Anybody on the pc version yet?

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Mon, 01/27/2014 - 07:40
fignuts81's picture
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Yep, just plain Minecraft, no mods.

Mon, 01/27/2014 - 13:39
GUL74's picture
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I'm still playing on PC s/n is GUL1974 

Mon, 01/27/2014 - 14:34
Oldschool 2o4f's picture
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Mon, 01/27/2014 - 20:16
fignuts81's picture
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Sorry it took so long. Just got home from work/gym. Everyone who posted should be good to go.

Tue, 01/28/2014 - 01:54
GUL74's picture
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Hey Fig would it be worth setting up a paypal acct and we all could throw $5.00 in to keep it up and running ?

Tue, 01/28/2014 - 06:07
Oldschool 2o4f's picture
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Sounds like a plan!

LOL, Gul and I huddled together in a hut during what had to be the longest damn storm I've ever experienced in Minecraft, with me starved out and desperate. I finally downed three or four rotten meats and our last fish and that healed me up, oh, and just as the storm finished, the sun went back down...sigh.

On a fashion note, we're both sporting confiscated gold armor pantaloons, quite stylish! You'd be surprised what you can kill with a stick when you're motivated.

But...I think we might have a decent spot to start a proper outpost at least a bit due south of where we spawned. Horses, water, sheep, deseert further south of us, and a few small cave openings close by with coal to start up. It's kinda flat, but other than that it's a nice view.

Later we can push out and locate a few other biomes we need to locate. Swamp for one, need cubes for slime.

Also need to locate  abit of iron for a damn water bucket so I can get farming up and running.

I have a picture of my "greeenhouse" on my PC if I can ever post it, it's flat out huge.

Fig, we need to find you in there as well! I think the huts roughly at 220 - 246 ish? Should put you well within sight of the prairie hut.

Tue, 01/28/2014 - 07:40
fignuts81's picture
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There is a swamp next to my shack. I didn't write the coordinates down, but I can let you know after next time i'm on.

Tue, 01/28/2014 - 07:48
fignuts81's picture
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The plan is to keep this up indefinitely. If you want to help ou though my paypal email is

Tue, 01/28/2014 - 23:40 (Reply to #69)
GUL74's picture
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fignuts81 wrote:

The plan is to keep this up indefinitely. If you want to help ou though my paypal email is


Do you have the paypal thing this way all I gotta do is add the $5.00

Tue, 01/28/2014 - 20:03
DirtyKielbasa's picture
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Its been awhile since I hopped on but I would like to get back on. S/N     Dirtykielbasa

Tue, 01/28/2014 - 20:19
fignuts81's picture
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You're good to go Dirty

Thu, 01/30/2014 - 08:36
Oldschool 2o4f's picture
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Okay, "day two", took over a village, walled it off, isolated it, begged borrowed and stole for torches, OMG where's the coal!

Took over the forge building, remodeled and added a second story, went from cobblestone to stone and brick, OMG where's the coal?!

Considering a tower, you know, for the view...

And then Gul has an unfortunate encounter with a creeper, and I quote "damn creeper", which resulted in a two property remodel, umm consolidation(?) and what started out as somewhat confusing ended up surprisingly impressive.

Chicken pen has been initiated,need to rustle up some cows...we got all the wheat we'll ever need.

GUL insists I made a sheep trap, huh? And then I fell in it. I must say, I did a pretty good job(?)

Oh, and diamonds HAVE been found, finally, and yet the gold is surprisingly stingy so far....delaying opportunities for public transportation. ( I'm a rail cart junky so look out!)

Oh, and Fig will now be referred to as "Farmer John"...that's all I'm saying...

I haven't heard much out of the rest of you guys yet!

Fri, 01/31/2014 - 21:12 (Reply to #73)
GUL74's picture
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Oldschool 2o4f wrote:

Okay, "day two", took over a village, walled it off, isolated it, begged borrowed and stole for torches, OMG where's the coal!

Took over the forge building, remodeled and added a second story, went from cobblestone to stone and brick, OMG where's the coal?!

Considering a tower, you know, for the view...

And then Gul has an unfortunate encounter with a creeper, and I quote "damn creeper", which resulted in a two property remodel, umm consolidation(?) and what started out as somewhat confusing ended up surprisingly impressive.

Chicken pen has been initiated,need to rustle up some cows...we got all the wheat we'll ever need.

GUL insists I made a sheep trap, huh? And then I fell in it. I must say, I did a pretty good job(?)

Oh, and diamonds HAVE been found, finally, and yet the gold is surprisingly stingy so far....delaying opportunities for public transportation. ( I'm a rail cart junky so look out!)

Oh, and Fig will now be referred to as "Farmer John"...that's all I'm saying...

I haven't heard much out of the rest of you guys yet!


I was worried what you were going to do with those


Yeah my place is pretty sweet and thanks for the help 

Thu, 01/30/2014 - 12:57
x77x's picture
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I started last night.  Wouldn't you know I logged in just as night started.  Luckily I was able to hid in a very nice house at spawn until the sun came up. (BTW the beds are too close to wall.  Can't sleep because "Monsters too close" even though the creepers were on the other side of fence four blocks away from bed.)

Harvested some wheat and replanted. (Thanks whoever setup that farm at spawn!)  Dug a pit.  Found a walled in village with no vilagers.  Where'd they go?

Hopefully I'll get some more time tonight!  :)

Fri, 01/31/2014 - 06:15 (Reply to #75)
Oldschool 2o4f's picture
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x77x wrote:

I started last night.  Wouldn't you know I logged in just as night started.  Luckily I was able to hid in a very nice house at spawn until the sun came up. (BTW the beds are too close to wall.  Can't sleep because "Monsters too close" even though the creepers were on the other side of fence four blocks away from bed.)

Harvested some wheat and replanted. (Thanks whoever setup that farm at spawn!)  Dug a pit.  Found a walled in village with no vilagers.  Where'd they go?

Hopefully I'll get some more time tonight!  :)

Sorry I didn't hang around last night, had a screaming headache and retreated to a nice warm bed and lotsa darkness. Settled it right down.

Are you building on the hill next to the lake? I saw you were doing your lumberjack thing pretty well. Also, are you building a clay house? I haven't tried one of those yet, they say hardened clay is kinda nice and about as sturdy as cobblestone.

Oh, BTW, The cow farm is going so well I'm going to need to either expand the corral or reduce the herd. Am going to start on an enchanting table soon so I think the herd may flucuate.

Gold 4 more gold ingots yesterday, jeez, everything's been forthcoming EXCEPT gold. I got 6 whole ingots...not a good start to a train track.

Fri, 01/31/2014 - 12:12 (Reply to #76)
x77x's picture
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That's ok.  I wasn't online for long.  Made a rookie mistake.  Went AFK while I was in a "safe" room.  Baby Zombie found his way in through a one square broken wall and killed me.  By time I got back to where I died all my stuff was timed out and disappeared.  :(

Thu, 01/30/2014 - 13:03
DirtyKielbasa's picture
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Internet at home is down. Hoping to be on Saturday morning
Fri, 01/31/2014 - 10:28
I6_Hitman's picture
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Hey guys,

I've recently got REALLY into this game. I started up a server on my PC for me and my friends.

add me to the access list and i'll join you guys. PC s/n is i6Hitman

Fri, 01/31/2014 - 11:06
Oldschool 2o4f's picture
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Thinking about setting up a "central hub" (think Grand Central Station) in the middle of all the houses for ease of travel. If the game will start giving up it's gold. Redstone's been no problem so far.

Fri, 01/31/2014 - 12:50
Oldschool 2o4f's picture
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That's rough.

Get Gul to tell you about the time he was on Facebook and one of those AND a spider jumped him. I was standing there and he got attacked so I start going after the lil zombie and the things so damn fast I'm swinging away and it's bouncing around and he's not moving, much, and I finally get it about the time he realizes he's in sheep dip and then the spider drops off a roof on us.

Fri, 01/31/2014 - 14:53
shamrogue's picture
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Add me please. i`m getting back into it again. 

Name shamrogue

Fri, 01/31/2014 - 17:16
fignuts81's picture
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I'll add you guys when I get home this evening.

Fri, 01/31/2014 - 17:48
GUL74's picture
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Oldschool and I found a village nice farm going just started a nether and I just found a bunch of quartz 

Fri, 01/31/2014 - 20:05
fignuts81's picture
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Sham and Hitman are good to go. 

Sat, 02/01/2014 - 10:08 (Reply to #85)
shamrogue's picture
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fignuts81 wrote:

Sham and Hitman are good to go. 

Thanks, I`ll try and get on later.

What to do? What to build? Oh the thaughts of starting over AGAIN.frown

Sun, 02/02/2014 - 12:38
GUL74's picture
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I use this site for ref cause I can't remember incase you all need it here ya go

Sun, 02/02/2014 - 14:58
shamrogue's picture
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Yeah that is a useful site, I must go there more often. Seem to have forgotten everything cept how to die.


Thanks for the help last night guys, that skeleton was the last straw. Will start again soon, when I put the wife to bed.

Mon, 02/03/2014 - 07:17
Oldschool 2o4f's picture
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Okay, enough with the rain, the madness has begun! (I'm running up to 8 buckets of lava a trip)

If you're curious, just take a look down the hill from the portal.

This might take a couple days... what's the recipe for a parachute?

Mon, 02/03/2014 - 21:01
Wed, 02/05/2014 - 18:50
x77x's picture
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That is real dedication to staying dry. :)

anyone know why there is lava near the railroad in spawn area?

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