I've always leaned a little towards letting people discuss whatever, so long as they're adults about it. If someone proves they can't be, then that's cool, they're simply removed from the discussion while the rest of the adults share their opinions. Politics and religion are a little tougher, but morality itself is a little more grey.
Politcs and Religion seem diametrically opposed to me? Religion, in it's idolized form would seem to be pure while politics as most of us have come to realize is all Darth Vader and the dark side...
Communism for instance in it's pure form is almost a religious idealism, you know, sharing with all for all, but in practice it's all dark side as well..
So to sum it up Politics AND communism ARE the dark side, mostly due to people screwing them up. Oh, and they tend to screw up religion as well.
Morals can be based on religious guides, but aren't required as such, the moral compass can be quite a personal thing. Therefore don't confuse them with social norms as those are decided generally by the masses and are not specific to any one's beliefs.
My morals find some of the possible behavior in GTA distateful and so I choose not to partake.
Except pretty much anything can be made into a religion of sorts. Hell, the console wars, the Android/iPhone, PC versus console, Ginger/Mary Ann dichotomies were all borderline religions, and that's not even bringing Scientology into it.
Religion is nice to fall back on because you've got a set of rules. You can either use it as a wind sock to see how you should react in certain situations (I'd argue a healthier, more benign form of being religious) or start twisting it around your situations and using it as a justification for increasingly weird actions (a more malignant form, I'd argue). Of course, then you start getting into distinctions between "religious" and "spiritual", and a recent study showing that a third of folks under 30 years old say they don't identify with any religion.
Morals are also cultural to an extent too. Some would argue that morals are a fluid thing, that changes with the times, but if you're following a supreme being and that religion is also fluid along with it, then how is that god not an immutable truth?
I felt bad during the torture sequence in GTAV. I didn't want to do it, but there was a pretty clear mea culpa that took place immediately afterwards.
Cherry picking from a religion to justify actions is part of that "people" screwing the pooch thing above...
I'm a religious guy, King James New and all, but not to the point I can quote verse by name/number. I can tell you this, from where I satnd there are two things in it that are immutable to my way of life.
First and foremost, free will was given, and from that my Dad brought me up to realize you can make/do anything you want but you are responsible for each and every decision/action you take.
Second, it's not up to me to judge others on the decisions/actions they do take. Now, clearly, if there is harm being done, I might stray a bit there, but for the most part, no.
That's where I start. Everything I do starts with these two points. (At least I try)
are we allowed to discuss religion on 2o2p now? I thought that was off limits. If so:
Religion is the opiate of the masses.
And all you can do is quote someone else. How unimaginatively sad...
also, we weren't directly discussing religion, more how morals and religion aren't the same.
But you go ahead and take your smug littlle pot shot at religion, which again, wasn't even your own words. Sad.
See, someone with MORALS wouldn't take a cheap uninformed shot at someone elses beliefs, especially if they couldn't enunciate it themselves. Read way up to my second point, which is based on religion by the way, and then think about what you just spit out. My, I am impressed.
are we allowed to discuss religion on 2o2p now? I thought that was off limits. If so:
Religion is the opiate of the masses.
And all you can do is quote someone else. How unimaginatively sad...
also, we weren't directly discussing religion, more how morals and religion aren't the same.
But you go ahead and take your smug littlle pot shot at religion, which again, wasn't even your own words. Sad.
See, someone with MORALS wouldn't take a cheap uninformed shot at someone elses beliefs, especially if they couldn't enunciate it themselves. Read way up to my second point, which is based on religion by the way, and then think about what you just spit out. My, I am impressed.
Jones, where's my dancing shoes buddy?
It would seem that you have already chosen someone else to dance with...I don't have the energy for a three-way today.
are we allowed to discuss religion on 2o2p now? I thought that was off limits. If so:
Religion is the opiate of the masses.
And all you can do is quote someone else. How unimaginatively sad...
also, we weren't directly discussing religion, more how morals and religion aren't the same.
But you go ahead and take your smug littlle pot shot at religion, which again, wasn't even your own words. Sad.
See, someone with MORALS wouldn't take a cheap uninformed shot at someone elses beliefs, especially if they couldn't enunciate it themselves. Read way up to my second point, which is based on religion by the way, and then think about what you just spit out. My, I am impressed.
Jones, where's my dancing shoes buddy?
LOL what. if you had any idea how involved I am with getting religion GONE, but especially out of law, you would cower in a corner. Because I posted a short concise quote, you think I don't know anything? Tis to laugh.
It makes no sense to discuss the awfulness of religion in this thread, as it's a GTA thread somehow. If you want to have a measured discussion elsewhere, you go ahead and let me know.
Well, since we're dancing I'll go ahead and cut in for a quickie. I think that religion and morality are mutually exclusive from each other. I have to deal with some morally bankrupt folks that pray like hell and go to church on both Wednesday nights and Sundays. Some of the most morally centered people I know are either agnostic, athiest, or wiccan. I'm am not suggesting that the lack of religion makes someone a better person, but I'm not necessarily saying that I believe the opposite is true either. I am neither religious nor am I particularly morally centered. I try to follow a path of reciprocity: do right by me and I will stand by your side, do me wrong and I will be relentless in my pursuit of recompense. I try to give new folks the benefit of the doubt, but I am fairly quick to shun those who have offended me. I agree with Shadow that religion has no place in our government, or on our money, but cannot fault those who have personally filled their souls from the well of religion. If nothing else, it keeps them off the streets on Sunday morning.
Well, since we're dancing I'll go ahead and cut in for a quickie. I think that religion and morality are mutually exclusive from each other. I have to deal with some morally bankrupt folks that pray like hell and go to church on both Wednesday nights and Sundays. Some of the most morally centered people I know are either agnostic, athiest, or wiccan. I'm am not suggesting that the lack of religion makes someone a better person, but I'm not necessarily saying that I believe the opposite is true either. I am neither religious nor am I particularly morally centered. I try to follow a path of reciprocity: do right by me and I will stand by your side, do me wrong and I will be relentless in my pursuit of recompense. I try to give new folks the benefit of the doubt, but I am fairly quick to shun those who have offended me. I agree with Shadow that religion has no place in our government, or on our money, but cannot fault those who have personally filled their souls from the well of religion. If nothing else, it keeps them off the streets on Sunday morning.
How does that saying go? Religion is like a penis...
Well, since we're dancing I'll go ahead and cut in for a quickie. I think that religion and morality are mutually exclusive from each other. I have to deal with some morally bankrupt folks that pray like hell and go to church on both Wednesday nights and Sundays. Some of the most morally centered people I know are either agnostic, athiest, or wiccan. I'm am not suggesting that the lack of religion makes someone a better person, but I'm not necessarily saying that I believe the opposite is true either. I am neither religious nor am I particularly morally centered. I try to follow a path of reciprocity: do right by me and I will stand by your side, do me wrong and I will be relentless in my pursuit of recompense. I try to give new folks the benefit of the doubt, but I am fairly quick to shun those who have offended me. I agree with Shadow that religion has no place in our government, or on our money, but cannot fault those who have personally filled their souls from the well of religion. If nothing else, it keeps them off the streets on Sunday morning.
I find nothing reprehensible in your statement. In fact I often say religion great, the people in the churches often not so much.
Religion and government separated, please do, good luck with that one, but yeah.
I think if you can find someone without an agenda to teach religion, it's a pretty good framework to live your life, IE the whole do unto others that you seem t o be following as an example.
It's still the people messing up the pure theory(s).
I have a problem wrapping my head around the passion involved in vehemently fighting against something someone doesn't believe in in the first place, but I try.
Now, never confuse the crap that's gone down previously( middle ages, etc) with my beliefs. I'd say that is probably why the whole government / religion separation thing was written in the first place. I guess it all comes down to people in general, no pointing, seem to corrupt whatever they touch, intentionally, hypocritically or otherwise.
I can accept that some don't believe in religion, work with an agnostic, and we get along great, many good conversations, but it would seem those that don't believe have a problem that I do believe. Again, tolerance.
Again, if you followed the above instead of dropping in the middle with a smug comment solely based on your prior misconceptions, I said religion in it's purest form, or theory, is great, it's the people that screw it up. Same way with atheists, it has a point, it's good in theory, it's the people that screw it up. I'm not sure you have a firm grasp on up yet.
If professing to love your fellow man is bad, umm, my bad.
Oh, it also teaches tolerance, which I'm sure ihas been left out of many dictionarys of late.
A good buddy of mine that I grew up with in church and played in the church band for 10+ years became an atheist 2 years ago. He posted this on his FB page. It's an interesting read. I don't say I agree, but interesting non the less.
Wow, what a crazy, jumbled, "I can't believe its not locked yet" thread!
On morality in video games...
Okay, what about this? Every gamer insists that there's nothing wrong with shooting people in the head, blowing them up, etc, in a FPS. It's a fantasy, right? It's just acting out your childhood fantasy of being a super hero. Cowboys and Indians for grownups, pretty much.
So how about stealing a car? That too was a childhood fantasy. Lord knows we've all dreamed about growing up to be famous car thieves.
Alright then, how about smacking your ho? It's just a fantasy, no harm done. As long as we only smack virtual hos and not real hos, most hos around the world are probably okay with it.
(BTW, should the plural of "Ho" be spelled with an e? As in "Hoes"?)
So as long as we are fantasizing, how about murder? Or torture? Or murder and torture? Nothing wrong with that, right? We are just pretend-acting our real life frustrations.
Okay... Then how about pedophilia? Sure, it may not be YOUR thing, but it is just a fantasy, so it hurts no one, right? And people who do that in a game would by no means want to do that in real life!
I hope you see where I'm going with this. Please do not think that I in any way condone or promote pediphilia in games. I only point out the fallacy of the "it's just a fantasy" argument. People can fantasize about some sick shit. That doesn't mean it should be allowed into video games.
I don't know what I think about GTA. I don't think it is wrong, necessarily. I've played sandbox games before, so I understand that cop-killing is not the point. I'm still thinking about it.
Wow, what a crazy, jumbled, "I can't believe its not locked yet" thread!
On morality in video games...
Okay, what about this? Every gamer insists that there's nothing wrong with shooting people in the head, blowing them up, etc, in a FPS. It's a fantasy, right? It's just acting out your childhood fantasy of being a super hero. Cowboys and Indians for grownups, pretty much.
So how about stealing a car? That too was a childhood fantasy. Lord knows we've all dreamed about growing up to be famous car thieves.
Alright then, how about smacking your ho? It's just a fantasy, no harm done. As long as we only smack virtual hos and not real hos, most hos around the world are probably okay with it.
(BTW, should the plural of "Ho" be spelled with an e? As in "Hoes"?)
So as long as we are fantasizing, how about murder? Or torture? Or murder and torture? Nothing wrong with that, right? We are just pretend-acting our real life frustrations.
Okay... Then how about pedophilia? Sure, it may not be YOUR thing, but it is just a fantasy, so it hurts no one, right? And people who do that in a game would by no means want to do that in real life!
I hope you see where I'm going with this. Please do not think that I in any way condone or promote pediphilia in games. I only point out the fallacy of the "it's just a fantasy" argument. People can fantasize about some sick shit. That doesn't mean it should be allowed into video games.
I don't know what I think about GTA. I don't think it is wrong, necessarily. I've played sandbox games before, so I understand that cop-killing is not the point. I'm still thinking about it.
Vix I think you raise a solid question. There is no doubt that the video game fantasy has had an influence and there are people that take the fantasy too far. We live in a world now that was much different from when we were young and impressionable and to top that off adults are just as subjectable to the influences. But to be fair all media should be held accountable.I think if we look at everything under a microscope anything could and will be influential... it just depends on the individual being influenced.
Hmm so many things to get into...You know what? Too many things, I would be up all night typing what I think so I think I'll just pass. Have a nice day you'all. As long as your happy in your belief in this and that...Great.
My only thought on GTA V and beating hookers isn't that any healthy person is going to decide to start frequenting hookers and killing them after to get their money back or that we should care that it makes the crazy ones decide to do it (because they'll start doing for other reasons - they're crazy) it's that by accepting the treatment and portayal of women in the GTA frachise, it's akin to condoning mistreatment of women *in the eyes of those that observe us not being offended by it*. By and large, I'd like to think that while we'll go out and play games in a manner in which we'd never conduct ourselves in meatspace (because we understand and appreciate escapism versus reality and consequences) that it still has an effect on those around us.
Back when I met Ms. Plato, she had a friend that summed up life perfectly when Ms. Plato expressed consternation at the behaviour of others (they both worked retail while in university): "remember, you're smarter than most people; accept it, and it makes the stupidity of others easier to take". Put another, I've always wanted a shirt that showed a normal curve on the front, with a dot near the middle and a caption that read "you are here", and on the back, a normal curve with a dot further to the right near the tail captioned "I am here".
So try to keep in mind, that when people like me say that a game like GTA can be a bad influence, remember that in order to have made $800,000,000 on its first day it sold over 13,000,000 copies. Think about the population distribution of the players and the people that are influenced by those players. It's going to have an effect on the perception on what's appropriate treatment of women. Not all parents are as responsible as you might be. Not everyone is going to have the emotional maturity to distinguish between what's acceptable in escapism and what's acceptable in actual social context.
I'm not arguing that games like GTA shouldn't be made because of the above, I'm arguing that it should be recognized that the possibility to reinforce negative stereotypes is there, based on the normal population distribution of gamers across ages, income, and belief systems (not religious necessarily, but behaviourally). And in the previous thread, the response (ok, one vitriolic response in particular) to whoever initially posted his thoughts on why he wouldn't play GTA V was so unbelievable that some people would entertain such a difference in opinion, that it boggled my mind. Part of me wanted to pick apart each argument that one poster made and be dick of the highest order, but then I realized that my ratio of "being a dick" posts to "engaging normally with others" posts was getting out of hand. So I merely expressed my dismay.
Anywho, morality in games? Well, there's a quest in WoW in which you can torture an NPC for as long as you want. They'll even beg you to stop. I once continued doing it through an entire episode of some random sitcom. Because it made me laugh more than the show did.
Getting old sucks ! Lets just shoot some hookers ! ^_^ Sorry , you have a great point , but .........Damn homie ..... homy? How do you spell homie in a gangster way!?!?! shit . ah well . Women will be treated how THEY want to be treated no matter what boys play in a game . just facts XD
Some absolutely awesome posts guys. Seriously. Well done.
...And that's exactly why I'm a little more lenient with regards to more taboo forum topics. Every once in a while, adults actually surprise you and act like adults.
Some absolutely awesome posts guys. Seriously. Well done.
...And that's exactly why I'm a little more lenient with regards to more taboo forum topics. Every once in a while, adults actually surprise you and act like adults.
Dixon you do realize you just jinxed this thread? Lol.
Some absolutely awesome posts guys. Seriously. Well done.
...And that's exactly why I'm a little more lenient with regards to more taboo forum topics. Every once in a while, adults actually surprise you and act like adults.
Dixon you do realize you just jinxed this thread? Lol.
Nah. The adults can have a conversation and let the whiny kids have their own table. Besides, there'll be other discussions out there to be had.
Some absolutely awesome posts guys. Seriously. Well done.
...And that's exactly why I'm a little more lenient with regards to more taboo forum topics. Every once in a while, adults actually surprise you and act like adults.
If you want credit for leniency then edit my Voltron clip back in. I finally got to the torture mission in GTAV and it was one of the few missions that I received a 100% gold rating. I would seem that I have a knack for it. The game wanted me to drop the guy off at the airport and when I let him out he scrambled down some stairs. I got out of the truck so I could go downstairs and finish the job, but I bitch slapped some lady on her cell phone on the way to the stairs and was almost immediately gunned down. I feel bad that he got away clean...that's the next best thing to having a conscience.
I'm going back to waste the guy. If he's not there I'm going to shoot whoever killed me, presumably a cop...then I'm running over that whole line of folks waiting for a taxi. Then I'm headed back out to the country, score my combat pistol, and solidify my meth deal with the Chinese. I love playing as Trevor...I was actually getting a little bored with the game until he showed up. I wonder if there is some way to cause someone to get hit by a train...Snidely Whiplash style.
I'm going back to waste the guy. If he's not there I'm going to shoot whoever killed me, presumably a cop...then I'm running over that whole line of folks waiting for a taxi. Then I'm headed back out to the country, score my combat pistol, and solidify my meth deal with the Chinese. I love playing as Trevor...I was actually getting a little bored with the game until he showed up. I wonder if there is some way to cause someone to get hit by a train...Snidely Whiplash style.
Someone on another forum I visit said that Trevor is the first GTA character where he behaves the same in cutscenes and how you'd play the game. I thought that was a pretty interesting observation.
Did anyone else recognize the part of Los Santos recycled from Midnight Club LA? The part of town near the pier looks an awful lot like Santa Monica. I"ll have to do a little more exploring when I get back to town.
Except pretty much anything can be made into a religion of sorts. Hell, the console wars, the Android/iPhone, PC versus console, Ginger/Mary Ann dichotomies were all borderline religions, and that's not even bringing Scientology into it.
Religion is nice to fall back on because you've got a set of rules. You can either use it as a wind sock to see how you should react in certain situations (I'd argue a healthier, more benign form of being religious) or start twisting it around your situations and using it as a justification for increasingly weird actions (a more malignant form, I'd argue). Of course, then you start getting into distinctions between "religious" and "spiritual", and a recent study showing that a third of folks under 30 years old say they don't identify with any religion.
Morals are also cultural to an extent too. Some would argue that morals are a fluid thing, that changes with the times, but if you're following a supreme being and that religion is also fluid along with it, then how is that god not an immutable truth?
I felt bad during the torture sequence in GTAV. I didn't want to do it, but there was a pretty clear mea culpa that took place immediately afterwards.
Well put sir!
I agree!
Cherry picking from a religion to justify actions is part of that "people" screwing the pooch thing above...
I'm a religious guy, King James New and all, but not to the point I can quote verse by name/number. I can tell you this, from where I satnd there are two things in it that are immutable to my way of life.
First and foremost, free will was given, and from that my Dad brought me up to realize you can make/do anything you want but you are responsible for each and every decision/action you take.
Second, it's not up to me to judge others on the decisions/actions they do take. Now, clearly, if there is harm being done, I might stray a bit there, but for the most part, no.
That's where I start. Everything I do starts with these two points. (At least I try)
are we allowed to discuss religion on 2o2p now? I thought that was off limits. If so:
Religion is the opiate of the masses.
And all you can do is quote someone else. How unimaginatively sad...
also, we weren't directly discussing religion, more how morals and religion aren't the same.
But you go ahead and take your smug littlle pot shot at religion, which again, wasn't even your own words. Sad.
See, someone with MORALS wouldn't take a cheap uninformed shot at someone elses beliefs, especially if they couldn't enunciate it themselves. Read way up to my second point, which is based on religion by the way, and then think about what you just spit out. My, I am impressed.
Jones, where's my dancing shoes buddy?
LOL what. if you had any idea how involved I am with getting religion GONE, but especially out of law, you would cower in a corner. Because I posted a short concise quote, you think I don't know anything? Tis to laugh.
It makes no sense to discuss the awfulness of religion in this thread, as it's a GTA thread somehow. If you want to have a measured discussion elsewhere, you go ahead and let me know.
Well, since we're dancing I'll go ahead and cut in for a quickie. I think that religion and morality are mutually exclusive from each other. I have to deal with some morally bankrupt folks that pray like hell and go to church on both Wednesday nights and Sundays. Some of the most morally centered people I know are either agnostic, athiest, or wiccan. I'm am not suggesting that the lack of religion makes someone a better person, but I'm not necessarily saying that I believe the opposite is true either. I am neither religious nor am I particularly morally centered. I try to follow a path of reciprocity: do right by me and I will stand by your side, do me wrong and I will be relentless in my pursuit of recompense. I try to give new folks the benefit of the doubt, but I am fairly quick to shun those who have offended me. I agree with Shadow that religion has no place in our government, or on our money, but cannot fault those who have personally filled their souls from the well of religion. If nothing else, it keeps them off the streets on Sunday morning.
How does that saying go? Religion is like a penis...
I find nothing reprehensible in your statement. In fact I often say religion great, the people in the churches often not so much.
Religion and government separated, please do, good luck with that one, but yeah.
I think if you can find someone without an agenda to teach religion, it's a pretty good framework to live your life, IE the whole do unto others that you seem t o be following as an example.
It's still the people messing up the pure theory(s).
I have a problem wrapping my head around the passion involved in vehemently fighting against something someone doesn't believe in in the first place, but I try.
Now, never confuse the crap that's gone down previously( middle ages, etc) with my beliefs. I'd say that is probably why the whole government / religion separation thing was written in the first place. I guess it all comes down to people in general, no pointing, seem to corrupt whatever they touch, intentionally, hypocritically or otherwise.
I can accept that some don't believe in religion, work with an agnostic, and we get along great, many good conversations, but it would seem those that don't believe have a problem that I do believe. Again, tolerance.
The awfulness of reiigion? Is it stinky poo?
Again, if you followed the above instead of dropping in the middle with a smug comment solely based on your prior misconceptions, I said religion in it's purest form, or theory, is great, it's the people that screw it up. Same way with atheists, it has a point, it's good in theory, it's the people that screw it up. I'm not sure you have a firm grasp on up yet.
If professing to love your fellow man is bad, umm, my bad.
Oh, it also teaches tolerance, which I'm sure ihas been left out of many dictionarys of late.
Love that. It's perfect.
A good buddy of mine that I grew up with in church and played in the church band for 10+ years became an atheist 2 years ago. He posted this on his FB page. It's an interesting read. I don't say I agree, but interesting non the less.
Wow, what a crazy, jumbled, "I can't believe its not locked yet" thread!
On morality in video games...
Okay, what about this? Every gamer insists that there's nothing wrong with shooting people in the head, blowing them up, etc, in a FPS. It's a fantasy, right? It's just acting out your childhood fantasy of being a super hero. Cowboys and Indians for grownups, pretty much.
So how about stealing a car? That too was a childhood fantasy. Lord knows we've all dreamed about growing up to be famous car thieves.
Alright then, how about smacking your ho? It's just a fantasy, no harm done. As long as we only smack virtual hos and not real hos, most hos around the world are probably okay with it.
(BTW, should the plural of "Ho" be spelled with an e? As in "Hoes"?)
So as long as we are fantasizing, how about murder? Or torture? Or murder and torture? Nothing wrong with that, right? We are just pretend-acting our real life frustrations.
Okay... Then how about pedophilia? Sure, it may not be YOUR thing, but it is just a fantasy, so it hurts no one, right? And people who do that in a game would by no means want to do that in real life!
I hope you see where I'm going with this. Please do not think that I in any way condone or promote pediphilia in games. I only point out the fallacy of the "it's just a fantasy" argument. People can fantasize about some sick shit. That doesn't mean it should be allowed into video games.
I don't know what I think about GTA. I don't think it is wrong, necessarily. I've played sandbox games before, so I understand that cop-killing is not the point. I'm still thinking about it.
Hmm so many things to get into...You know what? Too many things, I would be up all night typing what I think so I think I'll just pass. Have a nice day you'all. As long as your happy in your belief in this and that...Great.
My only thought on GTA V and beating hookers isn't that any healthy person is going to decide to start frequenting hookers and killing them after to get their money back or that we should care that it makes the crazy ones decide to do it (because they'll start doing for other reasons - they're crazy) it's that by accepting the treatment and portayal of women in the GTA frachise, it's akin to condoning mistreatment of women *in the eyes of those that observe us not being offended by it*. By and large, I'd like to think that while we'll go out and play games in a manner in which we'd never conduct ourselves in meatspace (because we understand and appreciate escapism versus reality and consequences) that it still has an effect on those around us.
Back when I met Ms. Plato, she had a friend that summed up life perfectly when Ms. Plato expressed consternation at the behaviour of others (they both worked retail while in university): "remember, you're smarter than most people; accept it, and it makes the stupidity of others easier to take". Put another, I've always wanted a shirt that showed a normal curve on the front, with a dot near the middle and a caption that read "you are here", and on the back, a normal curve with a dot further to the right near the tail captioned "I am here".
So try to keep in mind, that when people like me say that a game like GTA can be a bad influence, remember that in order to have made $800,000,000 on its first day it sold over 13,000,000 copies. Think about the population distribution of the players and the people that are influenced by those players. It's going to have an effect on the perception on what's appropriate treatment of women. Not all parents are as responsible as you might be. Not everyone is going to have the emotional maturity to distinguish between what's acceptable in escapism and what's acceptable in actual social context.
I'm not arguing that games like GTA shouldn't be made because of the above, I'm arguing that it should be recognized that the possibility to reinforce negative stereotypes is there, based on the normal population distribution of gamers across ages, income, and belief systems (not religious necessarily, but behaviourally). And in the previous thread, the response (ok, one vitriolic response in particular) to whoever initially posted his thoughts on why he wouldn't play GTA V was so unbelievable that some people would entertain such a difference in opinion, that it boggled my mind. Part of me wanted to pick apart each argument that one poster made and be dick of the highest order, but then I realized that my ratio of "being a dick" posts to "engaging normally with others" posts was getting out of hand. So I merely expressed my dismay.
Anywho, morality in games? Well, there's a quest in WoW in which you can torture an NPC for as long as you want. They'll even beg you to stop. I once continued doing it through an entire episode of some random sitcom. Because it made me laugh more than the show did.
Getting old sucks ! Lets just shoot some hookers ! ^_^ Sorry , you have a great point , but .........Damn homie ..... homy? How do you spell homie in a gangster way!?!?! shit . ah well . Women will be treated how THEY want to be treated no matter what boys play in a game . just facts XD
Take 3?
Some absolutely awesome posts guys. Seriously. Well done.
...And that's exactly why I'm a little more lenient with regards to more taboo forum topics. Every once in a while, adults actually surprise you and act like adults.
Nah. The adults can have a conversation and let the whiny kids have their own table. Besides, there'll be other discussions out there to be had.
I'm going back to waste the guy. If he's not there I'm going to shoot whoever killed me, presumably a cop...then I'm running over that whole line of folks waiting for a taxi. Then I'm headed back out to the country, score my combat pistol, and solidify my meth deal with the Chinese. I love playing as Trevor...I was actually getting a little bored with the game until he showed up. I wonder if there is some way to cause someone to get hit by a train...Snidely Whiplash style.
Someone on another forum I visit said that Trevor is the first GTA character where he behaves the same in cutscenes and how you'd play the game. I thought that was a pretty interesting observation.
Did anyone else recognize the part of Los Santos recycled from Midnight Club LA? The part of town near the pier looks an awful lot like Santa Monica. I"ll have to do a little more exploring when I get back to town.