Xbone Catch-All News/Rumor/General Fuckery Thread
Thu, 06/27/2013 - 09:20
Xbone Catch-All News/Rumor/General Fuckery Thread
So, to help stem the tide of weird Xbone threads that seem to come out every day or so, I want to consolidate them to one clusterfuck of a thread. Here's some fodder.
Wii U for life bitches.
And Halo 5 sucks. What was 343 thinking?
There goes all your credibility...sad...
Did you mean Halo 4? Because I'm right there with ya on that one.
I am trying to be ahead of the curve.
Yup, Halo 4 sucks too.
I like how this guy thinks.
Somewhere, in Newfoundland, Deep is kicking his dog.
I heard a rumer that the Xbone is now comming with a USB beer cooler. However it is only big enough for those mini OV Splits bottles.
It seems the M$ is expected to back pedal on the USB beer cooler thing at Comic-con. Sources report that M$ recieved severe backlash from a small minority of concerned people that this would poorly influence the children that play with these toys. Meanwhile M$ has maintained their demographic is primarily male and an average age of 30yrs.
It is all rumer and conjecture at this point until it happens at the Con.
I personally holding out for a USB Pop Tart warmer to be included in the box. Cause, you know, if it isn't in the box the devs won't support it.
Okay Dixon. Now have the balls to lock all the the other XB1 topics, both old and new. Serious but not at all angry.
Good idea. Except if 2old2play has no serious posting rules, this will fail.
Boy of boy, if I were in charge and had the keys to the house.
The entire house would burned to ashes, but the windows would be minty fresh?
We can let the other threads die a slow death, unless folks shit all over the place.
Hmm, according to my teens, Halo (all) sucks...I don't play it so can only relay what I've been told...However one of their girlfriends really likes it...you guys are male right?
That's what my wife tells me, at least.
I'm willing to use my divining rod to find the truth in her.
Such is the curse of being abnormally pretty.
So..you're an orlando bloom look a like?
Whoa there. Not THAT pretty.
Lol @ jim and LocGaw!
(It's a good idea Dixon...it would be nice to have ONE thread instead of five or more)
I think we should start another thread and poll about making new threads...
A giant megathread sounds exactly like what people would read through page after page to find the information they want. Works much better than dedicating a thread to a topic I'm sure.
But a giant megathread that descends into incessant bitching and name calling causing LB to have an aneurysm and lock it in a fit of rage would be such a refreshing change of pace.
I am using the office computer so I can't be sure but I think he doesn't have an Adam's apple...
Course not, he's an Elf not a man.
Hey, Deep's in Nova Scotia. He wishes he was a Newfie. And if he was he'd be kicking a Puffin.
I think I would avoid kicking the 200 lb dog. My little 20lb mutt on the other hand is constantly in danger of being punted out the window when he starts barking when Logan is sleeping.