Boltshot Statistics - Do they support your impressions?

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Mon, 01/14/2013 - 13:45 (Reply to #61)
Shadow's picture
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KamakazeTaco wrote:

The boltshot doesn't need a nerf, it just needs to be taken out of the loadouts and made into an ordinance drop. Statistics are meaningless. I don't have a lot of deaths by railgun, but that doesn't mean I should be able to start with one. One person camping corners with a shotgun and camo is annoying. An entire team doing it ruins the game. Yes you can flush out campers but that's not fun for me, and it's not what I play Halo to do.



Mon, 01/14/2013 - 15:19
Lbsutke's picture
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to sum it up in a gif, this is how the BS makes me feel after being killed by it by Cpt. Bolt shot:



followed by this:



with the only thing left to bring me back from the virge of napalming puppies I view this:

Mon, 01/14/2013 - 16:34 (Reply to #63)
Shadow's picture
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Lbsutke wrote:
with the only thing left to bring me back from the virge of naplaming puppies I view this:


who dat?

Mon, 01/14/2013 - 17:00
Lbsutke's picture
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She is the anti BS rage bouncy bewby lady...

Wed, 01/16/2013 - 10:17
eksessiv's picture
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Where to start.  Yes, the bolt shot should be an ordinance drop.  It's not though.  Going back as far as I can remember in H2 you were taught by better players never to get in up close battles to begin with.  People say you can't go top mid on Adrift anymore.  Well honestly I can remember several maps that if you went top mid you might as well chalk up a death.  Lockout, Warlock, Narrows, Midship... just to name a few.  Unless you had control of the map you were taking a risk going top mid.  Halo is always about angles.  Halo 4 takes a lot of that out because you do not always have good shooting lanes like in the past, BUT that does not mean you have to default to up close battles.  If someone is camping then let them camp versus trying to kill them.  Do things to bring them out.  Adrift is the only map that a team can literally get the lead and hide back in the corner.  The main problem there though is when they start getting ordinance drops.  Now they are camping with power weapons and you have only five ways to enter.  No one makes a thread like this complaining about the sword even though it has been around since H2.  It was a freaking beast weapon in H2 compared to now. 

I seem to have more problems being killed by plasma grenades that I never see the opponent I kill throw.  I will kill someone then I will always hear the grenade right before it blows up.  Since I cannot see it I never know which way to go and I die.  To me that is the most frustrating thing I come across too often.  Not sure how many times I've been killed asking where in the world that grenade came from because the person I killed was shooting their gun the entire time.

Wed, 01/16/2013 - 15:47 (Reply to #66)
lanierb's picture
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eksessiv wrote:

Adrift is the only map that a team can literally get the lead and hide back in the corner.  The main problem there though is when they start getting ordinance drops.  Now they are camping with power weapons and you have only five ways to enter.  No one makes a thread like this complaining about the sword even though it has been around since H2.  It was a freaking beast weapon in H2 compared to now. 

Agreed that Adrift is definitely way worse than Abandon for camping... and if the sword were available on spawn you can be damned sure I'd bitch about it!

Wed, 01/16/2013 - 15:50 (Reply to #67)
eksessiv's picture
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lanierb wrote:

eksessiv wrote:

Adrift is the only map that a team can literally get the lead and hide back in the corner.  The main problem there though is when they start getting ordinance drops.  Now they are camping with power weapons and you have only five ways to enter.  No one makes a thread like this complaining about the sword even though it has been around since H2.  It was a freaking beast weapon in H2 compared to now. 

Agreed that Adrift is definitely way worse than Abandon for camping... and if the sword were available on spawn you can be damned sure I'd bitch about it!



HAHAHAAA, I have no doubts my friend.

Thu, 01/17/2013 - 07:26 (Reply to #68)
KamakazeTaco's picture
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eksessiv wrote:

 If someone is camping then let them camp versus trying to kill them. 

This is called letting them win. Generally speaking it's not a good tactic.

Do things to bring them out.

They have the lead, a very defensible position, shotguns for their close quarter camping spot, and regen fields for your grenades. Only an idiot would rush out so you can fight them, and if they're that dumb they probably wouldn't have the lead in the first place. Sure you can creep up on em, shoot holograms to try and fool em, throw frags, any number of things. The vast majority of the time, it's not going to work. Even when it does and you successfully flush them out, odds are they killed at least 1 or 2 of your team and still have the lead and they'll just resume camping somewhere else.

Adrift is the only map that a team can literally get the lead and hide back in the corner.  The main problem there though is when they start getting ordinance drops.  Now they are camping with power weapons and you have only five ways to enter.

I don't understand how maps like this got into the game. I know when I make a forge map I don't just slap pieces down and call it finished. There's constant play testing and adjustments so stuff like that doesn't happen. I don't give one team a gauss hog and the other team nothing.

No one makes a thread like this complaining about the sword even though it has been around since H2.  It was a freaking beast weapon in H2 compared to now.

I can't spawn with a sword. I had to actually run out and fight for the sword, so whatever kills I get with the sword I earned. I didn't spawn in, tap Y and sit in the corner for 3 minutes waiting for someone to walk past.


Thu, 01/17/2013 - 10:12 (Reply to #69)
eksessiv's picture
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KamakazeTaco wrote:

eksessiv wrote:

 If someone is camping then let them camp versus trying to kill them. 

This is called letting them win. Generally speaking it's not a good tactic.

Well, regardless of what is said I can tell you from the games I've played since H2 that camping works against you more than it helps.  When you camp you give up the map control.  In Halo 4 that is huge because ammo does not respawn and you will not earn ordinance drops by sitting behind a crate.  I know I have only lost a few games due to a team camping


KamakazeTaco wrote:

eksessiv wrote:
Do things to bring them out.

They have the lead, a very defensible position, shotguns for their close quarter camping spot, and regen fields for your grenades. Only an idiot would rush out so you can fight them, and if they're that dumb they probably wouldn't have the lead in the first place. Sure you can creep up on em, shoot holograms to try and fool em, throw frags, any number of things. The vast majority of the time, it's not going to work. Even when it does and you successfully flush them out, odds are they killed at least 1 or 2 of your team and still have the lead and they'll just resume camping somewhere else.

I think once you move on up in the ranks you do not really encounter that kind of situation really that often at all.  Most of the people I get matched up against do not play like that.  I'm also not saying you are not ranked high.... just making a general statement.

KamakazeTaco wrote:

eksessiv wrote:
Adrift is the only map that a team can literally get the lead and hide back in the corner.  The main problem there though is when they start getting ordinance drops.  Now they are camping with power weapons and you have only five ways to enter.

I don't understand how maps like this got into the game. I know when I make a forge map I don't just slap pieces down and call it finished. There's constant play testing and adjustments so stuff like that doesn't happen. I don't give one team a gauss hog and the other team nothing.

It's not that bad.  The only thing that messes it up are the ordinance drops.  If teams could not sit back and gain all of those power weapons then it's really not a big deal.  Even in H2 on Lockout you could take BR tower and lock the map down making it dang near impossible to break the set up without dying. 

KamakazeTaco wrote:

eksessiv wrote:
No one makes a thread like this complaining about the sword even though it has been around since H2.  It was a freaking beast weapon in H2 compared to now.

I can't spawn with a sword. I had to actually run out and fight for the sword, so whatever kills I get with the sword I earned. I didn't spawn in, tap Y and sit in the corner for 3 minutes waiting for someone to walk past.

Good point.

Thu, 01/17/2013 - 11:51 (Reply to #71)
KamakazeTaco's picture
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eksessiv wrote:

Well, regardless of what is said I can tell you from the games I've played since H2 that camping works against you more than it helps.  When you camp you give up the map control.  In Halo 4 that is huge because ammo does not respawn and you will not earn ordinance drops by sitting behind a crate.  I know I have only lost a few games due to a team camping

I'm gonna have to respectfully disagree here. Had you made this argument in any previous Halo I would have agreed 100%. Map control in H2, H3 and even Reach was vital. Now with such random weapon spawns they're just as likely to have shotgun or whatever spawn right beside them as I would be on any other part of the map. And while the campers aren't earning ordinance, neither is the other team. And ammo may not respawn, but it's not like you can't carry extra ammo to the fight with you, or two primary weapons. It's much easier to hold up without needing to leave the safety of your tent.

eksessiv wrote:

I think once you move on up in the ranks you do not really encounter that kind of situation really that often at all.  Most of the people I get matched up against do not play like that.  I'm also not saying you are not ranked high.... just making a general statement.

It's certainly not every game. Some games there's actually nobody using the bolt shot or camping and I have a blast. But I would say maybe 40% of my games involve some serious camping. I can have 3 fun rounds in a row, but when that bad one hits and the winning team's score is 36 because everyone's afraid to move that's just not fun to me.

eksessiv wrote:

It's not that bad.  The only thing that messes it up are the ordinance drops.  If teams could not sit back and gain all of those power weapons then it's really not a big deal.  Even in H2 on Lockout you could take BR tower and lock the map down making it dang near impossible to break the set up without dying.

Yeah, but every map wasn't like that. For the most part the action moved around, mostly because of the power weapons. Now it seems like the majority of the map space is completely wasted and people only focus on very small areas to camp. The middle building on Abandon, the white rooftop on Complex. I swear I played Longbow maybe 20 times before I realized there was a whole warthog path on the other side of the map from the middle building. Nobody ever goes over there.


Back to the topic at hand, the boltshot is simply not a secondary weapon. I don't see people running around with magnums or plasma pistols, but people equip that boltshot and completely forget they even have a rifle. Taking it out of the loadout and making it an ordinance drop I think would eliminate quite a bit of the bullshit gameplay and be a big step towards improving the game.

Wed, 01/16/2013 - 15:10
Shadow's picture
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"Do things to bring them out."

Easier said then done.  Like what things?

Wed, 01/16/2013 - 15:28 (Reply to #73)
Autarch's picture
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Shadow wrote:

"Do things to bring them out."

Easier said then done.  Like what things?

If a team is leading in score, and has decided to camp, the only way you can win is to figh them.  Which means running into their defended position.  Likely four boltshot blasts to end your life instantly and cripple you once you've respawned.

Things to bring them out are usually like "throw grenades."  All well and good until they just use a regen field.  Then you are out of grenades, they still are winning and have instant kill loadout weapons, and their regen field will come back or their teamates can use theirs in the meantime.


The limited range of the boltshot would be a balancing factor if you could only pick one total weapon to spawn with.  However, you can pick a long range scoped primary weapon and still spawn with the close quarters noob grinding death machine.

Thu, 01/17/2013 - 21:22 (Reply to #74)
Double T's picture
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Autarch wrote:

Shadow wrote:

"Do things to bring them out."

Easier said then done.  Like what things?

If a team is leading in score, and has decided to camp, the only way you can win is to figh them.  Which means running into their defended position.  Likely four boltshot blasts to end your life instantly and cripple you once you've respawned.

Things to bring them out are usually like "throw grenades."  All well and good until they just use a regen field.  Then you are out of grenades, they still are winning and have instant kill loadout weapons, and their regen field will come back or their teamates can use theirs in the meantime.


The limited range of the boltshot would be a balancing factor if you could only pick one total weapon to spawn with.  However, you can pick a long range scoped primary weapon and still spawn with the close quarters noob grinding death machine.


You would know all about camping.  Especially if a team were shorthanded. #tryharder



Seriously though, this gun as a default loadout option needs to go.  The range is inconsistent, and it seems more powerful that the actual shotgun or scattershot.

Sat, 01/19/2013 - 05:32 (Reply to #75)
Autarch's picture
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Double T wrote:

Autarch wrote:

Shadow wrote:

"Do things to bring them out."

Easier said then done.  Like what things?

If a team is leading in score, and has decided to camp, the only way you can win is to figh them.  Which means running into their defended position.  Likely four boltshot blasts to end your life instantly and cripple you once you've respawned.

Things to bring them out are usually like "throw grenades."  All well and good until they just use a regen field.  Then you are out of grenades, they still are winning and have instant kill loadout weapons, and their regen field will come back or their teamates can use theirs in the meantime.


The limited range of the boltshot would be a balancing factor if you could only pick one total weapon to spawn with.  However, you can pick a long range scoped primary weapon and still spawn with the close quarters noob grinding death machine.


You would know all about camping.  Especially if a team were shorthanded. #tryharder



Seriously though, this gun as a default loadout option needs to go.  The range is inconsistent, and it seems more powerful that the actual shotgun or scattershot.

Well, actually my playstyle is often more along the lines of rushing in and seeing how many I can take down before I'm the one being taken down.  Not the most effective, but it is fun and action packed.  I do know that teams do decide to camp when they are in the lead with score, because it lets them fight on their terms, and the score requires the other team come to them in order to have a chance to win.

I'm not sure what you mean about the shorthanded part though.  Being down a few teammates can vary in what it means.  It can lead to the team with smaller numbers having an easier time in some cases.

If I do need to "try harder" to explain what I mean to you, just let me know which parts to go over again in more detail.  I will do my best to break down the things I've talked about in this thread.  Happy to help!  :)

Sun, 01/20/2013 - 14:23 (Reply to #76)
Double T's picture
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Autarch wrote:

Double T wrote:

Autarch wrote:

Shadow wrote:

"Do things to bring them out."

Easier said then done.  Like what things?

If a team is leading in score, and has decided to camp, the only way you can win is to figh them.  Which means running into their defended position.  Likely four boltshot blasts to end your life instantly and cripple you once you've respawned.

Things to bring them out are usually like "throw grenades."  All well and good until they just use a regen field.  Then you are out of grenades, they still are winning and have instant kill loadout weapons, and their regen field will come back or their teamates can use theirs in the meantime.


The limited range of the boltshot would be a balancing factor if you could only pick one total weapon to spawn with.  However, you can pick a long range scoped primary weapon and still spawn with the close quarters noob grinding death machine.


You would know all about camping.  Especially if a team were shorthanded. #tryharder



Seriously though, this gun as a default loadout option needs to go.  The range is inconsistent, and it seems more powerful that the actual shotgun or scattershot.

Well, actually my playstyle is often more along the lines of rushing in and seeing how many I can take down before I'm the one being taken down.  Not the most effective, but it is fun and action packed.  I do know that teams do decide to camp when they are in the lead with score, because it lets them fight on their terms, and the score requires the other team come to them in order to have a chance to win.

I'm not sure what you mean about the shorthanded part though.  Being down a few teammates can vary in what it means.  It can lead to the team with smaller numbers having an easier time in some cases.

If I do need to "try harder" to explain what I mean to you, just let me know which parts to go over again in more detail.  I will do my best to break down the things I've talked about in this thread.  Happy to help!  :)


It means you were a camping tryhard even before the camo/boltshot noob combo.  You camped exits to a base whilst camo against a team who were down players.


It means you are a try hard.

Sun, 01/20/2013 - 14:47 (Reply to #77)
Autarch's picture
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Double T wrote:


It means you were a camping tryhard even before the camo/boltshot noob combo.  You camped exits to a base whilst camo against a team who were down players.


It means you are a try hard.

Hmm, that doesn't really sound like my preferred playstyle to be honest.  I much rather chase em down.  "Search and destroy" type stuff.  I charge in recklessly.

Sure, I may have been camo'd near an exit to a "base" in some games.  In Halo 4 people can join in progress really at any moment, so running to my death without firing seems to be silly compared to trying to end the game.  I realize that some people call those who try winning matches "try hards".  I find trying to accomplish the win condition goals of a match more enjoyable than laying back and letting the other team win.

It does sound like you have a specific example in mind though.  So I am sorry if your team was down members while I was killing you and your teammates.  Just think of it as me trying to get the match over with sooner for you :)

It always did make me laugh though when I did rather well in a match and received messages on Xbox Live calling me a "try hard" from the losing team.  I guess even when it's been about three weeks since I last played the game I can still get those messages, but on forums.

Anyways Double T, when I do play Halo some more in the future, I likely will play in a way that attempts to accomplish the goals set forth in the match that lead to victory.  You may insult me for this if you'd like of course, it won't hurt my feelings.  I do think it's funny to insult someone for being a supposed "try hard" on a forum for adults who are supposed to have a certain level of maturity.

If you would like to discuss the topic of this thread, the boltshot and its impressions, that's fine too.  If you'd like to continue to insult me, at least do it through private message so we don't take the thread any further off topic.


Sun, 01/20/2013 - 15:45 (Reply to #78)
DEEP_NNN's picture
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Double T wrote:

It means you were a camping tryhard even before the camo/boltshot noob combo.  You camped exits to a base whilst camo against a team who were down players.


It means you are a try hard.

Looks like there is some history here. It also looks a lot like name calling. We can do without that, please.

Sun, 01/20/2013 - 15:47 (Reply to #79)
DEEP_NNN's picture
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DEEP_NNN wrote:

Double T wrote:

It means you were a camping tryhard even before the camo/boltshot noob combo.  You camped exits to a base whilst camo against a team who were down players.


It means you are a try hard.

Looks like there is some history here. It also looks a lot like name calling. We can do without that, please.

Update: Didn't see Dixon's post.

Wed, 01/16/2013 - 15:36 (Reply to #80)
eksessiv's picture
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Shadow wrote:

"Do things to bring them out."

Easier said then done.  Like what things?

If I know a guy a hiding right around a corner then I will do what I can to keep my distance.  A lot of times it's as easy as crouching to make him wonder what you're doing.  Sometimes you just back off standing up and it will bring people out to fight with a battle rifle or whatever.  Radar is deceiving.  Sometimes people you think are close are not as close as you think.  So you can also walk kind of close to see if they bounce out thinking you are closer.  Every situation is different.  It's always a moment of trying to outthink your opponent.  There will always be times that Xbox live will benefit others, but that is part of online gaming.  People with that arguement probably never stop to ask how many times their connection might have benefited them against others. 

Also, I understand more people use bumper jumper now so that really gives them an advantage in up close battles.  So if you do not use that then you have to think they might have that over you.  No one complained about the mauler back in Halo 3 because you honestly could not kill anything with it lol.  Boltshot is the same except it actually works.  If you miss your shot you are in trouble.  So it is not like we are talking about a guaranteed kill by any means.

Wed, 01/16/2013 - 16:30 (Reply to #81)
DEEP_NNN's picture
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eksessiv wrote:

Shadow wrote:

"Do things to bring them out."

Easier said then done.  Like what things?

If I know a guy a hiding right around a corner then I will do what I can to keep my distance.  A lot of times it's as easy as crouching to make him wonder what you're doing.  Sometimes you just back off standing up and it will bring people out to fight with a battle rifle or whatever.  Radar is deceiving.  Sometimes people you think are close are not as close as you think.  So you can also walk kind of close to see if they bounce out thinking you are closer.  Every situation is different.  It's always a moment of trying to outthink your opponent.  There will always be times that Xbox live will benefit others, but that is part of online gaming.  People with that arguement probably never stop to ask how many times their connection might have benefited them against others. 

Also, I understand more people use bumper jumper now so that really gives them an advantage in up close battles.  So if you do not use that then you have to think they might have that over you.  No one complained about the mauler back in Halo 3 because you honestly could not kill anything with it lol.  Boltshot is the same except it actually works.  If you miss your shot you are in trouble.  So it is not like we are talking about a guaranteed kill by any means.

When did you become so reasonable? ;)

Wed, 01/16/2013 - 16:37 (Reply to #82)
eksessiv's picture
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DEEP_NNN wrote:

When did you become so reasonable? ;)


That's my middle name!

Wed, 01/16/2013 - 16:42 (Reply to #83)
DEEP_NNN's picture
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eksessiv wrote:

DEEP_NNN wrote:

When did you become so reasonable? ;)


That's my middle name!


Wed, 01/16/2013 - 15:54 (Reply to #84)
hyghwayman's picture
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Shadow wrote:

"Do things to bring them out."

Easier said then done.  Like what things?



Team work is critical, plan attack, stage, grande the area then move forward and kill some camping noob asses 6

Wed, 01/16/2013 - 16:41 (Reply to #85)
DEEP_NNN's picture
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Shadow wrote:

"Do things to bring them out."

Easier said then done.  Like what things?

I actually have a loadout geared for this scenario on Abandon. Never thought of it until now.

Jetpack, AR, some other weapon, Grenadier, Explosives. Not sure if all of that is actually possible but I think I have it. I normally don't pick Jetpack but sometimes I have to drop the hammer, instead of pooping my pants.

Wed, 01/16/2013 - 20:13 (Reply to #86)
wamam87's picture
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DEEP_NNN wrote:

Shadow wrote:

"Do things to bring them out."

Easier said then done.  Like what things?

I actually have a loadout geared for this scenario on Abandon. Never thought of it until now.

Jetpack, AR, some other weapon, Grenadier, Explosives. Not sure if all of that is actually possible but I think I have it. I normally don't pick Jetpack but sometimes I have to drop the hammer, instead of pooping my pants.


that's actually a good tactic for Abandon. not sure that it would work on other maps, but Abandon seems to be the one that gets to me the most.

at least on Adrift, i can counter with cammo and stickies. it's usually a trade, but that's better than entering the repetitive death mode.

Wed, 01/16/2013 - 15:38
eksessiv's picture
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And Halo is not an easy game.  So yes, most of the time things are easier said than done.  If I can train myself to make better decisions in game then that will more often than not lead to better results.

Wed, 01/16/2013 - 15:54
DarthTabasco's picture
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When (not "if) the above scenario happens on Abandon - I just sit back and let them camp while continuously harrassing them with my Hologram. Eventually people will either get bored and start to move or the game will end. The thing I refuse to do is play into their scheme and continously rush top-mid.

Yes, this is sad to say, but this is the approach you have to take on some of these maps with people that love the Boltshot.

Thu, 01/17/2013 - 12:19
wamam87's picture
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got a kill with the BS last night. Dixon made me do it. Lb, ghost, and phantom are my witnesses. I feel so dirty...
Thu, 01/17/2013 - 12:35 (Reply to #90)
Dixon_Tufar's picture
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wamam87 wrote:

got a kill with the BS last night. Dixon made me do it. Lb, ghost, and phantom are my witnesses. I feel so dirty...


Funny, that's not how I remember that going....


....What had happened was...


Wam said he had never used the Boltshot.  He created a class with it and after the second game, he said: "Okay.  Yeah.  I get it now."  Welcome to the winning side, Wam.  Please pick up your MLG strat binder at the desk there.

Thu, 01/17/2013 - 21:05 (Reply to #91)
wamam87's picture
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Dixon_Tufar wrote:

wamam87 wrote:

got a kill with the BS last night. Dixon made me do it. Lb, ghost, and phantom are my witnesses. I feel so dirty...


Funny, that's not how I remember that going....


....What had happened was...


Wam said he had never used the Boltshot.  He created a class with it and after the second game, he said: "Okay.  Yeah.  I get it now."  Welcome to the winning side, Wam.  Please pick up your MLG strat binder at the desk there.





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