, right?  Whether its personal or professional its nice to be able to pause for a moment and feel good about yourself.


Shared on Mon, 08/27/2007 - 23:08


Sometimes we all need a little of it on some level or another, right?  Whether its personal or professional its nice to be able to pause for a moment and feel good about yourself.


Shared on Sat, 08/25/2007 - 09:26

So I finally broke down and bought BioShock

Yeah, I finally did it.  I actually had picked up Two Worlds originally, but since I had read in Tact's thread about some problems I had it worked out with the manager at the Gamestop I go to that if those problems were real I could return the game as a defect and get an even exchange for BioShock.

Ok, so here's the problem.  I've had it since 8 last night and I still haven't played it.  I need to work up the nerve to put it in.  But I have it now.


Shared on Sat, 08/25/2007 - 09:26

So I finally broke down and bought BioShock

Yeah, I finally did it.  I actually had picked up Two Worlds originally, but since I had read in Tact's thread about some problems I had it worked out with the manager at the Gamestop I go to that if those problems were real I could return the game as a defect and get an even exchange for BioShock.

Ok, so here's the problem.  I've had it since 8 last night and I still haven't played it.  I need to work up the nerve to put it in.  But I have it now.


Shared on Fri, 08/24/2007 - 01:36

Fucking Com-Ed

We've had some bad storms today, so bad that while at work this afternoon we were outside watching literally 2 weather fronts collide (clouds and stuff) and actually felt the hot humid air turn to a very cold breeze while the clouds it brought with it moved opposite of the other front and collided.  We watched as weird formations grew from this collision, including the one area of clouds instantly turning green before our eyes as it happened.  That was wild.  And as this happened, tornado sirens went off around us.  Fortunately nothing of that nature happened (that I'm aware of), so the res

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