Xbone Catch-All News/Rumor/General Fuckery Thread

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Sun, 10/20/2013 - 09:50
OldnAchy's picture
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Very nice! Thanks for sharing this.
Sun, 10/20/2013 - 10:20
Oldschool 2o4f's picture
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Good to hear some hands on. Looking forward to the rumble triggers for racing, should increase awareness of the car to track quite a bit I think.

Sun, 10/20/2013 - 15:53
CProRacing's picture
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Cheers Shadow!

Sun, 10/20/2013 - 16:58
Shadow's picture
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yeah I think you racing guys will like the triggers.  If you got close to the edge it would rumble, i think.

Sure thing.  Ask away if you have questions.  I just posted a word salad in my head.  I did play Crimson Dragon though no pics.  That one is just not my style, way too on rails and segregated levels.  Still I think people who like the type will like it.

I liked the new sticks - the divets seemed smaller but had more grip than 360 due to the textured edges.

btw that kid in the jersey playing Dead Rising was kicking ass.  I think he was the leader in the tournament at the moment.

Mon, 10/21/2013 - 01:12
Shadow's picture
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I thought these were both being made with native X1 connectors.  Apparently not.

So at launch - zero headphone/chat sets.  Game audio, but no chat.

Mon, 10/21/2013 - 06:56 (Reply to #636)
Oldschool 2o4f's picture
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Shadow wrote:



I thought these were both being made with native X1 connectors.  Apparently not.

So at launch - zero headphone/chat sets.  Game audio, but no chat.

So, play for a couple months with the included headset and let the wallet recover, and then look into some new head gear?

Sounds about where I'd be anyway.

Read down through the comments a little and it sounds like consumers in general, not just one console OR the other, are a bit grumpy. I know that these comment threads generally are full of trolls, but trying to adjust for that, I still get the impression the natives are a tad restless.

Mon, 10/21/2013 - 03:26
CiaranORian's picture
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How did people feel about Killer Instinct? I had no interest but those pictures look amazing.

Thanks Shadow.

Mon, 10/21/2013 - 09:29 (Reply to #638)
Shadow's picture
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CiaranORian wrote:

How did people feel about Killer Instinct? I had no interest but those pictures look amazing.

Thanks Shadow.

glad you like them, they were super blurry, haha.  Technically there was a sign saying "no protography/video" so most were quick and discrete.

People loved KI.  Huge crowd the time I was there.  I'm awful at newer fighting games but the D-pad feels REALLY good.  Maybe the best D-pad I've ever felt other than the SNES.  Any maybe even better than that.   The particle effects made me feel like I felt when I first played KI2 in arcades - the wow factor is there.  The game is fast, smooth, and beautiful.  I'll definitely get the Jago demo and then buy from there.  Like I said, not a fighting game guy anymore but even so I'm interested.  The sounds brought back memories - "C-C-C-C-C-C-COMBO BREAKER!"

I lost my match as Glacius but I had fun.

Mon, 10/21/2013 - 08:35
CiaranORian's picture
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Sarcasm mode: OFF

I am super excited for the launch of Battlefield 4 next week. I don't give a shit about all the moaners, trolls and whingers. I can't wait and will put every spare second I have into the game.

I am also mega excited for the Xboxone launch in a few weeks.  A brand new console with loads of new features and an upgraded copy of Battlefield 4.  I have paid it off already and will be perfectly happy with whatever comes with it.  This sort of event only comes round once every 8 or so years folks so make the most of it! smiley

Can we have a new thread where only people excited for the launch can post? Lets get the fanboy hats on!

Mon, 10/21/2013 - 13:04
unsub073's picture
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How was loco cycle?  Was it a combat syle racing or hardcore racing?

Mon, 10/21/2013 - 14:30
Shadow's picture
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Lococycle was combat completely.  You're actually dragging behind the cycle at least in the level I played, and you can hit other cycles with the front of yours, like a cartoon bike.  You can shoot as well.  It was actually pretty fun.

The red circle below is your guy.  He was hanging by his foot being dragged by your bike (from the start)

Tue, 10/22/2013 - 08:45
Grex's picture
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This is a nice feature and should add to the my usage of the xbone for other things. Going to be testing Plex on this.


Confirmed: Windows 8.1 Apps Will Run on Xbox One





However this is not confirmed by MS.  http://www.neowin.net/news/microsoft-not-accurate-to-say-all-windows-8-apps-run-on-xbox-one

Tue, 10/22/2013 - 08:51 (Reply to #643)
OutcastB's picture
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Tue, 10/22/2013 - 09:27
Grex's picture
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Bummer.  this would defintely be a game changer IMO.  but with the way the org is structured and how they talk about it.  its seems that is could feintely be a posiblity.  maybe a future item possibly.  Heres to hoping.

Mon, 10/28/2013 - 09:35
Shadow's picture
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Website has change, to be more X1 focused in look, at least on the main page and the top bar.

Mon, 10/28/2013 - 19:23
Shadow's picture
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Tue, 10/29/2013 - 17:33
Shadow's picture
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Tue, 10/29/2013 - 17:37
OMGaLaserPewPew's picture
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the wording of the announcement makes it seem that only the initial Titanfall will be xbone exclusive, meaning any sequels and prequels could make its way to the ps4.  I guess it will depend on its success and whether m$ can lock up exclusivity of the series instead of just the game.

Wed, 10/30/2013 - 14:47 (Reply to #649)
Cerberus4417's picture
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Yes that is the way I am reading it too.  It will most likely be how they did it with Mass Effect.  

Wed, 10/30/2013 - 17:11
TANK's picture
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I knew the XBone was big but holy shit !



Fri, 11/01/2013 - 14:31 (Reply to #651)
scratchski's picture
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TANK wrote:




You still want Physical media with that 24

Wed, 10/30/2013 - 17:24
DEEP_NNN's picture
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Yeah, it's all part of a silly contest promo. Free for Canucks to enter by downloading a Gamerpic.

Wed, 10/30/2013 - 18:57
CiaranORian's picture
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Well played Tank.

Thu, 10/31/2013 - 15:31
CProRacing's picture
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LOL Tank!

Thu, 10/31/2013 - 19:55
FreeRadikal's picture
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Sat, 11/02/2013 - 07:47
YEM's picture
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It was full of zombies 

Mon, 11/04/2013 - 11:12
Oldschool 2o4f's picture
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Microsoft executive Albert Panello confirmed that PlayStation 4 can be connected to Xbox One through the latter's HDMI-in port, thus allowing PS4 games to run within an Xbox One overlay.

Panello also confirmed that, using this setup, players can multi-task between the two rival consoles. "Any application can be snapped to a game... so if you wanted to be playing Ryse and Killzone at the same time, you could snap that," he said.

(Killzone is a PlayStation exclusive while Ryse is an Xbox exclusive.)

Evidently, any console that outputs to HDMI can be connected to Xbox One in the same mannar. Such consoles include Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 and Wii U.


Mon, 11/04/2013 - 11:35 (Reply to #658)
Biznass's picture
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Oldschool 2o4f wrote:


Microsoft executive Albert Panello confirmed that PlayStation 4 can be connected to Xbox One through the latter's HDMI-in port, thus allowing PS4 games to run within an Xbox One overlay.

Panello also confirmed that, using this setup, players can multi-task between the two rival consoles. "Any application can be snapped to a game... so if you wanted to be playing Ryse and Killzone at the same time, you could snap that," he said.

(Killzone is a PlayStation exclusive while Ryse is an Xbox exclusive.)

Evidently, any console that outputs to HDMI can be connected to Xbox One in the same mannar. Such consoles include Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 and Wii U.


What kind of lag would that introduce?

Mon, 11/04/2013 - 11:49
Shadow's picture
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yeah they said that a long time ago, I think in August.  But I wouldn't want to worry about that video lag.

Tue, 11/05/2013 - 10:24
Oldschool 2o4f's picture
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No way to know until you tried it, but HDMI directly in would be pretty quick? I'd sooner have my 360 hooked up than a PS anyway, but I thought I'd put it out there.

What I can see is me painting a car in Forza 5 while watching a race on ESPN on the same screen....

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