If you have to buy a license that grants permission for you to play the game and requires you to check in with Microsoft every day then you never truly own the game. I'm hoping for a massive hacker attack on Microsoft servers the day of release. The outrage would be priceless.
While I disagree with some of their policies, I wouldn't wish malicious and illegal things upon people's years of work. Its not like Microsoft killed my family by announcing a product.
If I truly own a game today, can I copy it and distribute it online with no problems of the license sort?
If you have to buy a license that grants permission for you to play the game and requires you to check in with Microsoft every day then you never truly own the game. I'm hoping for a massive hacker attack on Microsoft servers the day of release. The outrage would be priceless.
I'm just curious Lou..... do you ever play offline? Because I don't. My xbox logs into automatically when it boots up and my internet is always on. If you're the same, you will never notice one bit of difference. Even selling games will be the same, as long as it's to a store.
No. I don't think you understand that you won't be the one unregistering from your box, it'll be the next person. Like Gamestop. You go into Gamestop and they'll put in your disc into their 'whatever' machine, unregister it, and then you can sell it to them. They're not going to say "ok, is your system on at home? ok then, go home and turn it on." No, it'll unregister. Then next time you log in on your system you won't be able to play it. If you don't log in within 24 hours you won't be able to play it offline either. The end....
Great article. Confirms what I've been saying for a bit. Thanks Dixon.
Of course, I can't verify the accuracy of this information, but there you are. I mean, if Microsoft came out and said that these always-on internet checks and what not are to bring the price of games down, that'd be the top story, and people would be gushing over it, calling it Steam-like, and heaping dirt on the PS4, and possibly even the Wii U.
Great article. Confirms what I've been saying for a bit. Thanks Dixon.
Of course, I can't verify the accuracy of this information, but there you are. I mean, if Microsoft came out and said that these always-on internet checks and what not are to bring the price of games down, that'd be the top story, and people would be gushing over it, calling it Steam-like, and heaping dirt on the PS4, and possibly even the Wii U.
Thanks for the article. It's pure logic almost exactly matches what I believe is happening although I don't believe for second the source is an employee of MS. That same article could have been by one of us on one of our more lucid days. This is a section that is not quite correct.
>Think about it, on steam you get a game for the true cost of the game, 5$-30$. On a console you have to pay for that PLUS any additional licenses for when you sell / trade / borrow / etc. If the developer / publisher can't get it on additional licenses (like steam), then they charge the first person more. [...] If we say "Hey publishers, you limit game to 39.99, we ensure every license transfer you get 10$, gamestop gets 20$" that is a decent model... Microsoft gets a license fee on first and subsequent game purchases, compared to just first now? That's a revenue increase.
FYI. I recently considered buying Age Of Empires 3 from Steam for me an my Wife's Win8 laptops. I wanted to simplify the install and eliminate discs. Much to my surprise, Steam charges $39.99 per copy! Freaking gouging.
Of course, I can't verify the accuracy of this information, but there you are. I mean, if Microsoft came out and said that these always-on internet checks and what not are to bring the price of games down, that'd be the top story, and people would be gushing over it, calling it Steam-like, and heaping dirt on the PS4, and possibly even the Wii U.
Thanks for the article. It's pure logic almost exactly matches what I believe is happening although I don't believe for second the source is an employee of MS. That same article could have been by one of us on one of our more lucid days. This is a section that is not quite correct.
>Think about it, on steam you get a game for the true cost of the game, 5$-30$. On a console you have to pay for that PLUS any additional licenses for when you sell / trade / borrow / etc. If the developer / publisher can't get it on additional licenses (like steam), then they charge the first person more. [...] If we say "Hey publishers, you limit game to 39.99, we ensure every license transfer you get 10$, gamestop gets 20$" that is a decent model... Microsoft gets a license fee on first and subsequent game purchases, compared to just first now? That's a revenue increase.
FYI. I recently considered buying Age Of Empires 3 from Steam for me an my Wife's Win8 laptops. I wanted to simplify the install and eliminate discs. Much to my surprise, Steam charges $39.99 per copy! Freaking gouging.
It doesn't matter that I am online when I play, what matters is my Xbox will not be portable anymore. If I want to bring my Xbox on vacation with me to my aunt's shore house (which doesn't have wifi) then I can not use my console there. Another issue is that Hurricane Sandy knocked out my internet access for six days, but my power came back after two days. Fortunately, I was able to do something around the house for four days (most businesses around me were closed.)
That sucks. But that's anecdotal, and super "not regularly happening" re: Sandy. I mean, you go to your Aunt's house and have no cell service either? Because it can use that internet to check too.
From the post Dixon posted:
>Instead of 10mins, is 24hrs for your console, and 1 or 2 at a friends house. Really the majority of people have a speck of internet at least once a day. And if you don't. Don't buy an Xbox 1. Just like if you didn't have a broadband connection don't get Live, and if you don't have an HDTV the 360 isn't that great for you either. New tech, new req. This allows us to do cool shit when we can assume things like you have a kinect, you have internet, etc.
>Current plan is basically you're fucked after 24 hours. Yeah... I know. Kind of sucks. I believe they will probably revist the time period and / or find a diff way to "call in" to ensure you haven't sold your license to gamestop or something... but there is no plan YET. I'm hoping the change it, but I don't work on that so I don't have much influence there /sigh
>If the power goes out you ain't playing shit. I'm assuming you mean the internet goes out but you have power for TV and Xbox. Yes, You're fucked for single player games. Again, that's the PoR (Plan of record), but I expect it to change after the e3 clusterfuck
Not sure if this was posted yet. Basically, you can put just about anyone in your "family" and share games with your friends regardless of whether or not they are in the same city
I know it's in a link somewhere...but people who know me will tell you I'm not fond of scouring links for the info I want. Info I want: how's this cell phone reach around thingy work? And dammit don't give me a link just 'splain it to me lol
Well, if your cell phone itself can be a mobile hotspot that lets devices connect to it like they would to a wireless router. Then the cell phone sends data to the cell network. So on the console, you'd connect by wireless to your phone.
The console says it can use mobile broadband.
Other than that, I don't know anything too detailed about it.
lol. sorry, I didn't realize smart phones were fancy pants anymore in 2013. Don't providers almost give them out for free these days? I know you can get an iPhone 4 for free for sure.
lol. sorry, I didn't realize smart phones were fancy pants anymore in 2013. Don't providers almost give them out for free these days? I know you can get an iPhone 4 for free for sure.
I think I just live in world where people considering spending $400-500 on just the hardware on a console in 2013 also pay for data on their phones. I apologize if this assumption is incorrect. I think it's a fair, but obviously not blanket assessment. I think it's like $80 a month for my phone.
I think I just live in world where people considering spending $400-500 on just the hardware on a console in 2013 also pay for data on their phones. I apologize if this assumption is incorrect. I think it's a fair, but obviously not blanket assessment. I think it's like $80 a month for my phone.
i spend $1500-$2800. every six months on chemo. I'm not considering spending ANYTHING on a new console..my family would all pitch in and buy me one if I decided to get one. I have an iPod touch (a gift), so haven't seen a need for a phone with a data plan when my iPod uses my home wifi. You're right assuming most people who would be buying a console probably don't give two shits about an extra $50 a month on their phone bill. I'm not most people lol. I have to pick and choose where I spend money unfortunately.
I think I just live in world where people considering spending $400-500 on just the hardware on a console in 2013 also pay for data on their phones. I apologize if this assumption is incorrect. I think it's a fair, but obviously not blanket assessment. I think it's like $80 a month for my phone.
i spend $1500-$2800. every six months on chemo. I'm not considering spending ANYTHING on a new console..my family would all pitch in and buy me one if I decided to get one. I have an iPod touch (a gift), so haven't seen a need for a phone with a data plan when my iPod uses my home wifi. You're right assuming most people who would be buying a console probably don't give two shits about an extra $50 a month on their phone bill. I'm not most people lol. I have to pick and choose where I spend money unfortunately.
Sorry to hear that kitten, I didn't know. Obviously your case is a special one.
I'm on a 3 year plan ending in Oct. I'll be getting a Smarty Phone (as I like to call them) then but the data package will likely be somewhat limited. I'm not needing tethering as a XB1 backup solution anyway since power and cable restoration are closely tied together around here.
Yes, and most plans tethering is an additional cost as well.
I have 4 phones on a plan and three are smarties, one of my boys opted for the I-Pod angle as well as they pay for the additional cost beyond the add a line fee.
Wife used to have tethering and decided the infrequent use didn't warrant the cost and jettisoned it. So we use the wifi at home and hers being the primary, uses the most data a month, for work.
While I disagree with some of their policies, I wouldn't wish malicious and illegal things upon people's years of work. Its not like Microsoft killed my family by announcing a product.
If I truly own a game today, can I copy it and distribute it online with no problems of the license sort?
I'm just curious Lou..... do you ever play offline? Because I don't. My xbox logs into automatically when it boots up and my internet is always on. If you're the same, you will never notice one bit of difference. Even selling games will be the same, as long as it's to a store.
No. I don't think you understand that you won't be the one unregistering from your box, it'll be the next person. Like Gamestop. You go into Gamestop and they'll put in your disc into their 'whatever' machine, unregister it, and then you can sell it to them. They're not going to say "ok, is your system on at home? ok then, go home and turn it on." No, it'll unregister. Then next time you log in on your system you won't be able to play it. If you don't log in within 24 hours you won't be able to play it offline either. The end....
Great article. Confirms what I've been saying for a bit. Thanks Dixon.
Of course, I can't verify the accuracy of this information, but there you are. I mean, if Microsoft came out and said that these always-on internet checks and what not are to bring the price of games down, that'd be the top story, and people would be gushing over it, calling it Steam-like, and heaping dirt on the PS4, and possibly even the Wii U.
Wait for the Summer Sale. I know I am.
That sucks. But that's anecdotal, and super "not regularly happening" re: Sandy. I mean, you go to your Aunt's house and have no cell service either? Because it can use that internet to check too.
From the post Dixon posted:
If this system does push game prices down to $39.99 either Sony will have to follow or it will be "SONY Who"?
Not sure if this was posted yet. Basically, you can put just about anyone in your "family" and share games with your friends regardless of whether or not they are in the same city
I know it's in a link somewhere...but people who know me will tell you I'm not fond of scouring links for the info I want. Info I want: how's this cell phone reach around thingy work? And dammit don't give me a link just 'splain it to me lol
Well, if your cell phone itself can be a mobile hotspot that lets devices connect to it like they would to a wireless router. Then the cell phone sends data to the cell network. So on the console, you'd connect by wireless to your phone.
The console says it can use mobile broadband.
Other than that, I don't know anything too detailed about it.
Ah. Won't work for me then.
don't most phones in the last few years share wifi? My iPhone does. And I know a lot of Androids have for a long time.
And many smart phones won't do it unless you have paid for it...
I don't have a fancy pants phone Shadow
lol. sorry, I didn't realize smart phones were fancy pants anymore in 2013. Don't providers almost give them out for free these days? I know you can get an iPhone 4 for free for sure.
Much of the issues can be easily fixed, for free. Apple/VZW do not charge to share your net as long as you're up to date on your plan.
Yeah but that requires tattooing a rather large Apple symbol on your chest.... lol
except you have to pay for a data package, so free might be a little misleading
True, you do have to pay for your data package.
I think I just live in world where people considering spending $400-500 on just the hardware on a console in 2013 also pay for data on their phones. I apologize if this assumption is incorrect. I think it's a fair, but obviously not blanket assessment. I think it's like $80 a month for my phone.
Sorry to hear that kitten, I didn't know. Obviously your case is a special one.
I'm on a 3 year plan ending in Oct. I'll be getting a Smarty Phone (as I like to call them) then but the data package will likely be somewhat limited. I'm not needing tethering as a XB1 backup solution anyway since power and cable restoration are closely tied together around here.
Yes, and most plans tethering is an additional cost as well.
I have 4 phones on a plan and three are smarties, one of my boys opted for the I-Pod angle as well as they pay for the additional cost beyond the add a line fee.
Wife used to have tethering and decided the infrequent use didn't warrant the cost and jettisoned it. So we use the wifi at home and hers being the primary, uses the most data a month, for work.
Not with VZW or AT&T at least. It's free. It's even based upon a court case:
Now if you have unlimited data from an old grandfathered account, then no you don't - but that's your choice to keep, or change.
Very informative and unknown to me until you posted it!
Forwarded it to my wife to look over as she may be able to make use of that at her office!
Many thanks!