BTCC Season 2

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Fri, 11/22/2013 - 16:21
CProRacing's picture
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Next week!


Fri, 11/22/2013 - 16:31
KnightofRedemption's picture
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Good man Church 16

Fri, 11/22/2013 - 17:52
tartan_special's picture
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Disastrous race for me, tires made the golf undrivable after 10 laps.

Always wondered what happens if you hit the strange denim chicane things lol.

Fri, 11/22/2013 - 19:11 (Reply to #544)
kurupt's picture
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tartan_special wrote:

Disastrous race for me, tires made the golf undrivable after 10 laps.

Always wondered what happens if you hit the strange denim chicane things lol.

i changed my steering rotation in my plr. File from the default 270 to 540 and set my ingame lock to to 22 and it's changed the overall feel of the audi I don't think my tires have gone above 90c the past 2 rounds previous to those rounds my tires were cooked by the half way mark 

Fri, 11/22/2013 - 19:05
kurupt's picture
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Good races today! Sorry if some thought I was a bit aggressive there must be a lag or something cause I was trying to haul ass to keep up with the pack and it always looked like I was a car or 2 behind I locked them up twice and gave knight a nudge but he carried on fine only time I had contact that threw me or knight off balance was that high speed left turn 3-5 I was making a lot of my time there... First race I got a run on the inside of knight than got squeezed onto to the grass and had to hold on for dear life lol second race again I got a run on knight but this time on the outside hugging the curb my front bumper was about even with your door and you kept coming wide so I tried to avoid being pushed onto the grass again so let up and you came across sending you off balance.  Oh well It's btcc racing not the gentlemans f1 league, what goes around comes around in this style of racing :) 

Sat, 11/23/2013 - 04:49
KnightofRedemption's picture
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Must have been lag mate because from my point of view the second race the only incident that I was mostly jokingly ragging you about, you appeared to ram me from the back sending me off track, I did type into chat that it was fair return for my dive on you a few races ago, but you had dropped of the server and missed it LOL I was having to push both races from the off, always someone on my tail and my front tires were shot by the end of both races. An evil track that one.

I use 540 to and a steering lock of 18 to 22 depending on track


Sat, 11/23/2013 - 13:14
kurupt's picture
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Hehe you must have had quite the race than.  I remember locking them up once in the hairpin on the back half and given you a bit of a punt sending you deep into the turn, feeling guilty I letup stuck to the inside and waited for you to pass can't remember if it was race 1 or 2 ? The second race when we made contact on the long left I took as payback from a few races ago and only felt slightly bad about it :) you and mango were defending like hell for a few laps...I must have tried 5 different lines on the front side and not once did either of you run the same line until you both went on the inside and I got a run on the outside....than the contact happened.  I guess being on opposite sides of the pond has its disadvantages I'll try to keep a bit more of gap in the future.

out of curiosity has everyone gone into there multiplayer.ini and switched these 2 lines to the following?

max data client ="128" this will help with lag between players

concurrent server ="999" this will show more servers in the online browser and help if your having issues finding our server

whats the next track....brands hatch full? 

As for the tires and wheel rotation I copied and pasted all the real feel files from gsc 2013 and pasted them to this mod, went into my controller file under user file and changed the default rotation of "270" to 540 on my wheel I turned rotation off so there's no miscommunication between the 2 softwares than in the garage I set steering lock to 22.  Another tweak I made was I copied and pasted the head physics from gsc located in game data/vehicles and pasted it to the mod as well.  It's a personal preference but I feel the movement ties in superbly with car movement and roll and gives a good display when you lose grip.  There was a few things I really struggled with in rf...tire sound is terrible in most mods and due to such loud engine noises when others are around I can't here anything of what  the car is doing combined with a stationary cam giving no sense of body roll I had no idea what the car was doing and was just cooking my tires...these 2 quick fixes have really solved some issues and allowed me to push harder but be a lot smoother and basically eliminated my tire issues.  Know I just need to figure out how to incorporate there sounds and I'll be set :) 

Sat, 11/23/2013 - 14:09
KnightofRedemption's picture
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I never need to enter the ini files to set rotation, I can do it on the fly (and often do) Just by changing it on the wheel, head physics I disable, don't like it, as you say a personal thing. I may give the real feel thing a go though. The tip I posted for editing the short cut is much quicker, your straight into the server from the desktop.

You can reduce the volume of the other cars you know in the sound setup, I've had to do it too the focus engine is just so quiet in car.

Yeah the first punt when you allowed me past was I think race one, the one that I moaned about I checked the replay and you used me as a brake LOL had I not been there you would not have made the corner...I was and you just shot me straight off. I was just setting Mango up for a repeat of my move on him in the first race and knew just where I could take him...then the air turned blue Ha ha. Good races though and like you say it is BTCC and thats what we love :)

And yeah If someone is on my tail I slightly vary my line on corners with a little leaway to make planning a move that much harder...defensive driving has always been my best skill, but it does frustrate those behind.


Sat, 11/23/2013 - 15:53
kurupt's picture
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I was reading in a ffb tutorial for fanatec users you should setup your wheel like this in 3 areas to avoid any issues between the fanatec program and the games program 

in fanatec profile you should set to 900 with allow game to adjust ingame settings

ingame controller file set the wheel rotation to your liking....mine is 540

on wheel rotation off

reason being they suggest this is you want the wheel to respond to the games settings so there no cross communication between programs... Also there's been data collected showing a smoother ffb and that 2 drivers mid communicating has caused a knotchy feeling in some wheels.  "They say". If ingame setting is 270 and your wheel is 540 your really using 65% of the 270. Now if you have allow game to adjust UNCHECKED in your profiler than your on wheel setting rotation will over ride the ingame setting.

anyways since turning off the on wheel rotation and changing ingame rotation I've had no issues with my tires if anything there too cold, highest mine got were 92 c majority of the race I avg 78-85 c again just a preference that's working for me :) 

sound wise I've always struggled with the quality in rf1 there's only been a few mods done our btcc I have engine turned to 50% opponent at 55% and player sound effects max and I still have issues hearing my tires and when my engine is red lining when other cars are saving grace is fanaleds vibrating when to shift and the cars body roll in corners

Sat, 11/23/2013 - 18:42
KnightofRedemption's picture
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Yeah but if you have set the rotation in sim, ie set max left and right in settings once you have settled on a rotation these are saved by car over riding that ini file, I often forget to switch to my correct wheel profile so hot switch in game. I guess there is more than one way to skin a cat with progs like this, things can be done in the UI or via ini's. Like FOV in rF2, you can edit cam files to get under that 30 default, or (thanks to an unnamed tester) map a key via the UI. In rf2 you do not mess with the ini files at all with the wheel, they use the latest Fanatic SDK and all settings are done in sim...though as usual you can turn that off and mess with ini's if you want. I hate ini's it's 2013 for gods sake, what are we doing messing around with text files from the last century angry

Fanatec profiler yeah 900, and I check it regularly as well, sometimes it seems to change...

Normally I can save my tires, but this race I was pushing the hell out of 'em lap after lap with no chance to save then, braking as late as I dared, locking far more than usual late braking...Good fun but hell on tires LOL

Yeah sound is messy, what works for one mod doesn't for another, in BTCC I think I have opponent down at 30, my engine at 75 and SFX at max...Like you still don't really hear tires, just rely on feel mostly.

I'll give you that in GSC 13, sound is great, tire noise, engine, all top notch.


Sat, 11/23/2013 - 20:48
kurupt's picture
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There's a mod in rfactor central called feeling through sound, big long process but long story short they redid the base tire sounds which I tested and just dragged and dropped and using the lowering of sounds technic you can hear difference no night and day difference but noticeable. 

I don't like fiddling with ini files only time I venture into them is the wheel rotation and if the cockpit vib is to much for me I agree with u we shouldn't have to be dooming this in 2013....I think it's due to the vast difference in low to high end wheels and the million opinions of how a car should feel.

ive started to realize of late that after testing all these new sims is that devs seem to be giving us the base setup and letting the user/community perfect create the rest. 


Sun, 11/24/2013 - 08:57
KnightofRedemption's picture
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Well I can tell you that certain devs try their absolute best to create the most accurate feedback they can...Well I'm sure they all do, but you hit the nail on the head, every sim racer will have a different idea of what it should be like, and there is a range of wheels as well, so what feels right on a belt wheel wont feel right on a cog and so on. An impossible task to please all.

I have often wondered what we would think of each others set ups. Last race we were within two tenths or so on our fastest laps, but I am willing to bet we would struggle if we swapped rigs :)


Sun, 11/24/2013 - 13:59
kurupt's picture
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Didn't mean to say the devs are slacking, but due to the complexity of these engines and how much they can do I feel they build to what they feel is good and encourage the community to create and post there setups for different wheels knowing the engine can do much more for each brand rather wasting there own time trying to make every wheel user happy.

ive seen a few threads pop up by simbin, Ac & pcars by the devs encouraging the community to post there wheel setups and the same for ui and 3rd party apps 

I always think of how others setups would feel, I am pretty sure ours are on opposite ends from what we've like a tight heavy high ffb and I like a stiff light ffb.  What I'd really like to find out is, due to my heavy wheel id like to know what the ffb strength and weight would be on a higher end wheel...ex. If iam running 50% ffb strength would the resistance on yours feel the same at 60-70%? 

I know yours is far better in the ffb effects.  I wish there was a way fanatec could seperate the ffb effects from the resistance weight.  My only option ATM on a majority of games is using drift mod to lighten the rim...tho the rf1 ui 1.02 used in wtcc13 allows me to play with multiple ingame ffb features which I quit enjoyed 

Sun, 11/24/2013 - 16:24
KnightofRedemption's picture
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I think one of the big issues is the Devs only can work with their own mods, and with the kit they have. I know ISI have actual drivers of the vehicles help to tune the FFB...then the great unwashed jump in and say it's all wrong...The F2 is a classic example of that, many say it's too light, yet the actual F2 driver says it feels very close to his RL experience...What can you do LOL I have seen a few conversations about FFB and people posting their settings, all different and some so far off the mark, using things that are just wrong (belt users using smoothing, dropping the FFB on wheel rather than in Sim and settings that clip the FFB) But the posters feel it works for them.

Then you have some that have simvibe setups that don't want to feel track vibrations through the wheel, motion rig users, an endless variation of it amazes me we ever get anything to keep everyone happy.

Once you add in third party mods into the mix...well it just gets more complicated still.

Then you have different Devs using different ways of getting those FFB signals, canned FX, real time FX...If only we could wave a magic wand, merge all the dev teams and make one kick arse best of everything and everyone sim...

Sun, 11/24/2013 - 17:47
kurupt's picture
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Sadly they were back in the day until there egos outgrew one another....sadly I feel ATM simbin with there new ownership will be joining the likes of t10 & polyphone as they look to fill the needs of the masses and said there's no money in hardcore sims :( but time will tell ? 

Sun, 11/24/2013 - 18:32
KnightofRedemption's picture
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Yes they are being very closed mouthed about what they are up to...They are actively recruiting, so must be up to something...You know what I would love to see? A next gen TOCA, if ever there was a "Shut up and take my money" for me? That would be it.

Sun, 11/24/2013 - 19:30
kurupt's picture
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What really is surprising to me is that the current kings of touring cars simbin haven't even mentioned anything about current wtcc car content for RRE especially as the new owner is klause something owner of kw springs which is a major sponsor and supplier for the wtcc? I thought for sure going into this project that series would have been there primary focus and first content released but ATM the gt3 class seems to be there primary focus and RRE is currently at a stand still while they finalize the Dtm side 

Mon, 11/25/2013 - 06:50
KnightofRedemption's picture
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I suppose it is just possible that the "secret" project may be Touring Car related...We can but hope.

Mon, 11/25/2013 - 11:26
kurupt's picture
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What's this secret project you speak of ? :)

Mon, 11/25/2013 - 15:41
KnightofRedemption's picture
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It's on their insider site as part of the recruitment blurb, a project they cant talk about yet...I quote from there.

We don’t want to kid you: while our work is deeply connected with our passion for racing and games, the road ahead SimBin is challenging. We have much to say about what we are building now, but unfortunately cannot yet disclose it publicly. All we can say is that its bigger, bolder and more beautiful than what we’ve ever done, and that every day we try to take one step ahead towards what we hope to offer soon to every person who likes speed. We have made a big promise to ourselves, and standing by to it every day is our challenge.

So something is brewing...

Mon, 11/25/2013 - 15:59
kurupt's picture
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I ve read and heard that line many times from them.  I pretty positive that line was directed to the Dtm project other than that I haven't anything else.  That haven't hinted or released anything new to us....hell they don't even give us much info 

Thu, 11/28/2013 - 11:41
KnightofRedemption's picture
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Well if lap times are anything to go on we have another close race on our hands this week, makes such a change over the other leagues I race with where I am struggling to keep up with grids full of aliens. Or maybe it's just I am much better in FWD, but whatever I really look forward to our races more than any other, small they maybe, but bucket loads of fun :)

Thu, 11/28/2013 - 17:27
tartan_special's picture
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Real nice not having that weight penalty 18

Think I've got my setups ready.

Hopefully should have a better race this time round, couple of nice tight corners followed by 6th gear straights to catch back up 84.

Thu, 11/28/2013 - 17:46
kurupt's picture
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Spent some time getting the a4 tuned properly and found out a little about the car that I never did in my setups.  Should be a good race, I MSG some yanks that had partaked in the past inviting them as it's a holiday in the states so hopefully a few can make it.

Thu, 11/28/2013 - 19:04
KnightofRedemption's picture
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Damn forgot about weight...okay not so close then...Have to see where I am tomorrow.

Thu, 11/28/2013 - 21:48
kurupt's picture
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Nice lap mate! Unfortunately mine was with no ballast, iam averaging low 1.03s which is currently on par with the rest of the field.  Looks like I'll be hoping on you cooking your tires and a mistake....or go to plan b and give ya a bump if I get the chance and blame it on lag ;) 

anyways excited to run tomorrow 

Fri, 11/29/2013 - 09:12 (Reply to #567)
KnightofRedemption's picture
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kurupt wrote:

Nice lap mate! Unfortunately mine was with no ballast, iam averaging low 1.03s which is currently on par with the rest of the field.  Looks like I'll be hoping on you cooking your tires and a mistake....or go to plan b and give ya a bump if I get the chance and blame it on lag ;) 

anyways excited to run tomorrow 

So was mine, so my time will drop to. I think Mango and Church will be tough to beat here, neither carrying weight. Tarten is also going to be up there. Just have to hope they get in each others way. I think you and I are on 35kg Kurupt?

Fri, 11/29/2013 - 09:35 (Reply to #568)
Mangoletsi's picture
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Unfortuneately, I finished 3rd overall at Rockingham, so I'm carrying 25Kg ballast.


Fri, 11/29/2013 - 06:52
Mangoletsi's picture
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Completely forgot what was said last week.

  1. Are we or are we not changing the qualifying time period from 10 minutes, down to 5 minutes.
  • Are we running AI or not running AI. (Full grid of AI's not tested, may cause LAG! )


I need to make the changes before everyone joins the server tonight.

Fri, 11/29/2013 - 09:40
KnightofRedemption's picture
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So you did...Ah well we're all be chasing Church then.

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